Forecasting the potential evpotranspiration In the orchard with thr numerical weather forecast

Numerical weather forecasts have reached the acuraccy and reliability level that their results can be used as a replacement for the measurements of weather parameters when the availability of the latter is limited. Here we present the application of the COAMPS numerical weather forecast model to prediction of the potential evapotranspiration ET0. ET0 is computed using the data from the model. Also a hybrid model with part of the data coming from the model and part of the data from the measurements was used. Additionally a machine learning methods were used to improve model skill. The results show that application of the simulated data gives very good agreement of the predicted ET0 with that computed using measurement data. Hybrid models are slightly better than the purely simulation-based and machine learning allows for further improvement od the ET0 models.     ...

Evapo application – a tool for determining evapotranspiration by fao – penman – monteith method

The paper presents an application to calculate the daily reference evapotranspiration values (ETo), understood as the amount of evaporation from the lawn surface fully developed, growing on the soil, which provides optimal growth conditions. The presented application allows to determine the ETo value for any location for given geographic coordinates and location above sea level on the basis of daily values of air temperature, saturation deficit, wind speed and relative sunshine. As the input data there are also variables such as psychometric constant dependent on the location above sea level and atmospheric pressure, the maximum vapor pressure and the slope vapor pressure deficit dependent on temperature, extraterrestrial radiation dependent on sequent day number of the year, which in Evapo application are determined automatically based on given geographical information. The application allows to analyze evapotranspiration variability during particular years and months. Basing on 30 years of meteorological data the values of evapotranspiration for the Vancouver and Wrocław - Swojec was calculated and exemplary analysis was performed using the presented application. ...