Standard of living in agricultural areas in ƚwietokrzyskie voivodeship (Poland)

By using the synthetic index this dossier represents a trial to identify the living standards of populations in agricultural parts of swietokrzyskie voivodeship. The construction of this index is based on surveying elements describing different human needs. The selection of surveying elements was dictated by quite a limited collection of accessable statistics data. However preliminary characteristics (using only a few elements) indicates various differences in living standards of analysed population. Translating this data, the standard of living for human being can be categorised into needs and activities; those needs must be met to a satisfactory level. In the research internal and external factors of living standard are taken into consideration. In the dossier lots of attention is focused on internal factors such as housing, communal and social infrustructure and population problem. The researched area is a part of Malopolska Upland in south-east of Poland. Kielecko-Sandomierska Upland with Swietokrzyskie Mountains (Holy Cross Mountains), Niecka Nidzianska and Przedborska Upland are the three makroregions which are parts of Malopolska Upland. The analysed voivodeship is subdivided into 102 communes (gminy), 13 counties (powiaty) and 1 city county (powiat grodzki). Calculated index of living standards in swietokrzyskie voivodeship comprises between 0.62 to 1.90. The carried ...

Evaluation of existing condition of the social infrastructure based on the questionnaire survey conducted in schools

The paper presents condition of the social infrastructure allowing of edu-cation. The researches were carried in chosen rural administrative units in the following Provinces: Malopolska, Lodz, and Podkarpackie. The level of infra-structural equipment in these regions was fixed on the open-ended questionnaire. It was directed to the pupils of primary schools. The researches were carried in Przylek and Jazwiny (rural area), Wieclawice Stare (suburban zone) and city of Krakow. The survey form has open-ended and closed-ended questions. There were two important problems. The first concerns the social infrastructure, the second a technical backup for the additional classes/lessons. The pupils could propose their own ideas and suggestions in the openended questions. Such infrastructural analysis is a good basis to apply for co-financing of the leaded educational investments from commune’s resources or EU funds. Recognition of the quality of infrastructural equipment is fundamental for strategic decision making in managing bodies. The role and significant of regional development and planning procedures are systematically rising. From the 1999 there is a new territorial division in Poland. It requires a new, actual stocktaking of local resources, in particular- infrastructure. There is also a need to adapt a Polish model of regional development ...

Development of infrastructure based on the example of selected rural communes

The existing technical and social infrastructure greatly affects the quality of life of inhabitants and the development of rural areas. This development is hin-dered mainly by a shortage of funds. Following Poland's accession to the Euro-pean Union, the chances of acquiring funds have increased. The main beneficiar-ies include the poorest and most poorly developed communes. The aim of this paper is to show the development of technical and social infrastructure in rural communities such as: GietrzwaƂd, Stawiguda, Dywity, Jonkowo and Purda after Polish accession to the European Union. The focus is on infrastructure networks, water, sewage, the types and number of educational institutions, as well as the types and number of sports and recreation. Also examinedsource of funding for ongoing investment in the division's own resources, derived from national and European Union. According to the research, it is not always dependent on the funds acquired from foreign sources. ...