Determining of strength and character spatial autocorrelation on basis global I Moran’s in agricultural infrastructure of south and south-east Poland

Spatial statistics is the newest branch of statistics dealing with an analysis of spatial data, and with further description and the investigation of spatial phe-nomena. The methodology of the investigations of spatial phenomena differs from the methodology of the classic statistics, although it was based on methods of clas-sic statistics.The explanation of phenomena considered in the time requires a look in one direction (the past -the future), meanwhile the explanation of phenomena con-sidered in the space requires glances in all directions simultaneously. The opinion of the spatial autocorrelation requires the knowledge on the degree and the speci-ficity of the spatial variety, consisting in differentiation the characteristics of indi-vidual places and geographical regions. The variety appears intensity and the di-rection of the formation of spatial processes. Considering the Tobler's rule [1970] called first right of geography, it can be supposed, that: „all objects are related with themselves, and strength these connections diminishes with the growth of the distance between them". Many of researchers signaled Tobler's rule in the inves-tigations of the multifunctional development of rural areas [Krakowiak-Bal 2005; Woźniak, Sikora 2005] and economic geography [Domański 1988]. ...