Zeszyt: 2014, vol. 11 / III / 1 (Sep 2014)

Prof.dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Maślanka

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dynamic of water damning changes in Domaniów reservoir water Turing 2009 to 2013

Daily measurements of water levels in water reservoir Domaniów were carry out from 2009 to 2013 year. After analyzing date received it was found that correlation between precipitation and water levels in water reservoir. Besides the highest water level in reservoir in all years there were during the spring season and the lowest water levels in reservoir water during autumn season. It results mainly hence, that during the spring is stronger humidity because except precipitation there are also water from melting snow. Whereas in autumn period is water deficit because the summer was strong evapotranspitation and the soil is very dry. The high water levels in reservoir occur also in other month if at the very intensive rainfalls. It will be described below.     ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Policht-Latawiec

Dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Kanownik

mgr inż. Piotr Wójcik Piotr Wójcik

Quality and Sable values of water of flysch stream with low anthropopressure

The paper presents the results of hydrochemical tests of the Głębieniec stream, a 4th order, right-side tributary of the Kamienica river. The stream catchment , of mountain character and area of 9.58km2, is situated in the malopolskie voivodship, limanowski county and Kamienica commune. The 81% of the catchment is managed as forest grounds, the remaining area is an extensively used agricultural land. The analyses were conducted in 2011 in five measurement-control points over a stream stretch of 3405 m. The reaction (pH), electrolytic conductivity, concentrations of oxygen saturation and dissolved oxygen were measured in water samples on site, whereas the other quality indices: dissolved solids, NH4, NO3,NO2, PO4, total phosphorus, SO4, Cl, Ca, Mg, total iron, Mn, Na, and K were assessed in a laboratory of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. On the basis of the assessment results the ecological state of the Głębieniec stream water was rates as very good in all measurement-control points. Except for the measurement-control point No.1, the stream water may be used for potable water supply, but it must be first subjected to physical and chemical treatment due to high concentrations of total iron and manganese. Also, except for point No.1 (exceeded nitrite concentrations), ...

Mgr inż. Pelagia Biłka

Mgr inż. Maria Zygmunt

Dr inż. Bartosz Mitka

Terrestrial laser scanning as a tool to support monitoring hydrotechnical objects with regard to water dam in Rożnów

Monitoring and diagnostics of hydrotechnical objects provide knowledge about technical condition of the object. The main purpose of the evaluation process is to determine the technical condition at a certain time of use, by defining its stability and security. Technical diagnosis , defined as a set of methods and means to assess the causes, evolution and consequences of given set of technical facility, is a technical system. In the case of dams, monitoring and diagnostics based on active systems, deliberately designed , generating and processing information that are the basis for the assessment of their technical condition . In this article we present the opportunity to enrich the technical monitoring system of water dams by the technology of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) . Terrestrial laser scanning is a device metrology , which in a non-contact measures the object and saves it in the form of an oriented point cloud . The analysis of the technical system, supported by TLS technology was conducted with regard to water dam in Rożnów. ...

Dr inż. Małgorzata Biniak-Pieróg

Occuarance of atmospheric drought in summer half-year in Wrocław-Swojec turing years 1961-2010

The aim of the study was to analyze and evaluate the occurrence of atmospheric drought during summer half-year in Wroclaw - Swojec over the 50 years 1961÷2010. For that purpose daily values of precipitation totals were used, measured at the Agro- and Hydrometeorology Observatory that belongs to the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Analyses were performed for particular months from May to October for 50-year period 1961÷2010. The assessment of atmospheric drought occurrence was based on the string of days without precipitation, using the criterion proposed by Schmuck for their designation. The analyzes carried out showed a decreasing tendency of the number of strings of days without precipitation lasting 9 days and more during the 50-year period 1961÷2010, but not statistically significant. This trend has stabilized during a 30-year period 1961÷1990. Mostly drought occurred in October and the least frequently in July. Longer periods without precipitation (moderate drought ) were characterized by more frequent occurrence in late summer (August ) and in September and October. In contrast, intensive drought on that area occurred sporadically and only in the period of September - October. The obtained results were consistent with the results of other authors obtained for Wroclaw for ...

Dr inż. Ryszard Staniszewski

Dr inż. Szymon Jusik

Macrophyte indices, as like Mean Trophic Rank (MTR), Macrophyte Biological Index for Rivers (IBMR), River Macrophyte Nutrient Index (RMNI), Reference Index (RI) and other are successfully used in evaluation of river ecosystems. They based on tolerance of particular vascular plants, mosses, liverworts and macroalgea on water trophy. Studied part of Noteć River was situated above Gopło Lake and accept mine waters discharge from open-pit mine Tomisławice. In the year 2012 the analyses of the impact of brown coal mine waters on Noteć River trophy were carried out. Several macrophyte indices were used and supported by chemical analyses in selected sites. For all sites earlier data were accessible and were used to comparisons. On the base of obtained results it was concluded, that the impact of mine waters trophic characteristics on macrophyte indices and water trophy was generally negligible. It was due to the small differences of trophy between river and mine waters and lack of sensitivity of macrophyte indices on lack of individual indicator species from the group of aquatic vascular plants. Yellow Water-lily was the wasted species and significant decrease of cover was found for other species without changes of macrophyte indices values. It showed to some extent lack ...

Mgr inż. Marek Sygut

Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Dr hab. inż. , prof. UR Bogusław Michalec

Verification of coefficients of reduction of maximum flows with probability of exceed in chosen rivers of Carpatian Upper Vistula basin

In the article, analysis coefficient of reduction of annual maximum flows for San, Wisłok and Wisłoka catchments was made. Basis of executed analysis was data about annual maximum flows from years 1984-2009 got from IMGW PIB in Warsaw. Data were verified in view of its homogeneity and then, values of maximum flows with probability of exceed were calculated, based on Pearson III type distribution with use maximum likelihood method of parameters calculation. Values of coefficient of reduction of maximum flows were calculated with use following methods: segment values, correlation and dimensionless charts. Analysis showed, that values of coefficient of reduction of maximum flows were statistically significant depending on used method (the highest values were got for method of outliers values). Value of coefficient of reduction depends on the probability of flows -increases with probability increasing. In practical hydrologic calculation, in analyzed area, coefficient of reduction of maximum flow calculated with use method of segment values should be used, also it should not be taken values of n coefficient amounting 2/3 given by Dębski.     ...

Dr inż. Konrad Podawca

The analysis of sanitation services variation for communes under influence of national parks

Proper equipment of communes with technical infrastructure is a basic element of their development and also determines the welfare of local communities. Ecologically based principles of sanitary infrastructure realization are of major significance and interest for areas with high environmental values. The paper presents the characterization of 114 communes under influence of national parks from the point of view of technical infrastructure services, basing on multi-indicator method.Through analysing wdsw and wdsk factors, the communes were divided into 5 categories: 0-20% -communes of a bad availability of water and sewerage infrastructure (3 units in case of waterworks and 23 in case of sewage system); 20-40% -communes of unsatisfactory availability of water and sewerage infrastructure (18 units in case of waterworks and 45 in case of sewage system); 40-60% - communes of an average availability of water and sewerage infrastructure (9 units in case of waterworks and 29 in case of sewage system); 60-80% - communes of good availability of water and sewerage infrastructure (25 units in case of waterworks and 11 in case of sewage system); 80-100% - communes of a very good availability of water and sewerage infrastructure (59 units in case of waterworks and 6 in case of sewage system).Taking into account ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Mgr inż. Bogumiła Wańczyk

Spatial differentation of areas without connection to the road network in Nowosądecki administrative district

The plots connection to the public roads is an important element determining the capabilities and convenience of use for the plot. It has a particular importance in urban areas and intended for building purposes at the local zoning plan. The lack of connection with the public roads network causes a number of problems, in particular, for a group of plots used for agriculture, which dominants in terms of the percentage and amount of surface area in relation to the general. You can include an increase the costs for cultivation and the necessity of making an arrangement of neighborhood roads or establishing of land easements. The presence of a large part of the land without road access is an essential premise to initiate the land consolidation in some areas. The article presents the spatial differentiation of parts of Nowosądecki administrative district as refers to the value of the indicator determining the intensity of the areas without connection to the road network. The results were obtained by processing a set of graphical and descriptive data about all plots in Nowosądecki administrative district, also combined with the identification of the transport network and analysis of neighborhood plots that making up that ...

dr inż. Tomasz Kowalik

prof. dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Rajda


The paper contains results of assessments of granulometric composition, specific and bulk density, porosity and permeability coefficients of 3 composites with different coarse sand to silt loam proportions, each with 2 slightly diversified variants of organic substance content. The composites were made and tested regarding their potential applications for constructing the carrying layer of a football pitch and were compared, concerning their granulation and water permeability, with DIN 18035 standard. It was determined that the size distribution curve of the composites with the extreme, i.e. the biggest and the smallest content of sand in some areas of standard interval differed slightly from the standard requirements. The composite best adjusted to the standard with regard to granulation was the composite with an medium content of sand. Values of permeability coefficients for more compact composites (i.e. of smaller porosity), at relatively lower values depended on granulation - unlike these which reached higher values of the coefficients, independent of the granulation, obtained at an analogous granulation but lesser cvompaction. The investigations demonstrated that all tested composites satisfied the requirements of water permeability standards, however the limit permissible value was satisfied by even the most compacted composite with the highest content of silt loam. ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski


Parameters of agricultural transport network is an essential element which determining the costs of agricultural holdings. The proper shape of the road network, suitable density and the quality (in particular the width of the roads and the type of their surface) should provide a quick and efficient transport between home farm and some of the parcels. The analysis of the actual parameters of the road network in large areas is impeded due to the extensive data sets need to be processed in the course of this analysis and also the necessity of verifying the data in the field or by using the methods of aerial and satellite imaging.The article presents a proposal for partially automated methods of identifying the shape of transport network and the calculation of such size as its length or density per unit area, useful for relatively large areas. The calculation process and the results were presented on the example of Dąbrowski administrative district which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship ...