Analysis of manure storage types on the example selected farms in the Paśmiechy village

The aim of the study was the analysis of types of the storage of livestock manure from farms in the typical agricultural village. The research was conducted in the Paśmiechy village, Kazimierza Wielka commune. The field research range included an inventory of the farms areas and existing manure warehouse facilities. Among the farm group also carried out the questionnaire survey which referred to types of manure storage from agricultural production and planned investments and modernization.Based on the results analysis it was found that livestock density in livestock units totaled 150.7 LU. It was calculated that the density of animals produce the total of 4198.4 tons of manure and 8642.1 m3 of liquid manure and dung water per year. Despite the so large amount of excreta, the farms do not have the facilities for warehousing and storage of natural fertilizers. As many as 74% of the surveyed farmers stores the manure directly on the ground. However, a statement of intent to modernize or construction of dunging gutter and tanks for liquid manure or dung water had made 52% of the surveyed households. ...