Use of natural and production valorization concept on an example of river Ochoża valley

The research presents the attempt of natural and production valorization of melioration object Ochoża. It is aimed to evaluate the anthropogenic transformation effects and current swamp habitat. At current valorization, these habitats were considered as corrected taking into account the soil process, soil formation and humidity level. There are soil types: peat-mursh, mineral-mursh, gley and chernozems. Potential valorization results were based on an idea of prognostic humidity-soil complexes. Phytosociological records serving for natural valorization were made within valley bottom. Evaluation of habitat’s current agricultural value for peat-mursh soil corresponds to III bonitation class. There are soil-ecological units classified to V bonitation class with very low efficiency and performance value of the sward on the other part of the object. Area of river Ochoża is of moderate natural value, which results from the simplification and generalization of valorization procedure as well as management of part of valley bottom and long-term soil drying. ...

The activity of soil respiration in selected plant communities and cereal crops in the Kurówka river Valley (Protection zone of NNP)

The respiration rate activity in the soil were examined in the vegetative season in 2005 in the Kurówka River basin in three transects comprising twenty four sites. The transects were developed from the terrain elevation towards the Kurówka River and covered arable lands with rye and wheat, shrub and meadow communities, sedge rushes, and willow shrubs. On the study area sandy and clay soil with organic soil on the Kurówka River floodplain The plant communities were investigated using the commonly applied method of Braun-Blanquet including modifications by Matuszkiewicz (2001). In arbitrarily selected points, phytosociological 32 releves were executed. Nomenclature of species was taken from the Checklist of vascular plants of Poland (Mirek et al. 1995). The respiration rate activity in the soil was examined using the OxiTop® - Control system (WTW). The results were determined as the amount of oxygen consumption taken by aerobic organisms in the soil samples incubated during 12 hours in 20. Organic matter level were examined by Ostrowska et al. method (1991) Preliminary results of the respiration rate activity show that damp sites, characterised by a high respiration rate, comprised fresh and damp meadows (with dominant Glyceria maxima and Phragmites australis) in the summer and autumn ...

Springs of the Roztocze escarpment zone: the diversity of plant cover vs. environment quality

Field studies of springs were conducted in the years 1997−2008. They aimed to present the phytocoenotic and floristic diversity of springs of the Roz-tocze escarpment zone on the background of hydrogeochemistry of effluences, and to evaluate the degree of their naturality or antropogenization in relation to springs’ location (objects in forest vs. non-forest areas, particularly in rural ones), as well as to answer the question whether spring protection as nature monuments is effective. The study springs are accompanied by a specific set of species of vascular plants and bryophytes, representing different groups of krenophytes. Small spring niches are usually overgrown with communities of Cardamine amara-Chrysosplenium alternifolium and Cardamino-Beruletum erecti dominated by few species belonging to obligatory and/or facultative kreno-phytes. Along spring water effluences, patches of Glycerietum plicatae commu-nity are common. The presence of krenophytes indicates a high quality of the en-vironment of the Roztocze escarpment zone. In the large niches of vauclusian springs there also occur phytocoenoses dominated by synusia of tall macroforbs, e.g. Epilobium hirsutum, Mentha longifolia, Scrophularia umbrosa, Urtica dioica, Eupatorium cannabinum, Cirsium oleraceum. In rural areas, under the influence of the antropopressure (trodding, grazing, etc.) there occur nitrophi-lous carpet communities consisting of Poa annua, Lolium perenne, Plantago ...


In the Tuchola Pinewoods, one of the regions with a high forestation rate, the agricultural function is also performed. Most non-woodland areas are covered by arable fields, frequently also set-aside land. The existing meadows the phytocoenoses from the alliance Calthion are mostly developing here. Another meadow type, including fresh meadows, are sporadic. To demonstrate their phytosociological structure in the Tuchola Pinewoods, 512 phytosociological relevés, taken in 2006-2017, in non-woodland habitats of the area: in meadows, set-aside land and roadsides, were analyzed. More than half of the material analyzed were the records made from meadows, about 30% from set-aside land, and the others - from roadsides.From the entire pool, only in 63 relevés the phytocoenoses related to fresh meadows were identified, however, a vast majority was situated on roadsides. The material analyzed facilitates determining 11 syntaxa in a form of plant associations and communities. Those are mostly various forms of the association Arrhenatheretum elatioris, the community Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra, and the community Festuca rubra. The cross-section of phytocoenoses of the alliance Arrhenatherion, distinguished for the area, supplement the commonly grass-dominated community with Dactylis glomerata, with Antoxanthum odoratum and with Holcus lanatus. A special attention must be paid to, commonly considered to ...