The use of reactive materials in rainwater management in urban residential

Air pollution, noise, omnipresent traffic and the accompanying stress make an adverse effect on human life in the city. In addition, buildings and related umpermeable surfaces, enhance the urban heat island effect and cause problems with the management of rainwater. Therefore, modern housing developments must meet the challenge of ensuring a high quality of life for residents. This effect can be achieved by putting on the green, including green roofs, and the construction of ponds in the form of rainwater management systems. Another challenge is to maintain the quality of water in the reservoir. The paper presents the results of two reactive materials laboratory scale tests, for their use in order to maintain the level of phosphorus in the water. According to the FLL guidelines (2011) for swimming ponds, phosphorus concentration below 0.01 mg/L will provide transparent and visually attractive water. Studies have shown that the opoka turned out to be more effective sorbent for phosphorus than dedicated to this goal commercial product FerroSorp®. ...