Zeszyt: 2006, vol. 3 / 2 / 2

Mgr inż. Ewelina Milijanović

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

The influence of geological structures on the presence of mineral waters in tectonic trench of Krzeszowice

Presence of mineral waters in different regions of Poland is associated with particular geological structure, which often depends on tectonic conditions. This situation occurs in tectonic trench of Krzeszowice near by Krakow, where on tectonic disturbances of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks presenting bedrock deposit marine Cenozoic formation date Tertiary-Miocene, contains not only clay but also sulfate and chloride chemical deposits (gypsum, anhydrite and halite). Infiltration, precipitation waters penetration in sedimentary rocks during long-lasting term leaching liable to mineralization become mineral waters of more than 1000 mg/dm3 mineral content. Mineral waters that occurrs in this region, are Miocene sulfate –calcium- magnesium waters flout out in spring “Zdrój Główny” and “Zofia” and taken by wells R-1 and R-2 and also Jurassic-Cretaceous waters chloride - sulfate- sodium waters present in well S-2. Shallow Miocene mineral water is infiltration water with very long circulation period (more than 50 years). Presence in them sulfate, calcium ions and hydrogen sulfide is connected with dissolution processes of Miocene gypsum deposits and with secondary changes that are affected by presence of more reducing conditions of environment. Water from deeper Jurassic-Cretaceous horizon are older than water form shallow Miocene horizon. Mineralization of this water is connected with water admixture ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Prof. dr hab. inż. Czesław Lipski

Dr inż. Marek Ryczek

Assessment of antierosion efficiency of biological construction made after innudation in the 2005 year on the basin of Wielka Puszcza stream

The cathastrofical grand rainfall, which appeared on 2.08.2005 year in the amount of 70 l/m2 caused innudation in the basin of the Wielka Puszcza stream. The high flows caused numerous damages, for example: depresson of river bed bottom from 1 to 2m and broaden about 2–4 m. In many places the river banks, asphalt road, bridge and numerous trees were destroyed. After the innudation the assessment of destructions and also the biological construction in the river banks protection before the flows were made. It was found that, at the good biological construction of river banks there is not erosion. The best plant species for the biological construction are: Alnus incana, Salix alna, S. fragilis, S. viminalis, S. purpurea and other willow. If there are in biological construction the big flows don`t devastate the banks. Unadequate to biological construction are the forest trees for example Picea excelsa because they do not protect the river banks against the big flows. Assessment of damages made by big outflow for example: channel deepening and enlargement, reservoir sedimentation and damages of river banks by stones. The trees which were uprooted by big water created in some places water falls, and at its deep holes in ...

Mgr Patrycja Zasępa

Prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Radecki-Pawlik

Dr Małgorzata Kłonowska-Olejnik

Mgr Katarzyna Przybyła

Differential types of community structures of benthic macro-invertebrates within the region of the mountainous stream point bar

The aim of this study is the examination of the effect of condition texture, substrate type and stream flows on the colonization of stream invertebrates, resulting in community structure and their abundance within the bar. The researcher carried out in the 8 meter - long section of the Jalowiecki stream, behind the bar after obstacle (Pic. 1). Within the bar 7 measurements points were located: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C and 3. The research section of the stream was divided into tree transects: initial, middle and final. In each transect measurement points were located. In the points mentioned above biological samples were taken and granulometric measurements were done (measurements of water depth, flow rate and stone size). During the research also chemical measures were taken. The macroinvertebrate samples were taken 5 times a year: November 1999, April 2000, June 2000, August 2000 and October 2000. Granulometric measurements were done only once in June 2000. Rivers are dynamic physical, chemical and biological entities. The article describes research on settlement of benthic macroinvertebrates. The community structure of benthos was studied in the bar of the Jałowiecki stream in the Makowski Beskid Mountains.Basing on geomorphologic (granulometric) and hydrologic measurements in research points ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Valuation of using a partition of a village area into equal value elements in a process of optymization of parcels layout

The presented project describes in brief some chosen issues related to using information included in digital maps for the purposes of automation of some elements of land consolidation process. Delibe-rations regarding methods of division of the village area into area elements that can be used for optimization of grounds configuration on the given area were chosen as an example. Description of concept of division into equal value elements was specially emphasised. In order to perform such division, the following ingoing data in a numerical form is necessary: outer boundaries of areas to be divided into area elements, directions of design lines (determining a layout of design plots) for each area and boundaries of existing estimated outlines, ie. areas of equal value defined by participators of land consolidation process. Aforementioned sets, excluding directions of design lines, have to be corrects in topological sense. A consecutive stage is, upon defined ingoing data, creation a set of equal value elements. The set is then used for optimization of deploying plots on a given area from the standpoint of reducing a all-in length of agricultural transport journey. A principle of optimization is based on calculation of results of exchanging equal value elements between respective ...

Dr inż. Aneta Dacko

Creating conditions for developing rural areas by use of land consolidation – theoretical aspect

commercial family farms that are necessary for today’s Europe and a globalizing economy. To prevent such a situation, rural development projects and programmes are essential. Integrated rural development initiatives to enhance the quality of life must include improvements to agricultural production, employment, infrastructure, public facilities, housing and protection of natural resources. In order for such integrated rural development initiatives to increase the attractiveness of rural areas, they must be comprehensive, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral. Land consolidation can be used here as an effective instrument to realize such plans and projects. The aim of this paper is to show the significance of lend consolidation in development of rural areas. The situation in rural areas is getting worse especially in the face of the access of our country to European structures. There is growing inequality between rural and urban areas. Much rural infrastructure has deteriorated considerably. Villages are becoming less attractive places in which to live. Schools and other rural public and cultural facilities are suffering from lack of attention. Rural roads are in poor condition, power and water systems are less reliable, and communication and media infrastructure is inadequate. There is high unemployment, and migration to urban areas is resulting in declining ...

Dr Marcin Hyski

Risk of muncipal investments realized as public-private partnership

The article concerns selected aspects of municipality risk in investment activity realized as public private partnerships. Two aspects of partnership connected with risk were addressed. Firstly, it was emphasized that this form of cooperation is connected with transfer of risk from the municipality to a private entity. Secondly, it was pointed that in result of the municipality accession to the public-private partnership new areas of risk appear, so far unknown (without this type of cooperation) or assuming a different character. The proportions of municipal investment risk division between partners depend on the form of partnership. Once the private partner becomes more involved in various aspects of the whole investment project, various areas of risk are transferred to him by the public entity. Therefore, the transferred responsibility with the accompanying risk concerns design and construction works, acquiring sources of finances for the investment and its modernization, but also for providing services based on the infrastructure created. At the moment when such close cooperation is initiated and a private entity joins the sphere of public services, new risk appears in the municipality. It has a characteristic feature, i.e. it can be mostly avoided if all tendering procedures are carried out properly and ...

Dr inż. Grzegorz Kaczor

Dr hab inż. Piotr Bugajski

Remove of biogenic indices in domestic sewage treatment plant type Turbojet and Biocompact

The article presents results of research concerns amount and remove indices of nitrogen and phosphate in domestic sewage treatment plant. Analysis sewage treatment plants are objects working with method of active sludge. The first sewage treatment plant Turbojet EP-4 was installed in Pałecznica in province małopolska. The treatment plant works for Primary schools where about 100 children and theaters’ house inhabited 6 people. Second sewage treatment plant is called Biocompact BCT S-12 and was installed in Rajbrot village near Lipnica Murowana. It takes sewage from schools and a teachers’ house inhabited 12 people. Analysis of results of research concern four years 1999-2003, and in this time took sewers flow to and flow in to sewage treatment plants. The results of research of sewer analyzed statistical for characterize size concentration total nitrogen and phosphates in sewer. In analysis introduce frequency relativity of occurrence concentration indices of biogenic indices in clean sewer. Additionally characterize size of reduction indices in clean process. Composition in flow to sewer was type for living sewer. Mean reduction of biogenic indices was for nitrogen and phosphates for two treatment plant 63,6% and 51,4%. Mean values total nitrogen and phosphates in sewer flow to treatment plant Turbojet EP-4 ...

Dr hab inż. Piotr Bugajski

Prof.dr hab.inż. Ryszard Ślizowski

Assessment of the working of sewage treatment plant type SBR in Sterkowiec-Zajazie

In study presented of results research physico-chemical sewage in years 2002– 2004 in sewage treatment plant type SBR in place Sterkowiec-Zajazie in province małopolska. The Treatment plant started in 2001 year and expensed of 3,7 million PLN. Design of capacity in treatment plant is Q=600 m3∙d-1, however in during of research to treatment plant in flu about 150 m3∙d-1. About 8% sewer was drive tanker car with cesspool. Research concern to count size reduction in percent selects indexes pollution for example: BOD5, COD, total suspension witch primary group and ammonia nitrogen and total phosphates witch eutrophic group. Middle of value BOD5 in sewage raw was 401,1 mgO2∙dm-3, however in clean sewer was 15,23 mgO2∙dm-3. Middle of value COD in sewage raw was 660,74 mgO2∙dm-3, however in clean sewer was 75,43 mgO2∙dm-3. Middle of value total suspension in sewage raw was 207,51 mg∙dm-3, however in clean sewer was 22,17 mg∙dm-3. Middle of value ammonia nitrogen in sewage raw was 161,34 mgNNH4∙dm-3, however in clean sewer was 3,84 mgNNH4∙dm-3. For total phosphates middle of value in raw sewer was 19,71 mgP∙dm-3, and in clean sewer 4,67 mgP∙dm-3. Reduction of indexes with primary group and eutrophic group was high. Middle for BOD5 was ...

Dr inż. Piotr Malczyk

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Długosz

Marek Radke

Numeric generation of soils maps with geostatistic methods

Maps are integral components of research in pedology. Visual presentation of the spatial and temporal distribution of a phenomenon often provides clues to the process(es) that generated the phenomenon. The procedure of generating and editing of the soils computer maps based on standard programming of the PC computers is presented. Two examples of the map are shown: - the map of depth of loam occurence in soils Experimental Station ATR in Mochełek - the map of distribution of cadmium in the upper layer of soils from the area of the Bydgoszcz city. The were made basing on the standard easy attainable program as Microsoft Excel, MicroStation, Corel Draw and Surfer 7.0. The succeeding steps of the map editing: digital control, the generation of isolines, the edition and location of data obtained in this way in the suitable information layers, are discussed. Method of numeric interpolation was used to the soil surface mapping using irregulary spaced data. The presented examples testify to many following advantages of the use of the method: high rate of mapping, facility of its modification and updating. ...

Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky

Ing. Ph.D. Daniel Adamovský

Ing. Pavel Neuberger

Modeling of specific energy consumption within technology cycles of pig breeding

The article presents results of modeling and operational evaluation of specific energy consumption in four pig breeding categories, which have been realized under the project QF 3200 „Expert System for Determination Support and Optimization of Technology Processes Control in Agricultural Production“ supported by Czech Ministry of Agriculture. The first step of solution brought mathematical equations that describe physical relation of specific energy consumption to machine input, technology cycle duration, total efficiency and day time operation. As example of energy requirements of material manipulation during feeding operation, mulch treatment are presented in equations 1 to 4. Following performed analysis based on calculated and operationally proved energy consumptions were created simple mathematical equations (tab. I) that qualify relation of specific energy consumption Q [Wh∙d-1∙ks-1] to recommended or standardized values of dry pasture mkr [kg∙d-1∙ks-1], wet pasture mkr,v [kg∙d-1∙ks-1], specific mulch production mmr [kg∙d-1∙ks-1], liquid manure mk [kg∙d-1∙ks-1], stable area S1,u [m2∙ks-1], disinfected area S1,z [m2∙ks-1], technology cycle duration τTC [d] and average animal weight mz [kg-1∙ks-1]. The elementary mathematical models come out from hypothesis that individual operation and technology cycles of agricultural production is possible to optimize on the base of theoretical knowledge adjusted by real ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Andrzej Klimek

Comparison of the influence of sprinkler irrigation and microirrigation on one-year old seedling production of the verrucose birch under zoomelioration conditions

Effects of three different irrigation systems (sprinkler irrigation, micro-jet sprinkling and drip irrigation) on the one-year old verrucose birch production under conditions of zoomelioration, are compared in the paper. Zoomelioration measures consisted in introduction of living edaphon with organic matter of forest soil to the nursery soil. Two-year (2003-2004) field experiments were carried out in forest nursery at Białe Błota, Forest Inspectorate of Bydgoszcz. Investigations were conducted on a brown podzolic soil formed from loose sandy soil. Experiment was established as one-factorial trial in randomized block method with four replications. Studied pressure irrigation systems significantly increased the height and diameter of verrucose birch seedlings grown under conditions of zoomelioration. Increased height of verrucose birch seedlings obtained thanks to irrigation ranged from 76 to 100%. Diameter of seedlings was increased by irrigation in the range 67 – 84%. The lowest relative increases of studied biometric features were found under drip irrigation. On the other hand, this irrigation system was characterized by the most economical of water use as compared to micro-jet sprinkling and sprinkler irrigation. Micro-jet sprinkling was the most advantageous in consideration of both the studied growing vigour features of seedlings. This irrigation method simultaneously secured slightly lower seasonal irrigation ...

Dr Dorota Chudy-Hyski

Conditionings of tourism development in mountain rural areas

The research addressed the problem of determining conditions for tourism development in the mountain rural areas in Poland. The investigations were conducted with regard to administrative division of Poland; therefore a municipality was the smallest researched unit. The investigations focused on all municipalities in Poland constituting rural disadvantaged areas (determined as mountain ONW areas, a total of 50 municipalities in four provinces: dolnośląskie, malopolskie, podkarpackie and śląskie. Ratio analysis was conducted exclusively for rural areas. The data presented by matching features originated from various sources, mainly including data provided by The Main Statistical Office (for 2003) and the data of the general census (for 2002). Moreover the information was also obtained by means of surveys from the municipalities under analysis. The investigations were carried out by an original method, using a synthetic measure of tourist area development (SMUTRO). Potential applications of the original measure were presented on an example of Stronie Śląskie municipality where individual conditionings were subsequently presented. Four different groups of conditioning were assumed for the analysis of tourism development in the analysed area: infrastructural, economic, environmental and social. The groups were identified due to their role in the area of tourism consumption. The areas of partial conditionings ...

doc. Ing. CSc. Karol Kalúz

Iveta Miškolciovà

Indirect methods of determination of immision

Mathematical pollute diffusion into atmosphere models utilization is connected with their accurateness and their notice capability, which is a function of their input parameters. Worldwide standards are fixed to the algorithms of parcial inputs with certain unification of typic sequences and empirical coefficients. Otherwise these guarantee results comparability in condition of describe phenomenon’s standardization; but simultaneously in “black box” models utilization, they do not respect the running processes individuality and their verification could be no-address to surface. Therefore it is necessary to know the detail structure and model algorithm, conditions of its utilization, boundaries accurateness and possible results diffusion as a function of accurateness inputs. This condition fulfils models recommended by EPA, in a condition of adequat inputs and for specific events are using “case by case” models with beforehand-defined conditions. ...

Dr inż. Anna Krakowiak-Bal

The economic potential of the limitrophe communes of Southern Poland

The economic potential of communes consists first of all: the professional activity of inhabitants and level of their incomes, the local job market, level and kind of enterprise as well as condition of natural environment. The economic potential decides about economic development of commune or region. It stipulates the economic conversions concerning incrementation of production, employment and investments. The purpose of this article is the diagnosis of the economic potential of polish communes lying near the south border. There were analyzed 70 communes in 5 Provinces: Lower Silesia, Opole Voivodeship, Silesia, Malopolska and Podkarpackie. 47 communes lie at the border with the Czech Republic and 23 on the polish-slovak border. The communes are, in prevailing amount, rural, mountain communes and less favoured areas. The one of chances of the development of this areas, is utilization of their geopolitical location, interregional cooperation with neighboring communes that they have similar values of natural and cultural heritage and the economic potential. The border of the state does not have to mean the border of well developing region. But, the commune in order to be an attractive partner for others, has to offer specific level of services and has a disposal adequate economic potential. ...

Doc. dr hab. inż. Anna Grzybek

Evaluation of local energy conditions, based on the example of Serock commune

According to the Energy Low requirements relevant to local commune level, there should be made the balance of local energy demand and existing heat and energy potential. As Serock commune is the rural one, it does not have any centralized heating systems. In 2004 Serock local commune had 10 193 inhabitants. They occupied 1050 apartments in the city and 2500 houses or flats in commune rural area. In Serock rural commune, energy demand for house and water heating systems is ensured mainly by natural gas, next by solid fossil fuels; coal and coal derivatives. In the city 474 households were heated by gas, and in the country – 717. The rest – i.e. 576 households in the city and 1783 in the country were heated by other energy carriers. To heat 1m2 of living area (data based on our own research results) energy of 0,7 GJ is needed. The equivalent heat power amounts to 0,1 kW. Currently, in Sercok local commune total heating demand amounts to 343 408 GJ/a, which is the equivalent of about 49,05 MW of power necessary to cover typical heating season demand. In the studied community, total coal consumption amounts to 5897,5 t per year, and ...