Use of nrcs composite unit hydrograph and conceptual Wackerman’s model for simulation of flood hydrograph in uncontrolled catchment

Plural number of small and uncontrolled catchments tends to find methods, which allow describing water resources. In case of catchments, in which there is no hydrological information some indirect methods are used: analytical which are loaded of big error, or lately increasingly popular mathematical models.The aim of the paper was to describe maximum flows with probability of exceed: 0,5%, 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 50% in uncontrolled catchment of Sielski Potok, with use of conceptual Wackerman's model and NRCS composite unit hydrograph, for two level of catchment's moisture.The results show differences in maximum flow values. In case of Wackerman's model the typical flood hydrograph for mountainous river were got, but in NRCS-UH, the flood hydrograph does not fully give mountainous character of Sielski Potok river. In both methods with probability increase, the values of maxi-mum flows decreased. ...