Soil mites (Acari) in the cultivation of strawberries mulched with wood chips

The aim of the research was to determine the population density and group composition of soil mites (Acari), and in particular the species composition of oribatid mites (Oribatida), on strawberry plantations mulched with wood chips. Field studies were conducted in the experimental field of the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice in 2011-2012. The plots selected for examination were mulched with wood chips as follows: ZC - chips without additives, ZT - chips with the addition of the biopreparation TSB (unidentified Gram-negative rod bacteria), ZG - addition of the biopreparation 7GII (unidentified Actinobacteria). The control plot was a patch of grass near the experimental plots.On the plots examined, the most abundant were oribatid mites, 16.11-18.84 thousand indiv.∙m-2. They accounted for 64.3% of all the mites in the grass patch, but significantly more of them (86.8-89.5%) were found on the strawberry plantations mulched with wood chips. A total of 17 species of oribatid mites were identified on the strawberry plots, but only 9 in the nearby patch of grass. Punctoribates punctum dominated in the grass-covered soil, while the dominant species in the mulched soil were Ramusella mihelcici or Tectocepheus velatus (depending on the experimental combination) .The high abundance and species diversity of ...

Seasonal dynamics of the occurrence of soil mites (Acari) on strawberry plantations mulched with wood chips and in a nearby patch of grass

The study was conducted in the experimental field of the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, on strawberry plantations mulched with wood chips and in a nearby patch of grass. Seasonal dynamics (in spring, summer, and autumn) of the occurrence of soil mites (Acari), especially of oribatid mites (Oribatida), were studied on 6 occasions during the seasons in 2011-2012.Already in the first season of the study, high numbers of mites - 26.91 thousand indiv. • m-2, were found in the mulched soil of the strawberry plantations. Among these arachnids, the predominant group were oribatid mites (98.2%). The density of mites, especially of the Oribatida, in the wood chips during the vegetative period was more uniform than in the grass patch. The mulch used in the experiment provided favourable environmental conditions for the development of most Oribatida species.There were 12 species of Oribatida found on the strawberry plantations, and 9 in the nearby grass patch. The number of species in the grass-covered soil ranged from 5 to 8 in the successive seasons. In the wood chips, by comparison, there were 7 taxa at the beginning of the study, and at the end of the cycle the number increased to 11. The differences ...


The aim of the study was to analyze the presence of mites (Acari), with special focus on indicator oribatid mites (Oribatida), in control pine wood chips and pine wood chips enriched with peat and lignite inoculated with forest litter and irrigated. The study was conducted in 2013 on microplots (1 x 1 m) located within a belt of trees in a nursery in Białe Błota. The experiments included the following variants: C - pine wood chips, Ec - pine wood chips inoculated with forest litter, Ec+Pe - pine wood chips enriched with deacidified high peat (20%) (pH 5.5-6.5) and inoculated with forest litter, Ec+Ca - pine wood chips enriched with granulated lignite (20%) (granule size 1-10 mm) inoculated with forest litter.The addition of forest litter caused an increase in total number of mites in the control pine wood chips and those enriched with peat. Mites belonging to Mesostigmata order prevailed in control chips and those enriched with forest litter and peat, while Oribatida were dominant mites in the other variants. Considering the results for the entire year, 20% addition of peat and lignite negatively affected the presence of oribatid mites, thus indicating a reduced biological activity of the substrates. The ...


The number and groups of mites (Acari) and species composition of oribatid mites (Oribatida) were analysed in three different substrates used for the restoration of degraded soils: (1) pine forest litter, (2) apple orchard litter, and (3) pine chips. The study was conducted in the years 2011-2012, on microplots of the area of 1m2, established in a belt of trees of a nursery in Białe Błota (Bydgoszcz Forest District). Average biannual mite density per 50 cm3 of the investigated substrates ranged from 14.6 to 54.43 individuals. The highest numbers of mites were found in shredded forest litter and the lowest in pine chips. The most abundant mites in the studied material were oribatid mites, accounting for 57.3 % of these arthropods. The highest number of oribatid mites was found in the forest litter (28), and the lowest (20) in pine chips. The number of species in both types of litter was similar in the first and second year of the study, but it rose three times in the pine chips substrate over the study period. Oribatid species in the litter substrates were dominated by the eurytopic Tectocepheus velatus, and the most abundant species in the pine chips substrate was Oribatula ...