Renewable energy versus rural environment protection

Presented were the results of studies on energy demand in Poland with par-ticular regard to the use of renewable energy resources (RER).It was stated that the results of renewable energy use have been overesti-mated, particularly concerning biomass burning and its effect on greenhouse gas emission. Biofuels emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of generated energy than conventional fuels, including coal. It is impossible to assume a "zero" emis-sion of CO2 forming during biomass burning.We will be unable to fulfill by 2020 our obligations towards the European Union (EU) concerning energy saving, greenhouse gas emission and increasing the share of RER in national energy balance in Poland.Intensive increase in the use of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels may threaten forestry and agricultural economy in Poland as well as necessary protec-tion of soil, water and air in rural areas. Decreasing greenhouse gas emission will require capital consuming investments in nuclear power stations, hydro-electric power plants and wind turbines, as well as in solar and geothermal facilities. In-terdisciplinary basic and development research are necessary in the area of the effect of energy transformations on the shaping and protection of rural environ-ment. ...

Variability of water energy resources on example of Bóbr river

Currently, there is more attention paid to the need of using renewable energy sources (RES). The increased interest in renewable energy sources is associated with greater public awareness of limited conventional energy sources and with gradual increase in energy prices. There's noticeably more investors who plan the investments associated with the use of RES. They can count on the revenue associated with supplying the energy (purchase obligation). In addition, the energy producer from RES receives certificates of origin "green certificates" which can be traded on the commodity exchange market.The increasing interest in RES development is the main reason for looking at new possibilities to generate energy from these sources. The paper presents issues related to the use of energy from natural flows in rivers. Characterizes the energy potential based on the sum discharge curve of the Bobr River and duration established for long-term flows. The analysis of conditions affecting the development of hydropower has been presented. The basic environment conditions essential for the design, construction and operation of hydroelectric power has been summarized.     ...

The amount of biogas produced during anaerobic fermentation depending on the amount of COD in the raw sewage of a selected brewery

The aim of this paper was to determine the potential of biogas produced in anaerobic fermentation depending on the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) in raw wastewater of a cho-sen Brewery. This paper covers two parts, the theoretical and the empirical. Results of re-search work has been developed on the basis of data provided by the brewery. On the basis of the quantity of raw sewage COD content was determined daily and the daily production of biogas. Calculations allowed to get the result of the total energy contained in the fuel and the nominal power of the generator in a cogeneration system ...