Zeszyt: 2014, vol. 11 / IV / 2 (Dec 2014)

Mgr inż. Justyna Gabryszuk

The land consolidation as an optimizing process of forest management: case study of the Wólka Nurzecka object

The object of study is the issue of the land consolidation process influence on optimization the forest management . Analysis were done on the land consolidation carried out in the area of predominantly of forest land. The problem of investigation was the ,,Wólka Nurzecka" object, which are comprises by the land of the four adjacent municipalities: Nurzec Stacja, Milejczyce, Czeremcha i Mielnik, located in the podlaskie voivodeship, in siemiatycki and hajnowski districts. These areas are characterized by average of more than 50% of forest cover. The article were showed the spatial structure of the land before and after the land consolidation and exchange of agricultural estates process. The main focus are the area which are in the possession of the individual farms. Obtained results shows a significant improvement in fragmentation of holdings on the the surveyed area. The land consolidation process allowed for the creation of favourable conditions for the optimal forest management. The arrangement of the land with different right of property was ordered, the fragmentation of the parcels are reduced, the location of parcels were brought closer to the actual domicile of participants in land consolidation process , and road infrastructure were improved. ...

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Węglarczyk

Mgr inż. Katarzyna Baran-Gurgul

Drought definition criteria and their influence on the drought characteristics.2. One-dimensional probability distributions

For adopted 12 drought definitions and basing on 49-year time series of daily flows at four cross-sections in the Mała Wisła catchment, it was found that the probability distributions of drought duration T and drought deficit V may be described by the lognormal distribution with parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The goodness-of-fit quality was tested by the Anderson-Darling and Cramér-von Mises tests. Both test did not reject the tested distribution neither for any definition nor any cross-section, as the p-values were greater than 15% for the former test and greater than 20% for the latter. ...

Dr inż. Wojciech Jabłoński

Mgr inż. Karolina Mazurkiewicz

Spatial conflicts in rural areas – lack of knowledge or ignorance ? Case study

The article presents selected cases of spatial conflicts occurring in rural areas. We analyzed both areas in the close proximity of large urban agglomerations and municipalities within a largely agricultural. The encountered problems can be divided into those resulting from existing natural conditions and from errors or omissions in the planning of new functions. The consequence of the situations mentioned in the article are spatial conflicts occurring at the interface of lands for various purposes. These conflicts significantly hinder or prevent the comfortable use of the infrastructure, the proper functioning of farms, secure residence in the area. The result of mistakes made in the process of planning and insufficient consideration of natural conditions that existed in the area is also the destruction of property, exposure to significant costs of disaster relief and payments of compensation. ...

Dr inż. Mateusz Malinowski

Transport and collection costs analysis of mixed municipal solid waste

Transport and collection costs of mixed municipal solid waste (MSW), have the largest share in the costs structure of municipal waste management. This paper reports the transport costs analysis of MSW collected from the Krakow city and the 20 municipalities bordering the main town of Małopolska Region. There were 6 selected vehicles (garbage trucks) analyzed with similar work characteristics. These vehicles belong to private enterprises dealing with the waste transport. Analyzed data are from the period from June 2010 to June 2013. The largest share in the structure of the waste transport and collection have fuel costs (37 %) and salaries (40 %). Other costs and enterprises profit represent 23 % of the total transport costs. At the rural areas, the largest share in the costs structure have the salary (44 %), while at the urban area the cost of fuel (47 %). The average unit cost of waste transport and collection from rural areas amount is 187 zł.Mg-1 (44 €.Mg-1) and is higher by 50 zł.Mg-1 (12 €.Mg-1) in relation to the cost of waste transport from the urban areas. The impact on the higher unit costs of waste transport in the rural areas have varied topographic features, ...

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Węglarczyk

Mgr inż. Katarzyna Baran-Gurgul

Drought definition criteria and their influence on the drought characteristics. 3. Joint probabilisty distribution of drought duration and deficit

For adopted 12 drought definitions and basing on 49-year time series of daily flows at four cross-sections in the Mała Wisła catchment, it was found that the probability distributions of drought duration T and drought deficit V may be described by the two-dimensional lognormal distribution with parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The goodness-of-fit quality was tested by the Anderson-Darling and Cramér-von Mises tests. Both test did not reject the tested distributions neither for any definition nor any cross-section: all of the p-values were greater than 20%. ...

Mgr inż. Marta Ogórkiewicz

Mgr inż. Agnieszka Pęska

Legal aspects of post-war organisational forms aimed at streamlining the agricultural production

The process of collectivization of agriculture was imposed by the communist authorities after the end of the second world war. Contemporary authorities made an attempt to the compulsory change of the agricultural areas agrarian structure, through the agricultural lands integration into collective forms. These forms arose on the basis of already archaic provisions of law, however under the modified form, are functioning to this day in the free market economy.Issues considered in the article pertain to agricultural farms coming into existence and functioning in the period of the People's Republic of Poland. First of all, the agricultural cooperatives and state-owned collective farms were analysed, paying special attention to legal and geodetic regulations describing them. Transition from the socioeconomic communist system to the democracy caused the need for the new institutions introduction, returning unlawfully seized lands and also creating right legal notions adapted for implemented political changes. With reference to the above, there was a need for either adaptation or creation of legal documents which would settle this problem. Authors of this work made an attempt to analyse and assess on the issue. ...

Ing., Ph.D. Bohdan Stejskal

Weight changes of cemetery waste during long-term collection

The paper presents results of the experiment focused on the establishment of cemetery waste weight changes in time depending on the way of collection. The cemetery waste samples were collected at the Brno Central Cemetery and at the Brno-Lisen Cemetery. The samples were stored in an open area and in closed containers (composteiners).Weight of the cemetery waste samples was measured at week intervals for seven months (the end of April - the end of November). The amount of rainfall was measured as well.During these seven months of the experiment the cemetery waste weight was reduced to almost 71 % on average of initial weight but the weight of the samples was stabilized after three months and further sample weight changes were only minor. The rainfall influence tothe waste weight was just temporary. ...

Dr inż. Tomasz Stosik

Phytocenosis structure of meadows in the Golionka River Valley (The Tuchola Pinewoods) as compared with the situations dating 40 years back

The transition into an intensive management in meadows has brought about essential transformations in its vegetation and a destruction of many peatland and swamp ecosystems. Once frequent communities decreased their area, disappeared or got transformed into others. In the structure of meadow phytocenoses in the Tuchola Pinewoods, still around the mid 20th century there were often noted e.g. a well-preserved community of Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei, whereas now in the region one observes mostly its different degenerated forms and rich floristic patches covering inconsiderable areas. Based on contemporary relevés as well as the 1970s flora records made in the valley of the Golionka River in the Tuchola Pinewoods a record of the phytocenoses found in those two periods of phytocenoses were broken down into. At present in the phytocenosis structure there dominate the phytocenoses representing class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea in a form of 8 associations or communities, which occur in total in almost 60% of the areas analysed. About 20% is covered by reed beds (Magnocaricion). The other part is made up of phytocenoses representing classes Atremisietea vulgaris, Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis and Trifolio-Geranietea. It is a typical phytocenosis structure of extensively used meadows on dewatered peats. A large group of plant communities show ...

Prof. dr hab.inż. Krzysztof Gawroński

Dr inż. Barbara Prus

Szczepan Sołtysik

Analysis and assessment of the Podkarpackie voivodeship socio-economic development

The issue of socio-economic development is a phenomenon with a complex analysis. It is associated with both the economic aspect, demographic and natural. The development is directly related to the increase in investment, with interest tourism, the development of technical and social infrastructure. It cannot be forget the human capital. The outflow causes a decline in socio-economic development. Social and economic changes after 1990 were the direct cause of the reorganization of the spatial structure of the country and regional links. Province called "Eastern wall" are seen as agricultural areas, less developed. Question remains whether to attempt to inhibit the unfavorable processes in less developed areas (agricultural), to support them and strive for their development, or support these areas, which themselves already have development potential. The article presents the analysis the socio-economic development of Podkarpackie, taking as a primary field assessment district. Analysis was performed according to the state for the year 2011, the data come from sources of official statistics of the Central Statistical Office. These analyzes gave the zone set for the differentiation of areas for the socio-economic development. The testing method used to analysis was the taxonomy, created by the researcher in Wrocław. ...

Dr Jolanta Cichowska

Analysis of the distance between places important to tourists and agritourism farms in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship

Ten important places for tourists in terms of quality rest (forest, lake, river, bus and railway communication, grocery store, a restaurant, a pharmacy, a medical station, post office, ATM) were analyzed. The study showed that their distances from the agritourism farms are satisfactory. In 346 cases, the answers on the location of the selected elements of social infrastructure were given, and in 195 - on the qualities of natural surroundings (forest, lakes or rivers). It was noted that from the point of view of the organize of various recreational activities, preferred aspect was the location in a short distance from the lodgings body of water and wooded areas. There were 50 farms located near the forest and 30 - in the immediate vicinity of the lake. Number of farms from which these two qualities were on the stretch just up to 100 m - respectively 68 (forest) and 53 (the lake). More completed information supplied respondents about the subjects of which may supplement their basic needs of tourists from the scope of use of bus and rail, grocery store, restaurants, a medical facility, pharmacy or ATM. Mostly they were deployed in the distance up to 4 km from the residence ...

Dr hab. inż. , prof. UR Bogusław Michalec

Silting characteristics of small reservoirs in cascading and paralel configuration using sedimentation index

The sedimentation index was introduced and defined by Churchill. This index is the ratio of the water retention time in the reservoir and the average flow velocity of water through the reservoir. Churchill developed sediment trap efficiency (STE) of reservoir in the function of sedimentation index. The ability to use the sedimentation index to characterize the silting process of small reservoirs, as well as the possibility of using the Churchill's method was made on the basis of the results of four small reservoirs. For testing two reservoirs in cascade and two reservoirs parallel configuration were chosen. It has been found that it is possible to use the sedimentation index to determine the initial sediment trap efficiency of small reservoirs, regardless of their relative position on the watercourse. It is not possible to determine reduce the STE of the individual years of operation using the Churchill's formula. It has been shown that in the reservoirs in parallel configuration the sediment trap efficiency is reduced with the same intensity, but in the reservoirs in cascade in the upper reservoir sediment trap efficiency is faster reduced than in the lower reservoir of the cascade. Also elaborated silting intensity dependence of the sedimentation ...

Dr hab.inż. , prof.UR Jan Zarzycki

dr inż. Dawid Bedla

Impact of burnout sward grass on the species composition and selected habitat parameters

Spring burning of meadows and wasteland vegetation makes every year a big problem associated with the risk of fire. The negative impact of fire on the ecosystem is also often stressed. In a field experiment located in the Prandocin village the influence of a controlled burning on selected elements of habitat and species composition of the meadow sward was investigated. The effect of fire was compared to mowing, mowing and removal biomass and lack of treatment. The highest maximum temperature during the burning (600 ° C) was recorded at a height of 15 cm, above soil surface, that is a short distance above the biomass. The temperature at the soil surface did not exceed 400 ° C and at a depth of 5 cm below the soil the temperature only slightly increased (up to 35 C °). There were no statistically significant differences of treatments in terms of yield and soil moisture measured two weeks after burning. However, the soil was heated significantly faster in plots burned and cut with the removal of biomass. The plant species composition did not differ significantly between treatments of the experiment. The main reason for the modest effect of burning may be a small ...

Dr Jolanta Cichowska

The costs of stay in agritorism farms on a Kujavian-Pomeranian village

The study revealed that the average price for stay on an agritourism farm on Kuyavian-Pomeranian village is not excessive and amounts to 46,84 zł for 24 hours. Highest costs per stay tourists bear in the district Sępólno (75.35 zł), and the lowest in the district Grudziadz. Due to the fact that the hosts served a large span of price ranges (from a dozen to a few hundred złotych) it has been calculated that the average maximum price is formed in the region at the level of 60.81 zł, and the average minimum price in the range 31,45 zł. Only 25.4% of all households have communicated what parts of the agritourism product (except overnight) are within the maximum price, namely the full board of attractions, attractions themselves, or just eating. It can be said that the majority of providers do not show their creativity and initiative in better presentation of their agritourism product on the web portal. They usually limited information to putting basic information about the service, without showing tourists detailed pricing for the use of various additional services. ...

Dr hab. inż. , prof. UR Bogusław Michalec

Appraisal of the possibility of the use of the Brune method and its modification for the assessment of the sedyment trap efficiency of small reservoirs

The results of the calculations of the sediment trap efficiency of small reservoirs were introduced in the work. The sediment trap efficiency was appointed the symbol . Nine small reservoirs located in the Upper Vistula river basin were chosen to analyses. This efficiency became determined on the basis of the sediment balance and compared with the results of applied Brune's method and its modification, worked out by Gill, Heinemann and Jothiprakash and Garg. It was stated that the possibility of the use of these methods to delimitation of the initial sediment trap efficiency of small reservoirs existed. The initial  concerns to the beginning of operation. These methods can have the use in the case of the small reservoirs the whose capacity-inflow ratio is larger from 1%. Also it was stated, that the results of the calculations of the sediment trap efficiency in the successive years of the operation of small reservoirs executed using Brune's method and Gill's, Heinemann's and Jothiprakash's and Garg's formulae they do not represent real value of , determined on the basis of the sediment balance. Estimated methods can not the be used to the qualification of the sediment trap efficiency of small reservoirs in ...

Dr inż. Jakub Sikora

Dr hab. inż. Anna Szeląg-Sikora

Dr hab. inż., prof. UR Michał Cupiał

Systems it for agricultural businesses

The paper presents the application of Moran's I statistics to show the grade of spatial autocorrelation statistic. An additional aim is to show the possibility of illustrating financial resources invested in the spatial objects. The main aim was to show the spatial autocorrelation measure based of diagnostic indicators describing the extra-budgetary funds for investment in the Malopolska province on community level. For this purpose, the data used for analysis were taken from the Central Statistical Office. Spatial autocorrelations of the indicators were illustrated in ArcView, statistical and spatial analysis were done in the R-CRAN. The analysis was carried on the 182 communes of Małopolska province. Based on diagnostic indicators analysis one can conclude that these measures are very useful in economic geography. ...