Zeszyt: 2010, vol. 7 / 09

Mgr Grzegorz Wierzbicki

Geomorphological river channel mapping as part of mountain streams’ environmental evaluation – the case of the Eastern Carpathians

Two small catchments with features typical for the region were choosen in the Outer Eastern Carpathians (Bieszczady Mountains in Poland and Gorgany Mountains in Ukraine). Geomorphological river channel mapping was carried out. Author presented the results as the structure and typology of the stream channel and used them for environmental evaluation of mountains streams for 3 theoretical purposes: geotouristics, ichtiology and fitosociology. The method could be used in many aspects of environmental evaluation of river valleys in mountains, especially retailed with the abiotic component.     ...

Dr inż. Anna Lenar-Matyas

Dr inż. Marta Łapuszek

Michel Lafon

Christine Poulard

The rivers and streams restoriation techniques in the varied ways of their mana-gement

Dependly on the the land-use management, there are different technics of river training. The main aim of river training is floods mitigation. However, these activities often were done without any respect on the basic principle on keeping the ecological continuity of river corridor. In the current paper we present four types of trained river cross-sections, depend on their shapes, the material which forms them, and the condition for fauna and flora. There are also performed the patterns of the regulated channels, which are located in the different kind of urban area. For the selected trained river courses, which are located in the Upper Wisła catchment, the possibility of restoration has been analyzed.     ...

Dr Krystian Obolewski

Mgr inż. Marcin Miller

Inż. Adam Gardzielewski

Restitution project of oxbow-lake in the example of the Słupia river valley

In this study the project of technical solutions applied in the renaturation of three oxbow lakes in the Słupia river basin is presented. The aim of those treatments is to restore more natural characteristic of the river by the protection of various river basin elements. The project is focused on the reconstruction of permanent connection between the Słupia River and oxbow lakes. That would enable their irrigation, improvement of physico-chemical conditions and also would create habitats favorable for various hydrobiont groups. The plan of hydrotechnical treatments is accompanied by the model of monitoring for the sake of verification of ecological changes. Thanks to multivariate environmental research it is possible to reveal those changes and to elaborate methods of oxbow lake protection against terrestrialisation and disappearance. The final effect of the project will be the mathematical model of oxbow lake restoration consisting of many submodels of environmental conditions (hydrology, hydrochemistry) as well as plant and animal ecological formations (e.g. invertebrates, macrophytes, bacterias).     ...

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ilnicki

Dr inż. Krzysztof Górecki

Dr Mirosław Grzybowski

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Dr inż. Piotr Lewandowski

Dr inż. Mariusz Sojka

Methodical conditions of the ecological status assessment of rivers on the basis of their hydromorphological elements

The Water Framework Directive requires all member states to make an as-sessment of the ecological status in natural, heavely modified and artificial water bodies. The evaluation includes biological elements, physico-chemical compounds of the water and hydromorphological elements (hydrological regime, river conti-nuity, river morphology and valley). In 2009 the Central Inspectorate of Environ-ment Protection in Warsaw accepted a new method of monitoring of the hydro-morphological elements in rivers (MHR), prepared by the authors. The MHR method involves the investigation of main rivers in all Polands (4508) identified water bodies, with a total length of about 75 000 km. This required a review of the investigation methods developed by polish and other member states in 1980-2000. Many international and local regulations, the accessibility of topographic and thematic maps in different scales, as well as data bases for rivers and canals were analysed. The possibility of preparation of different methods for rivers with different catchment areas, in different landscapes, categories and substrate types were studied. The methods used for the assessment of biological elements was examined and shown not to provide adequate information for the investigation of the hy-dromorphological elements. The assessment was based on the characterization of four elements which were ...

Dr hab. Tomasz Falkowski

Mgr inż. Piotr Ostrowski

Relief of the Pilica river valley between Inowłódz and Domaniewice and its relationship with the geological structure of alluvia basement

Investigations were carried out in the Pilica River valley between Inowłódz and Domaniewice. There are protrusions of the valley basement composed of Jurassic sandstones, as well as moraine deposits in the channel zone. They act as erosion resistant thresholds, resistant to the flood waters flows. The traces of the erosion and deposition of these flows exist on the floodplain surface, concealing traces of Holocene Pilica evolution.     ...

Mgr inż. Julia Dobrzańska

Dr hab. prof. SGGW Piotr Hewelke

Environmental evaluation of chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula in Warsaw

The aim of the study was an environmental evaluation of three chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula in Warsaw. Benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit lit-toral zone were used as bioindicators. They were collected using slag-filled mesh bags introduced substrate [PN-EN ISO 9391:2001]. The researches were con-ducted on the Gocławskie lake and on the Powsinkowskie and Wilanowskie lakes which form a complex. The researches revealed high richness and diversity of ma-croinvertebrates that inhabit studied oxbow lakes. High variation of invertebrates assemblage was assessed during conducted researches and within studied lakes. Due to identification of many taxa water quality assessed according to the BMWP-PL method was good and very good (Gocławskie: I class, Powsinkowskie and Wi-lanowskie: II class). Meanwhile Average Score Per Taxon index was not so high. Using Jaccard formula the highest similarity was obtained for the Gocławskie and the Wilanowskie lakes, then the Gocławskie and the Powsinkowskie. The lowest value of similarity was assessed for the Powsinkowskie and the Wilanowskie lakes which compose a lakes complex. This researches shows that chosen oxbow lakes are characterized by rich and diverse assemblage of benthic macroinvertebrates that can be an evidence of their high environmental value.     ...

Dr inż. Bartosz Jawecki

Mgr inż. Piotr Ostrowski

Water protection in polish environmental policy in 1990–2009

This article presented evaluation of execution of water protection in Polish Environmental Policy. Improvement of water quality and quantity was a effect of improve water management system, partnership in water protection on borderland, regulation of payment and fine mulct in water protection and management, development of small retention, arrangement of water and waste water manage-ment, amendment of water law, co-operation between water management, national economy and ecological education. Positive result of execution of water protection in Polish Environmental Policy, were notice. However, classification of the state of uniform river bodies, showed that most of Polish waters were included to category poor. That's why Poland should proceed activities in water protection.     ...

Dr hab. Tomasz Falkowski

Mgr inż. Piotr Ostrowski

Morphogenesis of the Vistula river valley floodplain in the vicinity of Magnuszew (middle course) estimation with usage of aero and satellite photographs

Paper presents some of results of remote sensing analysis, carried out in the middle Vistula River valley in the vicinity of Magnuszew. Study was carried out simultaneously with field geological setting of the floodplain and channel zone. The aim of investigations was recognition of the tendencies high water current concentration on the floodplain area and estimation the suitability of satellite photographs of high resolution in fluvial environment prognosis as well as mor-phogenesis model creation purposes. The investigations were carried out in the frame of the scientific project no. 2P04E06929 entitled "Significance of morpho-genetic factors in the development of habitat diversity of selected river valley stretches in the Polish Lowlands".     ...

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Ilnicki

Dr inż. Krzysztof Górecki

Dr Mirosław Grzybowski

Dr Alicja Krzemińska

Dr inż. Piotr Lewandowski

Dr inż. Mariusz Sojka

Monitoring and assessment of hydromorphological elements in polish rivers

The main ideas of a new MHR method for hydromorphological river survey and assessment were presented. It is a combination of the substance of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 and the European standard EN 14614. It takes into account the existing polish data basis, regulations from the Minister of Environ-ment, the Inspire and Reporting directives and the existing experience completed in the Central European countries by the monotoring and assessment of hydro-morphological elements in the last 25 years. The method is strength on the works done in Poland for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.The hydromorphological river assessment uses a hierarchic system which allows for the calculation of the ecological quality index. The system's basis is built by four elements: hydrological regime, river continuity, river morphology and the valley. Every element is described by some parameters and these by selected attributes. The separately calculated ecological quality index of elements and parameters allows to discover why the good ecological status was not obtained. The average index for all elements is the index of the water body. The investigations are based on existing topographical and orthophoto maps, data basis of the Institute for Meteorology and Water Management and the river ...

Mgr Dagmara Łysak

Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Piekut

Assessment of natural and agricultural values of meadows in Lasica canal valley of Kampinos National Park

Results of studies of natural-agricultural values of agricultural used mead-ows of Lasica canal of Kampinos National Park have been presented in the paper. Natural value was assessed on the base of floristic composition, site conditions, identified plants' communities and occurring valuable in natural regard plant and animal species. Agricultural value was assessed on the base of productivity and nutrition value of meadow phytocenosises calculated with Klapp botanical method (1974). Six floristic types was identified in analysed area: community with Alopecurus pratensis, Filipendula ulmaria/Valeriana officinalis, Ranunculus re-pens, Festuca rubra / Poa pratensis, Deschampsia ceaspiotsa, Anthoxantum odo-ratum, most of them were very simplified. Valorisation of Lasica canal meadow has proved that in agricultural respect their value was low, but in regard of site and species diversity preservation their natural value was high. In connection to actively protected birds occurring, preservation of actual meadow's natural values requires keeping of so far applied extensive agricultural management.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Bartnik

Dr inż. Leszek Książek

Mgr inż. Maciek Wyrębek

Hydraulic conditions of alluring stream occurrence for transom ladders

Detailed recommendations formulated by European Commission in 2007 introduce new regulations regarding the continuity of river channels. The existing hydraulic structures should be equipped with fish ladders in order to keep the fish restitution conditions and the new hydro-technical structures should assure tech-nical solutions that do not cause any change in hydro-morphological state. Ac-cording to the Fisheries Institute the following conditions of biological stability should be followed to keep the biological stability conditions for diadromic fishes:- an alluring stream criterion,- a terminal velocity criterion,- a criterion of admissible fish ladder filling,- a criterion of admissible loss Δh for the transom ladder discharge.The paper presents results of numerical modeling of 400-meter sector of a river that includes coated weir, small hydrostation and a fish transom ladder. The action taken concentrated on such formation of the discharge in the ladder and modification of the bed configuration in the hydro mouth that creates the alluring stream. Numerical modeling results were compared to results of calculations by empirical formula.     ...

Dr inż. Anna Janeczko-Mazur

Mgr inż. Maurycy Nowosielski

Mgr inż. Jacek Lisowski

The range of influence of suspension brought by the Miedzianka river to the Nysa Łużycka river

To determine the influence of suspension brought to the Nysa Łużycka River , an experiment was carried out involving a controlled discharge of mine waters to the Miedzianka River with the maintenance of the total concentration of suspension not exceeding the threshold value of 30 mg/l. The study concerned the qualitative and quantitative changeability of introduced load of suspension in the river section of approximately 110 km along 15 profiles of The Nysa Łużycka River. The study included the Nysa Łużycka sector from Sienawka to Łęknica. Developed no-mograms of discharge time worked out for data from the multiyear 1991-2008 comprised the basis for establishing the discharge time of the analysed sector of the Nysa Łużycka River which in turn determines the sampling of the river waters. The studies were conducted in the zones of low and high stream discharges. It was found that water discharged from mine to the Nysa Łużycka River after its treatment in highly efficient sewage treatment plants includes suspension of low sedimentation whose quantitative volume changes in the receiver are conditioned only by the process of dilution. The concentration of suspension which is maintained by the Nysa Łużycka River at low and mean discharges, above and ...

Prof. dr hab. Sadżide Murat-Błażejewska

Dr inż. Mariusz Sojka

Prof. dr hab. Antoni Przybył

Changes of the water quality and the fish structure in the lowland river in the year 2000–2009

In this work analysis and assessment of physico-chemical status and fish structure of the Mała Wełna River for a period of 2000-2009 are presented. Based on the values of oxygen indexes (dissolved oxygen, BOD5 and COD) and biogenic indexes (ammonia nitrogen, nitrate), noted during research period, waters of the Mała Wełna River was classified as moderate quality. Results of the fish structure study carried out on 7 reaches situated along course of the river showed that both abundance and biomass varied among particular measurements points (Shannon's index amount 0.9). Fish population was represented by 18 species, among them in 2008 pike constituted 47% of the biomass but the highest abundance showed sticklebed (32%) Among 18 species occurring in the waters of the studied river 15 of them were classified to a category of lower risk of endanger and 3 as en-danger species. Similar to water quality also ecological status of the river was evaluated as moderate.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Domagała

Dr inż. Robert Czerniawski

Dr Małgorzata Pilecka-Rapacz

Anthropogenic environmental threat of Drawa drainage

Work shows the results of research and observation of Drawa river basin in 2007-2009. We found that the study area are highly exposed to anthropogenic impact. As the main sources of adverse changes in the aquatic environment were: flow of agricultural and urban sewage into the waters, over-fertilization of soils and the large number of hydraulic engineering constructions hinder or completely prevent fish migration. The problem relates specifically to trout and salmon, for which the only one tributary - Płociczna is dam-free river, although in the upper parts of the river are also hindering the migration of fish. This also applies to its major tributaries: Młynówka and Cieszynka.     ...

Mgr inż. Justyna Chwedoruk

Dr hab. inż. Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz

Evaluation of the Toczna river valley transformation in the Olszanka commune

The object of the research was the upper part of the Toczna river valley (31 + 650 km of the course, surface 865.4 ha), located in the rural Olszanka Commune of Mazovian Voivodeship. Analysis of the water management and land use before and after 30 years from the river regulation were conducted as part of examinations. Archive data, method of putting data from topographical maps and ortofotomap in the ArcGIS program were used in the study. A valorisation of area was conducted with field method (2009-2010). Researches included analysis: scope of river regulation, condition of the irrigation infrastructure, land use, natural resources status and values of the agricultural space in the valley. Maps illustrating the reach and a scope of changes in the valley were drawn up. The river channel change in the upper stretch brought about the land use structure change, the arable land surface and meadow habitats increase. Grasslands are located in the narrow lane offshore channels of the river. According to the typological division they belong to the wet mineral meadow sites, they are characterised by the lowest productivity and the nutritional value. The lowest regulation scope was in the centre stretch of the river. On the ...

Mgr inż. Agnieszka Bańkowska

Mgr inż. Karolina Sawa

Dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Popek

Mgr inż. Michał Wasilewicz

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Żelazo

Study of river restoration projects on selected examples

This paper presented the characteristics of six chosen river restoration pro-jects, which three of them have been developed in Poland and single in Denmark, England and Germany. Five of that projects have been realized, in it one partly, however in one case conception project was presented. In selection of cases guided of their differentiation in regarding to project's aims, scale of investment and technical measures used. This was a base for analysis river restoration projects regarding to aims and scope of works. The main aim of river restoration is improvement of environmental, natural and landscape conditions, but in each pro-ject this aim is achieved by using different measures. The principle is that project includs of a number supplementary aims, therein connected with river's and val-ley's economic utilization, to which can by inter alia accepted improvement of flood protection, navigation condition technical infrastructure operating and development of tourism and recreation.     ...

Mgr Radosław Wróbel

Ecological spatial system of the Oder river valley in Opole province

River valleys are characterized by ones of the greatest natural advantages, realized a lot of significant functions in local natural systems. Due to large amo-unts of action taken in river valleys by the man, tied with developing them, mainly for the purposes of the flood control, economic, tourist, a lot from these areas it underwent significant transformations. Their basic functions in the natural system were disturbed. The purpose of the paper is determining the state and functioning of the Oder river valley in Opole province as the ecological corridor There were analysed an internal ecological structure of the Oder river valley in Opole province, understood as the arrangement of areas mutually tied together at a junction points (of biocentres) and of ecocological sequences (of corridors). Also basic barriers limiting functioning of the environmental spatial system of the Oder river valley as well as lowering the functionality of ecological corridor were identified. An effect of conducted studies is a model of connections and ecological relations of Oder river valley and a diagnosis of the existing currently state of the corridor of the Oder river valley in the Opole province. ...

Dr Krzysztof Badora

Environmental impact assessments of recon-struction of the Chróścice dam for Natura 2000 the special protected area Grądy Odrzańskie

Hydrotechnical investments in Natura 2000 areas may characterized potentially significant conflict for natural environmental values. For limitation of negative effects of its implementation it must be execute natural inventory and va-lorisation and next evaluation of impact for natural environment. Basic principle is prevention and restrict to losses in natural environmental. Eherever losses are inevitable it should be indicated methods of natural compensation. Evaluation of condition of natural values in The Chróścice Dam areas not indicate on an occur-rence of significant limitation for reconstruction of dam. Most conflict building works will run between flood embankments. To restore habitats of species protected in Natura 2000 Special Protected Areas Grądy Odrzańskie metods of natural compensation were proposed. Natural compensation was agreed with build designers. On the basis of investigation made sugestion, that natural values of Odra Valley are protected in reconstruction of The Chróścice Dam.     ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Bus

Preliminary evaluation assessment of the ecological status of small lowland river based on macrophyte method for river assessment

Since the Polish accession to European Union we are to obliged to carry out the river quality assessment by biological monitoring. The part of the assessment is a macrophyte-based methods used in the evaluation of the ecological status of rivers in respect of biodiversity. Macrophyte Method for River Assessment has been used since 2007 and provide us information about ecological state of rivers.The assessment was made at small, lowland Cetynia River (35,6 km total length), which is a left bank tributary of Bug River. At the chosen, examinated section of the river (100 m) was described the composition of water plants (ma-crophytes), morphological and abiotic conditions of the River. The paper presents resolute of preliminary assessment of ecological state of Cetynia River and oxygen indicators (BOD, COD-Cr and dissolved oxygen).     ...