Studies on multifunctional rural development in the Świętokrzyskie province

Multifunctionality has a wide meaning comprising among other local development, entrepreneurship, long-term planning, diversification of agriculture and improvement of demographic resources. Therefore problems of multifunctional rural development must be treated on a broad basis.The work presented results of research on diversification of multifunctional rural development in the świetokrzyskie province, which covered 97 communes.Level of multifunctional development on the investigated subjects was presented as a synthetic index of development developed by Hellwig, which has been calculated on the basis of 15 variables characterizing multifunctionality. The value of computed synthetic index ranged between 0.3055 (for the Masłów commune) to 0.0155 (for the Bliżyn commune). At this point it should be mentioned that the index has been constructed in such way that its value ranges between 0 and 1. In some cases, e.g. considerable difference in development of some objects, it may assume values below 0.A classification of the researched communes due to their multifunctionality was conducted using Ward method. Diagram of connections created on this basis allowed for identification of four classes of communes. ...

The influence of selected elements of rural areas environment on their multifunctional develop-ment

Investigations were conducted to analyse the relationships between the level of multifunctional rural development and the quality of these areas environment. The studies were carried out on the basis of statistical materials obtained from 97 municipalities of the świętokrzyskie province. The crucial point of the work was an application of canonical analysis which is a generalization of multiple regression analysis. A significant statistical dependence was found between the level of multifunctional development and the quality of the investigated rural areas environment described by three canonical variables. These variables explain 38% of variances of multifunctional development variables sets at given variables of environment quality. The computed value of variance is not satisfactory. Therefore it is necessary to carry out changes concerning the kind and number of indices of both multifunctional development and the environment quality. Due to multivariate character of the analysed sets of variables, canonical analysis is the correct method allowing for objective study of conditions of rural areas development. ...

Possibilities and limitations of multifunctional rural development in the Świętokrzyskie province

The paper presents the results of studies conducted in 2005 on the opinions of inhabitants from the selected communes of the świętokrzyskie province on factors determining multifunctional rural development. The studies, conducted using directed interviews covered a total of 493 respondents, who were classified into three groups differentiated as to their ages, level of education and social status. The results of studies confirm the suppositions that preferences of individual respondent groups concerning the factors of multifunctional rural development are diversified. ...

Spatial differentiation and conditions for non-agriculture activity on the farms of Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

Management transformations which started at the turn of the eighties and the nineties of the 20th century in Poland have thoroughly changed socioeconomic conditions of the development of the country and its regions. The transformation of state controlled management system required adjustment of various socioeconomic and spatial structures to the new rules of market economy. This process, being based on transformation of the previous structures created in the centrallysteered management system and on the development of the new structures, is being observed in many places in Poland, also in rural areas in Świętokrzyskie Voivodship. The space is characterized by great diversity resulting from natural, economic and cultural conditions, and, consequently, individual regions differ by their respective flexibility of adopting new management rules. Changes in the structure of activity on the farms in rural areas are of great importance in the transformation. The agriculture sector, which was dominant in rural areas in the central economy has changed since the nineties of the 20th century. The sources used in this work can be divided into two groups considering their accessibility: the published and unpublished sources. The paper deals with geographical and agricultural aspects of the analysis of spatial differentiation of the non-agriculture ...

Non-agricultural activity of farms in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie voivodship

In the period of progressing process of national economy restructuring and dynamic development of private property the particularly important problem is the changes of individual economic entities behaviour. This kind of entities as the agricultural farms requires to take empiric diagnostic tests on which basis the development aims will be assumed, the control instruments and strategy methods leading for realization or assumed aims will be selected. The paper presents the essence, justification and purposefulness of the multifunctional development in rural areas of the świętokrzyskie voivodship. It points out benefits and emphasizes the problem complexity, indispensable means and the change of the rural areas function. The present function of the agricultural materials production has to be replaced by the population initiative and enterprise in service performance and organization, craft production and agrotourism. The article presents an analysis of the development of non-agricultural activities in private farming on the local scale. The analysis was designed to identify the main factors stimulating non-agricultural economic activities. The analysis has indicated that the concentration of non-agricultural activities depend on the size of the spatial system. Empirical research showed that non-agricultural activity in private farming influences the profitability of private farming and the income situation of ...

The determinants of non-agricultural activity in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

In the end of the 80s, processes of change to market economy started in Po-land. Market methods which have been introduced have turned out particularly difficult in agricultural activity. In those years, Polish agriculture was one of the most backward systems of national economy. The article is devoted to possibility of development of alternative functions in rural areas of the świętokrzyskie voivodship The last ten-year period brought a strengthening of the agricultural function especially in central and eastern Poland, while the west and parts of the south witnessed an increase in the signifi-cance of non-agricultural functions. The greatest development of non-agricultural economic activity has been observed in city hinterland areas and has first and foremost involved the services sector and trade. The analysis which was made in this article was designed to identify the main social and economic factors stimulating non-agricultural economic activities in the świętokrzyskie voivodship. The analysis has indicated that the concentration of non-agricultural activities depends on the size of the spatial system. Empirical research showed that non-agricultural activity in private farming influences the profitability of private farming and the income situation of communes. Non-agricultural activities carried out in rural areas are thought to be ...


Modernization of agriculture, whose gravest problem is labour surplus and connected with it dispersed area structure, among others, relies on diminishing employment. Abandoning agriculture cannot imply migration from rural areas. Therefore, employment opportunities should be created for those who would abandon work in agriculture but would remain in the country. The main stipulation in the considerations of rural areas future is multifunctional development, whose rate and trends depend on many factors. Multifunctionality of rural areas resolves itself to proper, multidirectional utilization of rural potential determined by the above mentioned factors to create new, off-farm jobs. It should be emphasized that local specificity particularly socio-economic conditionings, play a crucial role in the process of multidirectional rural development.The main research problems discussed in the paper focused on the analysis of the rural areas environment effect on multifunctional development of these areas. Verification of the assumed research hypotheses resolved itself to answers to four questions:1. Are there any differences in the level of multifunctional development of communes and on what factors do they depend?2. Does the impact of multifunctional development factors depend on current level of multifunctionality?3. Do the rural dwellers have various preferences concerning multifunc-tional development and what do these preferences depend on?4. Do the opinions ...

Investments in the rural gmina Sierpc – analysis of planning permissions issued by authorities of the gmina

The rural development is based on assumptions of the multifunctional de-velopment of the local unit. This is particularly important in gminas which so far were regarded as local unit characterized by agricultural functions. Changes taking place in rural areas lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce new functions in these areas. Investments conducted on the rural area are the element associated with the idea of the multifunctional development. These investments are related to the spatial planning system functioning in Poland in which gminas plays an important role. In these units of administrative division a study of conditions and directions of spatial development, land-use plans and planning permissions are tools of the spatial politics. The article is based on analysis of the planning permissions issued by Sierpc gminas authorities in the years 2006 - 2011. The case study of Sierpc became the basis to identify areas which are subject to the greatest investment pressure. The goal of article was to determine the character of the planning permissions including housing, outbuildings and commercial and retail buildings. Analysis also allowed for formulate conclusions in the need to develop land-use plans in areas about the greatest investment pressure. ...


For years the development of rural areas has aimed at multifunctionality, which is approached as a remedy for low development level and the weakness of Polish agriculture. However, the implementation of program assumptions depends on many factors, just like the pace and direction of changes which differentiate the particular areas of Poland. The intensification of changes occurs in the influence zone of large cities, where, to a large extent, non-agricultural economic functions and residential buildings of a specific urban nature appear. The objective of the study is to compare and evaluate changes occurring in the suburban municipalities of Wroclaw, in terms of their multifunctionality. The indicator method was used to compare the values of indices in time and space of nine suburban Wroclaw municipalities. The Central Statistical Office resources represent the data source, the analyses cover the years 1995 - 2015. The research was divided into demographic, spatial and economic aspects. All analysed municipalities are characterized by the significant dynamics of transformations. The similar tendencies of change are observed, however, their range and rate are diversified. The industrial sector is strongly developed in the studied municipalities, and the dynamic growth of all analysed dimensions is characterized by the ongoing processes ...


The paper aims at demonstrating the importance of tourism meant as an activity and economic activity in the multifunctional development of mountain rural areas. Multifunctional development of mountain rural areas appears as a composition of other, nonfarm functions, connected with agriculture and its environment. Taking over nonfarm functions by rural areas, including tourist function, enables decreasing agrarian unemployment and, furthermore, the emigration of local population. Approximating living standards of rural communities and city dwellers is connected with modernizing and development of technical-economic and social infrastructure, which has a stimulating impact on the development of off-farm activities in rural areas, which in turn positively affects economic development and increases the number of new jobs. Mutlifunctionality of mountain rural areas is therefore necessary not only from the economic perspective but also from the social point of view. ...