Zeszyt: 2006, vol. 3 / 2 / 1

Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Koreleski

Preliminary assessment of forests and tree-plantings influence on the arable lands value

The paper outlines preliminary assessment of woods and tree plantings influence on the value of arable lands. Basing on the rich bibliography of the problem and own observation, the author states among others, that: – in the close neighbourhood of agricultural – forest border the yields of plants distinctly decrease, – as the distance from the tree wall increases – yields improve, however on the lands with water deficit, with intensive soil erosion the general balance is positive; on the other lands is rather negative, 14 – negative influence of woods on plant yields in the zone of their close contact depends on their mutual location and appears in the distance up to 15-tree heights (15 h). The proposed algorithm comprises correcting coefficients (percentages in relation to the basic value of arable lands) in the neighbourhood of woods relate to the areas with water deficit in soils with regard to distance and geographical orientation – table 1; and to the areas of differentiated soil quality and contrasting aspect of slopes (S and N) – table 2. The decrease of agricultural real estates value is observed in the areas of water deficit in the distance zones up to 2 h, however ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Radecki-Pawlik

Prof. Paul A. Carling

Prof. dr Emil Gölz

Granulometry and geometry dunes of the lowland part of the Rhine river

The paper describes geometric internal granulometric structure of lowland river bed forms called sand river dunes. Dunes are typical features associated with sand river bed and studies of processes connected with their formation are essential in understanding fluvial processes within the catchment. Also the knowledge of sedimentary structure and morphology of dunes are important for geologists and paleogeologists to interpret how sedimentary rocks were deposited. Also, in the time of changes of global and local climates, frequent changes of water regime in river could be noted when the development or not-development of river bed-forms can have an important influence on quantity of sediment moving in rivers and water reservoirs built on such rivers. The work was set up on the Rhine River in Germany close to Niderwalluf. The research conducted on the Rhine River involved many of research equipment and river vessels is very rare and unique in the world as far as fieldwork is concerned. Within a paper it is show, that the Rhine River Dunes do not reach the height H which would be expected by the water depth which is responsible for their formation. There could be a couple of reasons for such situation. One of those ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Wójcicki

Saving energy and the environment in agriculture and rural areas

Some results of analyses and forecast studies conducted by IBMER on development of sustainable agricultural production integrated with multifunctional development and protection of rural areas were presented in the paper. Good quality plant and animal production must be intensified on decreasing arable lands (AL) with changing structure of material, energy and production service outlays to make possible leaving the agricultural and rural development to the next generation in a better condition than now. Quantitative and substitute changes in man power expenditure, material and investment outlays and in direct energy carrier expenditure in agriculture and its infrastructure influence not only the level of unit production costs of agricultural raw materials for foodstuff manufacturing, but also affect the progress of rural multifunctionality and the rate of implementation of agro-environmental programmes. Using the methodology of research, updated by the IBMER, on the current state and forecasts concerning cumulated material and energy expenditure computed by the rolling costs method we find that: – unit energy consumption in agricultural production calculated by the number of energy units (EU) per assumed corn unit (CU) decreases systematically and will further decline owing to rationalization of employment and the use of agrochemicals, utilization of durable means and reducing ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of shortest route between plots and habitations with the aid network road’s graph and along borders of areas drives

In article was presented the method of calculations distances of ground from habitations on base of numeric map. More in detail was discussed procedures concerning with shortest route from habitations to plots. Approach from habitation has been described for graph including road’s network and drives on field in complexes of areas. The route of drive from habitation to plots was defined as shortest path graph between its knots. Proper disparity of difficulty of drive after ways and after field was accepted. Introduced procedures have been processed at foundation concerning, that relocating proceed after borders of ways and after balks of plots. The graph describing relocate between single area and habitation usually does not surpass two thousand tops. It will not extend time of account excessively and economic application of processed method will enable. Served principles counting of distance and routes of drives allow from habitation for areas of farms on base of information map introduced in the form of numeric automation of majority computational procedure. This enables counting of distance of all rural plots from habitation of farms that can present valuable material for estimate of structure of village and its change. Table of distance of all plots can be ...

Dr inż. Grażyna Magiera-Braś

Condition and development of infrastructure in olkusz district

The article presents changes in conditions and development of technical (water supplynet, sewage, gas district and communal roads) and social (housingsupplies, schools, drugstores, hospitals, libraries, hotels) infrastructure elements in Olkusz district in Małopolska province in 1998 – 2003. The rate of changes was described. Present situation is introduced with Perkal index, as well as analysis of relationships between equipment of infrastructure elements and level of socio-economic development expressed by number of commercial entities and revenue of communes per inhabitant Obtained high values of correlation coefficient confirm significant importance of the infrastructure in shaping the socio-economic development. During the period of investigation, the development rate of district technical infrastructure was 2,5-times higher in composision to the social one. Within technical infrastructure elements, the fastest development of the gas grid was observed. Within social infrastructure oneshealth protection objects – drugstores. More infrastructured elements are present in urban and urban-rural communes: Bukowno, Olkusz and Wolbrom, much less in rural communes: Trzyciąż, Klucze and Bolesław. The most important infrastructure needs come from the necessity of water supply and sewage disposal management modernization. ...

Dr inż. Bogusław Michalec

Dr inż. Marek Tarnawski

mgr inż. Anna Kupiec

The forecast of silting for small water reservoir

A forecast of silting was developed for a small water reservoir on a watercourse not included in hydrological observations. Lack of data on the flow volumes, sediment concentration and suspended load transport suggest the use of indirect methods. These make possible determining the amount of sediment amount supplied to the reservoir. Studies on silting volume covered a reservoir at Narożniki situated on the Dęba stream. The methods of Reniger-Dębski, Brański and DR-USLE method were used in computations of sediment supply to the reservoir at Narożniki. Field studies were conducted to determine the way of management of the studied reservoir catchment. The kind of ground and its composition in the agriculturally used areas and forest sites were determined. The results of field works made possible to fix the parameters of the universal soil loss equation, which is the basis for computations using DR-USLE method. The silting degree computed on the basis of the reservoir silting measurements is 0.58%. The reservoir silting in successive years of its operation was calculated using Gončarov formula. The results of silting forecast after four years of operation were compared with the results of measurements. The highest compatibility of results for silting forecast developed on the basis ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The estimation trial of tourist supply of the agrotourist farms in świętokrzyskie voivodship

Agrotourist is becoming more and more important of multifunctional development of rural areas. The main aim of this paper was to describe the current stage of agrotoutism, which is important function in rural areas it social-economical transformation period in the świętokrzyskie voivodship at present. The development of agrotourism and rural tourism could be an alternative form of activities for small farms, which are not profitable in the świętokrzyskie voivodship at present. Among all forms of tourism, agrotourism is particularly consistent with the principles of sustainable development as it is based on attractive natural environment and landscape. Agrotourism goes very close to agriculture. At the moment it is one of the most popular ways of recreation and relax. The development of this activity brings farmars some incomes and possibilities of getting other profits of social and cultural character. Organised forms of agrotourism in the świętokrzyski voivodship occurred in the 1990s. In świętokrzyski voivodship agrotourism developed best in some regions, where it is concentrated now. The development of agrotourism (especially in the village Śladków Mały – a model example of agrotourism in local scale) was possible as a result of the realization of the financial support from EU funds. Agrotourism development conditions ...

Prof. dr hab. inż arch. Janusz Lech Siemiński

Infrastructure of rural areas in Poland in strategic government and non-government documents

The work contains an analysis and initial evaluation (initial due to the character of sources) of 15 most important strategic documents developed in Poland between 2000 and 2006 (see: References) which have been already partly implemented. These comprise in the first place government documents prepared prior to Poland’s accession into the UE (2000–2004) and after the accession (2004–2006 and the following years). The documents of the first group were supposed to make Poland ready for the “EU membership” and to meet “the EU requirements”, whereas the later ones primarily focus on absorption of the EU funds. Because of the scope and character of the conference the Author addressed only the issues concerning rural areas and infrastructure of rural space in Poland. To generalize the discussion presented in this paper the following (briefest) conclusions may be drawn: Discussed strategies use a short and medium time horizon, whereas the main point of a strategy is its long-range character; The conducted analyses demonstrate that developing so called “strategies” was enforced in Poland by an approaching accession into the EU (Integrated Regional Operational Programme – IROP, National Strategy for Regional Development – NSRD, National Development Plan – NDP-1) - the first ones were created ...

Dr Dorota Chudy-Hyski

The evaluation of chosen conditions of development of tourism function of an area

The article focuses on a widely understood conditions for a tourist development of an area. The conditions comprise both tourist amenities in the areas under analysis with elements of tourist facilities in these areas, the area accessibility by various means of transport and their furnishing with elements of technical and economic infrastructure. Analysed was the problem of relationship between the degree of tourist function development in the area and protected areas situated within its administrative boundaries. The article also discusses the relationship between the degree of tourist function development in the areaunder discussion and tourist policy realized in the form of pollution control investments with particular regard to sewage management, water, air and climate protection, waste management, protection against ionizing radiation, noise and vibration control and protection of biological and landscape diversity, which from the perspective of potential area tourist function development is extremely important and conditions its development. The assessment of the degree of tourist function development in a given area was conducted using indicators characterizing both the degree of tourist facilities management and intensity of tourist traffic. The analysis of dependencies between the naturally valuable areas and amount of pollution control investments and individual provinces ability to fulfill ...

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Changes in chemical composition of underground water from selected intakes of Zapadlisko Górnośląskie

Changes of underground waters quality in the intakes located in the intensive industrialization and mining area are caused by anthropogenic activity. The type of quality changes is essential to use these waters in water-supply systems. It also allows for accepting proper solution of extension of intake or introduce possible protection relatively to source evoking these changes (bring about changes). The subject of research presented in this article is variability of selected quality parameters such as dry residuum, total hardness, concentration of sulfate, chloride, calcium and magnesium ion concentrations of underground waters from four intakes located in eastern part of Zapadlisko Górnośląskie. Dobra 1 and 2, Bielany and Galmany intakes include six drilled wells of 88,0-101,5 meters depth and discharge about 700,0-800,0 m3*d-1 taken water from Triassic formation and ventilating-filling shaft J. Dąbrowski of 103,0 meters depth and 2000 m3*d-1 capacity that takes water from Carbon formation. Detailed analysis of chemical composition variability indicates big changes of dry residuum in Triassic waters intake Galmany, smaller in Bielany and Dobra 1. High variability of water hardness and Ca, SO4 and Cl ion concentrations was affirmed in Dobra 1 intake and Cl and SO4 occurred in Bielany. Considerable variability of all analysed components ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Jan Pawełek

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Unit water consumption per household during 8-year period of observations

The work analyses the eight-year (1997–2004) period of research on water consumption by a selected household in a housing estate in Krakow. Water consumption was referred to the number of persons using water in the investigated household, a unit consumption was determined and daily irregularities in the uptake of water. The household numbered four permanent dwellers. The basis for analysis were daily indications of water meter registered in the observation journal, temporary changes of the number of inhabitants and water use outside the flat, e.g. for garden watering or car washing, etc. The investigated building is fully furnished with running water and sewer system, i.e. running water is supplied to the flat furnished with kitchen sink, flushed toilets and two fully equipped bathrooms. In the initial period of investigations, wastewater from the building was directed into a cesspool but since November 1997 it has been drained by common sewer system. Obtained research results revealed that daily unit water use in 1997–2004 ranged between 5.9 and 693.3 dm3∙M-1∙d-1, whereas average unit daily water consumption fell within the 135.5 and 177.5 dm3∙M-1∙d-1 depending on year. The biggest difference between average daily unit water uptakes in individual months was registered in 2000 and ...

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Unit sewage outflows from rural sewer system in Koszyce municipality

Correct functioning of sewage disposal and treatment systems depends prevalently on the proper design, construction and subsequent proper operation. In designing sewer systems the most important parameter affecting determination of pipe diameters is a reliable sewage volume, frequently determined per 1 inhabitant as a unit sewage outflow in dm3∙M-1∙d-1. The investigations were conducted to determine unit sewage outflows from rural sewerage system in Koszyce per year, with respect to individual months and days of the week in 2002-2005. The volume of sewage flowing out of sanitary sewer system in Koszyce was determined on the basis of measurement conducted on the supply canal to the sewage treatment plant in Włostowice. Koszyce municipality is situated in the malopolskie province, proszowicki poviat. Currently the sewer system in the municipality area is utilised by 1673 inhabitants. Sewage is discharged by 280 households. Mean daily sewage outflows (at the rainless weather) during the period of research fluctuated between 58.7 in 2005 and 75.1 dm3∙M-1∙d-1 in 2003. During the whole period of investigations mean unit outflow was 67.1 dm3∙M-1∙d-1, with standard deviation 11.5 dm3∙M-1∙d-1. and irregularity coefficient 1.34. The values of average unit sewage outflows in individual years corresponded to unit values of water consumption in ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Dr inż. Zofia Stypczyńska

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Andrzej Klimek

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Długosz

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Flora and some proporties of fallow soil which was previously under arable cultivation in conditions of sprinkler irrigation

Chosen chemical, physical and biological properties of a fallow soil as well as plant succession in the first year after cultivation of chosen cereals (buckwheat, millet, maize) and potatoes under sprinkler irrigation, were determined in the paper. Trials were conducted in 2005 at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on a very light soil classified to weak rye complex of agricultural suitability. It was found that in regard of granulation, humus horizons of the studied soil belonged to two textural groups: loose sandy soil and coarse sandy soil. They contained from 3 to 6 % silt and clay whereas the content of organic carbon was typical for sandy soils and ranged from 9,40 to 9,90 g*kg-1. There were no marked and oriented differences in the organic carbon content between control fields and those which were previously irrigated. On the basis of available phosphorus and potassium contents, the humus horizons of the studied soil can be included to I–III and I–IV classes of soil fertility, respectively. Soil pH was very differentiated. In the first year of fallow, annual plants of arable lands were dominant (mostly Conyza canadiensis). It was connected with properties of habitat, and on the other hand with agricultural practices which ...

Dr hab. inż. Jacek Salamon

The influence of technical infrastructure on development of social surrounding of rural areas

Infrastructure is one of the most important factors of rural development and its deficiencies decide about a low living standard, make farming difficult and cause low attractiveness of rural areas for investors. The paper presents research on the relationships between the level of rural infrastructure development and the quality of social surrounding of the rural areas. The studies were based on statistical material obtained from 97 administrative territorial units (rural gminas and from the areas of urban-rural gminas) of the świętokrzyskie province. It was assumed that the impact of technical infrastructure on the quality of social surrounding is variable. In order to verify this assumption the researched gminas community was divided according to the quality of social surrounding and three clusters were identified using the k-means method of cluster detection. The correlation analysis conducted between the quality of social surrounding and the quality of infrastructural space in the identified groups revealed a positive correlation relationship (r=0.45) in the group of gminas characterized by an average quality of social surrounding. The relationship is much weaker in the group of gminas of low quality of social surrounding. The third group of gminas, where the highest quality of social surrounding was registered numbered ...

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger

Ing. Pavel Neuberger

Use of evaporation cooling of stable air in the given territory

When assessing whether it is effective to use evaporation cooling of air in a stable in a particular area, it is essential to have available long-term meteorological data. However, sometimes such data is for various reasons not available. This paper tests a method of generating an artificial series of daily maximum air temperatures from monthly averages. With standard deviation σ (ºC) determined from a statistical analysis of available data and a median expected temperature toc (ºC) obtained from fitting a sine curve through twelve and two monthly average maximum temperatures. The computed values are compared with measured values. The series generated from 12 monthly averages gave better results, although the series from 2 averages would do the job for assessing cooling efficiency. Results of a climatic development model show that around year 2050 the maximum air temperature in June, July and August will increase by 1.8 K, 2.3 K and 3.2 K, respectively, assuming a pessimistic scenario of the growth in greenhouse gas emissions, or by 0.7 K, 0.8 K and 1.2 K, respectively, assuming an optimistic scenario. Based on these values, a series of data was generated for the period around year 2050. It shows that the number of ...