Zeszyt: 2015, vol. 12 / I / 1 (Mar 2015)

Dr inż. Marta Łapuszek

Dr inż. Anna Lenar-Matyas

Studies of riverbed sediment in selected gauging stations of Przemsza river and its main tributaries

The article presents an assessment of the variability of riverbed sediment throughout the Przemsza river course and its main tributaries in relation with the observed disturbances of grain size changes caused by hydro-engineering activity in the channel. Sediment grain size composition in the river channel depends on the hydrodynamic balance and the water flow. In the stable river channel sediment grain size decreases regularly with the river course from the source to the mouth. In the channel where there are sections of anthropogenically modifications, the variation of sediment grain size composition may be irregular in the river course. The article presents the results of measurements and calculations which were made in the following gauging stations: Łysa Góra, Będzin, Sosnowiec, Jęzor, Chełmek non Przemsza river, in Golczowice, Okradzionów, Sławków, Maczki, Niwka on Biała Przemsza river and in Brynica, Kozłowa Góra (above the back of the reservoir Kozłowa Góra and downstream the dam), Szambelnia on Brynica river. The results of studies showes that variability of characteristic diameter of d10 is minimal, while the diameters of d50 and d90 is characterized by significant differences in all the tested gauging stations of Przemsza river and its tributaries. In Brynica river where ...

Dr. hab. , prof. nzw. UPH Jolanta Franczuk

Dr hab. , prof. nzw. UPH Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska

mgr inż. Michał Tartanus

The effect of soil mulching on the sweet pepper yield quantity and quality

The research was conducted in the years 2007 -2009. The trial was set up as split -plot with four replication. Experience related to the impact of mulching - the use black synthetic mulches (polyethylene film, polypropylene fabric and polypropylene nonwoven) on the yield and fruit biometric features and the content of selected nutrients in the cultivation of two cultivars peppers: 'Denis F1' and 'King Arthur F1'. Seedlings planted permanently in place in mid-June at a spacing of 50 to 50 cm. Harvesting were made gradually as of fruit ripening. Based on the of the obtained results it was found that the yield of peppers depended on the weather conditions and was variated in the years of experience. Higher yields fruits collected from the 'Denis F1' especially grown on leaf litter of black polyethylene film. The longest fruits were collected from plants mulched nonwoven polypropylene. Thicker pericarp had a variety of ‘King Arthur F1' mulching with polyethylene film. Mulching the soil favored the accumulation of L-ascorbic acid, total and reducing sugars in the fruits of peppers.The results showed that all types of mulches have contributed to a reduction in dry matter content in fruits compared to the control ...

dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wojciech Książyński

An assessment of impact of climate changes and atmospheric drought on soil moisture

The publication analyzes the changes of soil moisture due to changes in storm rainfall intensity and the process of formation of soil drought. Calculations were performed using a simplified model of transient infiltration - the so-called piston model. It is especially suitable for simulation of soil moisture changes and the process of infiltration to shallow groundwater. On the example of particular soil were presented an analysis of the impact of the duration of precipitation of predetermined daily height on a soil moisture, the volume of surface runoff and groundwater recharge intensity. Based on the results of this analysis are discussed impacts of climate change, manifested by an increase in the frequency of precipitations for a given intensity. The second example shows the calculation of the course of soil moisture changes during the period without precipitation, at the same time taking into account the changes in the intensity of transpiration. This allowed for an assessment of the impact of drought on hygrophilic ecosystems occurring on podzolic soils ...

Dr inż. Tomasz Stosik

Share of various agricultural land uese in maintaining open landscape of woodless islands in the Tuchola Pinewoods

The Tuchola Pinewoods are mostly big areas of tree plantings. Around the village here there exist, however, fragments of open landscape. For a long time there have been observed, as part of them, changes in land use involving mostly the afforestation of successive areas. In the long run it can lead to radical landscape changes.The paper has tracked down the directions and the intensity of changes in the area coverage within the Śliwice glade in the Tuchola Pinewoods over the last 136 years (1874, 1985 and 2010). There has been also determined the susceptibility to changes in the use of various agricultural land: arable land and meadows. The changes in the coverage of the area involve mostly an increase in the share of wooded areas. The process affected mostly set-aside fields, while a definite majority of meadows have been still used. A decrease in the acreage of fields and meadows, as compared with the initial state, accounted for 56% and 17%, respectively, however meadows have started 'to shrink' recently; like fields, both before and after 1985. The areas transformed undergo fragmentation, which can lead to the disappearance of open landscape.In the area analysed mostly fields got fragmented. The initially existing ...

Dr inż. Marta Łapuszek

Analysis of long-term riverbeds transformation in the selected gauging stations of the Czarna river

The analysis of variability of riverbed elevation recorded at three selected gauging cross-sections: Raków, Staszów and Połaniec on Czarna River is presented in the current paper. The studies concern the period of more than fifty year. Focus was on the analysis of the riverbed changes in relation with known anthropogenic activities in the bed of the river. In addition, an analysis of grine size distribution of sediment forming the river channel was examined. The studie was done in order to identify the structure of riverbed, as well as the intensity of sediment movement throughout the ricer course. Czarna river is a left tributary of the Vistula river, at a considerable length, is transformed as a result of technical river channel regultion. At 36+000 km of the river course, Chańcza dam was set. The mouth of Czarna river is located close to the Town of Połaniec. The river channel aspire to shape a new longitudinal profile of hydrodynamic balance in new conditions of fluvial system, by changing its shape in the vertical and horizontal direction. As indicated by river channel observations, changes are very fast after a disturbance, after which they are weakening, and the riverbed reaches again hydrodynamic equilibrium (eg. ...

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Kokoszka

Age of farm owners and transportation infrastructure in their farms

This paper presents results of research on transportation infrastructure (line and spot) of the examined farms within the context of farm owner's age. Farm size expressed in ha of farming area decreases noticeably from 35.63 to 20.34 along with an increase in farmer's age. Equipment in transportation means expressed in pieces per farm, varies from 2.23 (youngest) to 1.95 (oldest), with the average of 2.23. This, fact, in combination with farm size, may prove better work efficiency resulting from selection of proper means and better work organization or increased use of transportation services. In internal transportation, with the average distance of 2.91, there is a favourable decreasing tendency along with an increase in farmer's age. With a considerable average of 15,25 km for external transportation, there is a visible decrease along with an increase in farmer's age. The average allotment size and diversification of averages for each group (from 0.09 to 14.00 ha) is characteristic. The size of farmyard which allows for non-collision operation of a given transportation means show that in circa 30% non-collision turning back manoeuvre is possible. The most favourable condition in regard to this aspect occur for group B. Other elements of infrastructure, such as ...

Dr hab. inż. Piotr Herbut

Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Nawalany

Mgr inż. Sabina Angrecka

mgr inż. Piotr Janowski

Analysis of effectiveness of the stables natural ventilation in the winter period

The aim of this study was analyze of the efficiency of the natural ventilation in the horse stable and an indication of opportunities to improve its operation. The study was conducted in Glinik Zaborowski in the winter. The scope of the research included measurements of air velocity with opened and closed windows and gates. Based on the results of the measurements and observations, it was found that the efficiency of the ventilation was very low. Average values of the air flow ranged from 0.06 m•s-1 to 0.12 m•s-1. These values were lower than the minimum air velocity recommended. The main reasons for very low air velocity in the horse stable was incorrect location and the wrong design solutions, among which the most important were: the lack of ventilation aparatures and abnormal direction of opening windows ...

Dr Adam Marosz

Rain water storing and using for plant watering according to the models of two ornamental plant farms in 2014

Irrigation in ornamental plants production is one of the most important factor guaranteed good growth of plants, their high quality and healthiness. Water needed in plants production is divided into two types: water which is needed for irrigation with main sources like streams, rivers, deep wells or even waterworks. Second type of water in plants production is natural precipitation and irrigation. Excess of this water must be drainage and transfer to ditches or retention basins. The aim of this analysis based on two models of ornamental holdings was to point out great possibilities of rainwater retention and its uses for plants irrigation. For this research two modern, different farms were chosen. One of them with greater area of container plant production (16 ha) located near Wieluń city. Other with great area of greenhouse production (3,9 ha) located near Bydgoszcz city. These farms already made some adjustments for rainwater retention from roofs and roads within farms. According to once requirement of water for 1 ha of container plant irrigation which was 21 and 22,5 m3, total yearly amount of water was determined between 2268 and 2430 m3. For greenhouse production once requirement of water for 1 ha plants irrigation was ...

Dr inż. Mateusz Malinowski

inż. Janusz Kidoń

Removal of products containing asbestos from rural areas

Products containing asbestos are still one of the most frequently occurring hazardous waste in rural areas in Poland. The main aim of this study was to implement an inventory of asbestos roofs materials in selected Polish village. Skoczyki village in the Lipnica Wielka municipality was selected for analysis. The type of asbestos, the level of removal urgency, and the surface or weight of asbestos were inventoried in November 2014. The aim of this study was to determine the progress in removing products containing asbestos in relation to the data from 2011. The results were compared with the rate of removal of asbestos from Gołaczewy village located in the Wolbrom municipality. The cost of dismantling, transport and disposal of asbestos roofs from analyzed villages, on the nearest landfill of hazardous waste were calculated in this work.In Skoczyki village the number of households with asbestos roofs have decreased by 21% and 35% in Gołaczewy village in the analized period. The most frequently type of asbestos roofs was wavy board. The costs of disposal of this hazardous wastes from Skoczyki are: 400000 PLN, and in the Gołaczewy village: 150000 PLN.In the analyzed area, products containing asbestos are still present, classified as I level ...

Mgr inż. Malwina Mikołajczyk

Situation of settlement and infrastructure and comparison of urban and rural communities of Jelenia Góra powiat

The article presents analysis and comparison of the settlement and infrastructure of urban and rural communities in the powiat of Jelenia Góra in the years 2008-2012. Research examined several indicators: the indicator of density-availability of water supply and sewage system, population density, population density of residential areas, percentage of residential areas in total community area. Analyzed data refer to communities, without specifying the localities. The results were used to draw dendrite of similar of communities in 2012. This method allowed to show similarities of urban and rural communities and to detect outliers communities. The study showed that the tree of four urban communities (Karpacz, Kowary, Piechowice) are similar and all rural with one urban community are also similar (Janowice Wielkie, Jeżów Sudecki, Mysłakowice, Podgórzyn, Stara Kamienica, Szklarska Poręba). Communities that stand out the most, considering the settlement and infrastructur situation, are: urban community Kowary and rural community Stara Kamienica ...

Dr inż. Marta Łapuszek

Analysis of long-term riverbeds transformation: case study of the tributaries of the Upper Vistula river

The analysis of variability of riverbed elevation recorded at three selected gauging cross-sections: Stróża on Raba River and Żywiec and Oświęcin on Soła River is presented in the current paper. The studies concern the period of more than one hundred year. Focus was on the analysis of the river course maintenance in selected gauging stations. Research shows that the river course may change spacially and temporally with varying inensity. In the period of 50 - 100 years, these changes can be slight, but it can be also observed permanent change in the direction of the river channel development. The paper presents the trends of riverbed changes during the long period of time in selected mountain tributaries of the upper Vistula River, which were studied on the basis on the variability of observed mean annual water stages. In the paper there are given the reasons for the observed changes in the river course and channel geometry, which were caused by river regulation relayed on the shortening and narrowing of the river channel or the sediment exploitation. Presented in the article method of assessment of the variability of the river channels level in the long period of time may be the ...

Dr inż. Stanisław Włodek

Dr inż. Andrzej Biskupski

Dr inż. Katarzyna Pawęska

Dr inż. Jakub Sikora

Cultivation of energy plants as ecological way for development of village

The paper presents the possibilities of growing energetistic plants and its ecological and economic effects anticipated. Emphasized is the potential contained in infrastructure of Polish countryside, i.e. unutilized farm buildings, areas out of agricul¬tural production, unma-naged side-crops and free manpower. Listed are plants to be designed for energetistic purpos-es and and ways of their utilization. Potential advantages of using liquid wastes for irrigation of the energetistic plants, as well as impediments involved, have been pointed to. The ways of the countryside deve¬lopment described call for engagement of local self-government communities and adequate financial means ...

Dr inż. Jakub Sikora

inż. Karolina Żabnicka

The amount of biogas produced during anaerobic fermentation depending on the amount of COD in the raw sewage of a selected brewery

The aim of this paper was to determine the potential of biogas produced in anaerobic fermentation depending on the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) in raw wastewater of a cho-sen Brewery. This paper covers two parts, the theoretical and the empirical. Results of re-search work has been developed on the basis of data provided by the brewery. On the basis of the quantity of raw sewage COD content was determined daily and the daily production of biogas. Calculations allowed to get the result of the total energy contained in the fuel and the nominal power of the generator in a cogeneration system ...