Kadastral and geodetic data usage for optimal design of infrastructure as an influencing factor for environment in land consolidation works

The land consolidation is a several scheduled organizational and technical activities taked into consideration the conditionings: natural, economic, legal and social, for adjusting space structure for requirement of rational usage rural areas. Otherwise the main aim of land consolidations is improvement life conditions as well as work conditions of village people taking into account areas protection where they works. Environment protection is important factor or necessity in view of the areas where there are no interfere into nature are still decrease. Above 90% of Poland are rural areas so existing economy has influencing for nature in such terrain. Because this areas are decreasing and without it it's difficult to live for the human and another human being it's very important to protect this areas via carrying activities, among others through land consolidations which will not suc-ceed of the all ecosystem's elements. Functioning of the people on rural areas is tightly connected to transform of that space towards one's own needs, thru rational management. But reasonable housekeeping it is correct location of rural areas which is difficult to achieve without properly infrastructure designed. This infra-structure enable moving - through roads, allow to lead proper water economy - drainage ditches and also ...

Post-operating recycling of plastic contained in scrapped technical resources

The development of recycling - reusing resources used to build vehicles, machines and equipment is presently forced by increasingly rigorous environment protection requirements. Recycling is becoming a new branch of economy protecting the natural environment, but it can also bring considerable economical profits, develop the technical infrastructure of boroughs and counties and also create new work places.The development of recycling leads to the emergence of a number of complex problem of technical, economical, social and legal nature forcing resourcefulness and creativity in decision making. These problems are of great importance in the scope of vehicle and household hardware due to the fact they are the most produced and used by the people. The article presents the problems of vehicle, machines and equipment recycling in Poland concentrating especially on the problem of plastic recycling. Aforementioned problem is especially important in Poland due to the fact of the existence of large quantities of scrapped plastic, it's long natural neutralization process and the lack of citizen awareness (creating illegal dumps in forest and rivers, emitting dangerous and toxic substances by burning plastic in household fires etc.). ...

Environment Management System within the pro-ecological environment protection activities

The approved and implemented Environment Management System is a subject's showcase which adds to its prestige and attractiveness. One of the elements of EMS is creating and publishing of an Environmental Report which is a competent and reliable source of information delivered to the public and other parties showing interest in the state of the environment especially the environmental influence, protection level and its constant improvement within the subjects activity. Environmental management are the aspects of general management of a subject which regard controlling and steering the influence the subjects activity has on the environment. This term includes all of the problems regarding the influence the company's activity has on the environment which are of importance to the company's strategy and competitiveness. The necessary condition for the environment management system to work is it's integration with the general management system of the particular subject. The environment integration system can not function properly if it's created and implemented independently to the subject's goals, priorities and existing procedures. It applies to the ecological policy which should be an integral part of the company's general policies and also any practices, procedures, processes and means used by the company. The article presents the ...


The aim of the analysis is to pointed out the areas in the ornamental plant production sector where some activities can be undertaken to prevent environment and natural recourses. In this paper some area of ornamental production with high impact on environment are indicate by a number index and possibilities to reducing this pressure are also pointed out. These are areas with intensive production under protection where great amount of fossil fuels are used to heat greenhouses or plastic tunnels and electricity used for supplementary lighting, areas of container plant production where intensive irrigation and fertilizing is needed, and area of field production with a high pressure on the soil. Estimating results shows that only heating of protected area used yearly 490 thousand tons of coal, 170 thousand ton of heating oil and 15,7 million m3 of natural gas. Apart from that, ornamental sector generate considerable amount of organic and nonorganic waste and also consuming 274,5 thousand m3 of sphagnum peat every year as one of the main component of a growing medium. ...


The increasing of standard living causes the increases energy consumption and waste or wastewater production. The possibility to combine wastewater treatment and electricity production can accomplish a microbial fuel cell. The possibility of wastewater treatment using the Cu-B catalyst with KMnO4 catholyte for microbial fuel cells is presented in this paper. The measurements covered comparison of changes in the concentration of COD, NH4+ and NO3- in the reactor without aeration, with aeration and with using a microbial fuel cell (with Cu-B cathode and KMnO4 catholyte). The reduction time for COD with the use of microbial fuel cell with the Cu-B catalyst (and KMnO4 catholyte) is similar to the reduction time with aeration. It has been shown that the Cu-B (with KMnO4 catholyte) can be used as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Unfortunately in this case is needed to constant delivery of catholyte. ...


The study is supposed to start a series of research on the role of natural building as an environment friendly solution. It includes the results of a survey which was carried out to define the level of university students' ecological awareness of benefits and development prospects of this technology in Poland. Young people were surveyed to find out their knowledge of the solutions based on natural resources available in the environment. It has been established whether positive attitude of students toward the natural environment can find reflection in their approval of eco-building and subsequently, willingness to invest money in construction of such buildings in the future. An important question has been addressed, that is, whether people are interested in houses made of clay, straw or wood an whether they consider them as cheap, durable, modern and esthetic architectural forms. ...