Future of ombrogenic forest marshland areas

Field studies have been carried out on marshland areas in the Promotion Forest Complex Rychtalskie Forest. Marshland areas are characterized by very large water storage capacities. Total annual outflow is relatively small - about 4% of a total annual precipitation and it occurs only in winter half-year and in May. Ground water levels lie shallow, about 1 m under the surface area. The forecast of water condition change in the investigated areas, expressed by ground water changes, was based on negative trend of precipitation. It has been assumed that, essential changes on marshland area ecosystems will occur, when - average ground water levels come down by about 50% of the present state. It has been es-timated that it will happen after around 100 years. Pragmatic actions should aim to totally stop water outflow from these areas. It was found that surface water had better water quality than ground water. First of them had the results in the interval ranging from the border of detect ability to the upper limit of the 2nd class of purity whereas second to the 5th class of purity. In surface waters the parameter with the poorest value in all seasons was chemical oxygen demand (ChZT). ...