Preliminary qualitative and quantitative evaluation of bottom sediments of the side part of the storage reser-voir ‘‘Besko” on the river Wisłok

The storage reservoir “Besko” on the River Wisłok consists of two part: the main part, on the River Wisłok (volume of about 11 mln m3), and the other one, the side part, on the River Czernisławka – contributory of the River Wisłok (volume of about 3 mln m3). The research covered this side part of the reservoir. Physical properties of the bottom sediments were determined among others the granulometric composition according to Prószyński by use of two method: with addition of a deffloculant Na2CO3 and without, showing significant differences. Chemical properties were also determined among others the pH reaction, percentage content of organic particles and also presence of heavy metals – cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, lead, zinc – and depending on it sediments were qualified for agriculture use. According to preliminary results the bottom sediments belong to first degree or not higher than second of chemical pollution what qualifies them for agriculture use and improvement of agricultural grounds. According to the accepted Polish standards either all agricultural crops (at zero pollution) or at the second degree of pollution with heavy metals, fodder crops, root crops can be cultivated or this grounds can be used as pastures. Increments of sediments in ...

The preliminary analysis of silting conditions of the storage reservoir Otmuchów localised in upland region

The authors performed the preliminary analysis of the silting conditions of the reservoir Otmuchów. The specific of this reservoir is it's geographic localiza-tion in catchment and hydrotechnic functions. The reservoir Otmuchów-Nysa cascade is localized in the middle sector of the Nysa Kłodzka river in south-west, upland region of the Opole District. The main characteristic of the amount of se-diments settled in the reservoir, the physical sediment properties for different re-servoir zones are presented. The authors have also analyzed the silting conditions in this reservoir, and the changes of the reservoir capacit.     ...