Habitat conditions of sisymbrio-stipetum capillate and koelerio-festucetum sulcatae steppe plant associations in the Ostoja NidziaƄska specially protected area

Vascular flora of the investigated plant associations is characterized by a considerable biodiversity, unique character and occurrence of protected and threatened species, therefore playing an important role in the natural environment and being an important element of shaping the natural landscape. The assessment of the requirements of edaphic species of the investigated associations allowed for a characterization of the soil habitat as soils with granulometric composition from rubble, scree and gravel to sandy loams and silt deposits. These are mainly moderately poor (mesotrophic) to poor (oligotrophic) soils, prevailingly alkaline (pH>7), dry or to a lesser extend fresh. Climatic conditions in the presented habitat are characterized by full or moderate insolation. They are thermally privileged areas or moderately warm. ...