Zeszyt: 2015, vol. 12 / II / 1 (Apr 2015)

Dr inż. Bogdan Bąk

Prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Łabędzki

Verification of 10- and 20-day forecasts of the standardized precipitation index SPI

In the paper the verification of precipitation condition forecasts are presented. The forecasts have been developed in the monitoring system of water deficiency and excess conducted by the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences. Analyses were performed for seven meteorological stations within Kujawy Region, south-eastern part of Pomerania and western Wielkopolska in the months of the growing season (April-September) in 2013-2014. Actual precipitation deficit and surplus and their 10-day and 20-day forecasts were determined every 10/11 days for the period of 30/31 days using the standardized precipitation index SPI. Two verification criteria were adopted: the difference between actual and predicted SPI cannot be greater than 0.5 and the agreement of the precipitation category classes. The verifiability is determined as the relative frequency of the forecasts meeting these criteria. It was found that the average verifiability of 10-day forecasts in the study area was high and equal to 80% for the assumed criteria. In the case of 20-day forecasts average verifiability was respectively 52%. ...

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Dr hab. Jadwiga Treder

Dr hab. Bożena Matysiak

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Orlikowski

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Małgorzata Czajka

Sustainable irrigation of ornamental nurseries - the main assumptions of Irrinurs project

Poland has one of the smallest fresh water resources in Europe. Due to variability of Polish climate, irrigation became an indispensable element of intensive horticultural production. Recent study has shown that Polish farmers do not use any criteria to estimate plant water requirements for controlling irrigation, which leads to waste of water and energy. This is because userfriendly technologies enabling rational use of water resources are not easily available. The objective of the project is to develop an effective system for control of irrigation in ornamental nurseries, based on measurements of plant parameters, soil conditions and climatic data. To realize this approache the crop coefficient (k) for several important nursery species should be determined. Also the method of restricted irrigation (Regulated Deficit Irrigation - RDI) to control plant shape and plant quality will be tested on several important nursery cultivars. Additionally quantitative and qualitative evaluation of drainage water originated from container ornamental nurseries will be performed. The technology developed within the project will become the key element of the strategy of rational plant irrigation in ornamental nurseries. This is novel, hitherto not implemented approach to the problem of rational irrigation water use in plant production ...

Dr hab. Bożena Matysiak

Mgr Michał Koniarski

Application of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) in container production of ornametal shrubs

Irrigation of ornamental plants nurseries because of the diversity of species grown there, requires considerable water supplies. The using of inappropriate intensity of irrigation in relation to water needs of plants is the cause of the deterioration of their quality and requires a significant investment of work related to control of their growth. Suitable irrigation enables the control of plant growth and development and also the reduction of water resources used and the costs associated with the labour. As a consequence, it may affect significantly the improvement of the competitiveness of the nursery and the reduction of the environment hazard caused by unreasonably high use of natural water resources. Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) is a method consists in limitation or in complete cessation of irrigation during the appropriate plant development phase, in a way that it does not cause damage, deterioration of quality, flowering, crop yield and post-harvest stability. The periodic water deficit applied at the appropriate time and with suitable intensity allows to control plant growth and development, and also reduces water using during their growing significantly. This method has proved to be effective in reducing water using and improving yield in many species of fruit plants. The ...

Mgr Magdalena Ptaszek

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Orlikowski

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Contamination of watercourses and water reservoirs by Phytophthora species

Qualification of Phytophthora by Zentmayer as the destructive factor for plants indicates on that group of pathogens as very dangerous. Results obtained from previous studies showed on Phytophthora species as the threat of all group of plants growing in open field, under covering and natural ecosystem. Phytophthora spp. were detected in all analyzed water sources such as water reservoirs and canals localized in nurseries and in rivers flowing through horticulture, agriculture and forest areas. Results of the studies indicate on P. plurivora, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. lacustris and P. megasperma as the dominant species in Polish watercourses and reservoirs. Obtained results confirmed the pathogenicity of Phytophthora isolates received from different water sources ...

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Water requirements of strawberry nursery grown under greenhouse conditions

The aim of the study was to estimate water requirements of strawberry nursery grown under protected conditions. Strawberry mother plants were cultivated in pots filled with a mixture of peat and coconut substrate. The plants were irrigated by a drip system. Watering frequency was controlled by a developed prototypical weight-based irrigation scheduling system. This system enabled automatic control of irrigation depending on actual plant water requirements. The results showed usefulness of the developed system for scheduling the irrigation of strawberry. The obtained data on irrigation frequency and water application rates provided information on actual evapotranspiration of strawberry nursery (ETr). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated using Grabarczyk equation on a basis of temperature and air humidity data. Having both ETo and ETr values made it possible to calculate crop coefficient (Kc) for strawberry nursery. Kc varied from 0.05 in February (just after planting the mother plants) to 0.62 at the end of cultivation period (before harvesting the plantlets). ...

Prof. dr hab. Adam Szewczuk

Dr inż. Ewelina Gudarowska

Dr inż. Marta Czaplicka–Pędzich

The influence of geo-composite, drip-irrigation and methods of planting on the quality of peach trees obtained in short cycle of nursery material production

The quality of one -year -old peach trees of 'Saturn' cv. on Manchurian seedling rootstocks was estimated in this experiment. The rootstocks with ‘sleeping bud' were planted in spring 2012 directly into the orchard in two different ways: traditionally -in the holes and in ridges, with a spacing of 4 x 1.5 m. The factors of the study were: the method of planting and different levels of soil humidity, obtained by the use of: drip irrigation, geocomposite and combinations: geocomposite with 50% the dose of irrigation. Geo-composite had the capacity of 1.6 L and consisted of: superabsorbent, inner plastic net, and outer nonwoven fabric.Preliminary studies have shown the usefulness of technology based on shorter production of nursery cycle, by planting rootstock with buds to the orchard. A requirement for using of this method is to provide the best conditions for the growth of maiden trees. Favorable conditions for the development of maiden peach trees in the orchard ensured planting in ridges. The high quality of one-year-old peach trees were obtained with traditional planting and under control conditions. Regardless of the method of planting, strong growth and high quality parameters of maiden trees has also provided by drip irrigation, ...

Dr hab. Janina Zawieja

Dr inż. Ewelina Gudarowska

Prof. dr hab. Adam Szewczuk

Effect of soil moisture regulation method in young peach orchard on selected physical properties of soil

The experiment was set founded in 2012 in the Research Station in Samotwór belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. The soil moisture in the peach orchard was controlled by the using of drip irrigation and geocomposite placed in the soil. The impact of these factors on the formation of some physical properties of soil was estimated in the 2 nd year of cultivation. It was the 1st year of the peach trees yielding. The soil under irrigation had the higher bulk density in the surface layer and lower values of porosity. The use of polymer gel alone and with irrigation reduced the soil bulk density in the soil layer at 15-20 cm of depth. The soil under polymer and irrigation was characterized by the lowest value of the capillary porosity. Introduction geocomposite into the soil at the time of planting trees can improve the ability of the soil to retain water in the soil and its efficient management throughout the growing season of trees ...

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

The efficiency of irrigation in a replanted apple orchard

The aim of the study (2011-2013) was assessment of growth and yielding of apple trees (‘BeniShogun'/M.9) grown in replanted orchard. Undersowing the trees with white mustard and irrigation (performed on the basis of soil moisture measurements) were the experimental factors. Irrigation significantly affected plant growth, whereas no positive effect of white mustard application on performance of apple tree was observed. The trees started to yield in the third year after planting and yielding was different in the subsequent years of the study. A positive influence of irrigation on yield and fruit quality was observed. Undersowing the trees with white mustard reduced fruit yield and worsened its quality. It was especially visible on the non-irrigated plots. The results confirmed high effectiveness of irrigation of apple trees grown in replanted apple orchards ...

Dr hab. Jadwiga Treder

Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Anna Borkowska

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Controlled irrigation of poinsettia – a tool to plant shape regulation

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different irrgation managements during poinsettia cultivation. The existing systems of calculationg evaporative demand and thus irrigation frequency are usually based on growing media moisture sensors or climatic sensors (temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation). Poinsettia ‘Primero Red' was grown in pots (1,2 dm3) in greenhouse and irrigated using drippers, according to three different levels: I - irrigation at 40% ±2, (v/v) of water content in growing medium, II - automatically controlled irrigation according to continuous readings of plant weight (all plants placed on special balance connected with irrigation controller) III - irrigation at 72% ±2, (v/v) of water content. The water content in growng media in each treatments was controlled using capacitance probes ECH2O-10 (Decagon Devices, USA). The obtained results showed that irrigation control system based on continuous readings of specially designed balance connected to the computer gave very good results in poinsettia cultivation. Plant in this treatment had the best plant shape and the highest bract area. Moderate water deficit (irrigation at 40% of water content in growing medium) resulted in significant reduction in transpiration and stomatal conductance and thus reduced plant growth and quality. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Bogdan Grzelak

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Dr hab. Roman Rolbiecki

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Rolbiecki

Corn yield response to drip irrigation and nitrogen fertigation in the area of excessive water deficits

The aim of the the research was to confirm the need for irrigation as the main yielding treatment in corn production on a very light soil with permeable subsoil in the area of distinct water deficits, and determining the effectiveness of nitrogen fertigation, compared with broadcast application method. Accurate field experiment was carried out in 2008-2010 on the experimental field of the Department of Land Reclamation and Agrometeorology of the University of Science and Technology in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. During the study period occurred large irrigation needs in corn production, due to insufficient and uneven distribution of rainfall in the particular growing seasons. Seasonal irrigation dose averaged 194 mm.Obtained results showed that the cultivation of corn for grain in the area of distinct water deficits is purposeful only under the irrigation conditions. For non-irrigated variants the yield of dry matter of grain was only 0.87t.ha-1 and did not exceed in any year of the research the level of 1.0 t.ha-1. Under irrigation corn yielded on average 6.55 t of grain dry matter from 1 ha. A worth recommending irrigation system in corn production for grain is dripping system, in which effect of production per unit was higher than effects ...

Mgr inż. Remigiusz Kledzik

Mgr inż. Michał Kropkowski

Prof. dr hab. Czesław Rzekanowski

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Economic evaluation of the efficiency of irrigation in selected crops

For the assessment of the economic efficiency of irrigation in selected crops presented in this paper, we used results obtained from field experiments conducted in 2006-2012 at the Research Station of the University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz by employees of the Department of Land Reclamation and Agrometeorology. These studies were focused on the effects of irrigation on the yield of potatoes, malting barley and corn grown for grain. To calculate the economic efficiency we used the method of calculation the increase in direct surplus. The results indicate that irrigation was economically justified not in the all cases. For potatoes the direct surplus was increasing along with the increasing of the irrigated area, the losses were noticed only in the case of 1-hectare variant. In contrast, there was no economic justification for the use of irrigation in the production of malting barley, regardless of the irrigated area. Same results of economic effects, as in the case of barley, were obtained using drip irrigation in corn grown for grain. The presented calculation shows that the cost irrigation per 1 ha decreases as the irrigated area increases. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Łyszczarz

dr inż. Romuald Dembek

Evaluation of suitability of grass-legume mixtures for renovation of low-productive pastures on the ligt soils

The aim of the study was the estimation of six mixtures for renovation of pastures located on the soils of V and VI quality class under differentiated nitrogen fertilization. The experiment was carried out in the farm specializing in breeding Limousin beef cattle in the years 2008-2012. The most important factor verifying the suitability of mixtures has proved the botanical stability and the resistance to weed infestation of plant communities created by these mixtures. These features were guaranteed by the multispecies mixtures of cocksfoot, but turned out to be completely unreliable in case of mixture with dominance of tall fescue. Cocksfoot was the most dynamic species of the communities of pasture. This species was increasing its percentage in the subsequent years of utilization, effectively reducing their weed infestation. Valuable component of mixtures has also proved the perennial ryegrass which was persisting in significant quantities during the four years. Its significant share in mixtures without cocksfoot grass turned out to be far less competitive with respect to the developing dicotyledonous weed species. Also the amount of cocksfoot negatively affect the development of perennial ryegrass, especially at higher levels of nitrogen fertilization. The dose of 120 kg of nitrogen, used together ...

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Kuchar

Dr Sławomir Iwański

Dr Edward Gąsiorek

Mgr Ewa Diakowska

Simulation of hydrothermal conditions for crop production purpose until 2050-2060 and selected climate change scenarios for north central Poland

This paper attempts to evaluate expected climate changes for the purpose of irrigating plants using the hydrothermal index of Sieljaninov (HTC). Air temperature and total precipitation were simulated for conditions current and expected for a chosen meteorological station in Central Poland, according to the GISS Scenario, HadCM3 and GFDL (which is typical for Poland assuming the CO2 concentration doubles, as is expected for the years 2050-2060). Four 500-year daily temperature and rainfall series were used for computing the hydrothermal index of Sieljaninov, with a 30-day window for irrigating periods, from April to September. The simulated hydrothermal index was presented on a graph during the vegetation period as a course of means, with critical area, standard deviations and probabilities of medium dry, dry, very dry and extremely dry periods.The presented results show changes of average hydrothermal index (up to a 30 per cent drop) in considered periods and scenarios, as well as a 15 per cent variance increase (except GISS scenario). During the four critical months of the year, the estimated probability of extremely dry periods occurring (HTC<0.4) shows two, three and four times the risk of drought for the GISS Model E, HadCM3 and GFDL-R15 scenarios respectively. ...

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Prof. dr hab. Cezary Podsiadło

Róża Kowalewska

Influence of water conditions on content macro-and microelements in the leaves of stone fruit trees .i. plum cv. ‘Amers’ and ‘Cacańska Rana’

Field experiments were done in 2011-2012 in ES Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on the sandy soil (good rye complex) and small retencion of usefulness water. The experiment was designe by randomized block method in 4 replications. Among the trees was the lawn but in the rows the selective herbicide was used. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of under crown irrigation on the chemical composition of leafs plum cv. ‘Amers' and ‘Cacańska Rana'. The experimental design consisted control fields, without irrigation - O and irrigated fields - W. Supplemental irrigation was used when tensiometer have shown that water potential of soil dropped lower than -0,01 MPa. For irrigation the "Hadar" sprinkler were used (r = 2 m). Depending on rainfall the amount of irrigation from 11,8 to 14,0 m3 there used. Studies have shown similar reaction of both plum varieties to the applied water factor. The leaves taken from trees irrigated had tends to reduce the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus. A similar reaction of both varieties was also found in the case of the concentration of potassium and calcium. In addition, the objects on which there was an increase of zinc content significantly decreased ...

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Mgr Edward Łaszyca

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Temporal variability of relative air humidity in growing season in the Bydgoszcz vicinity in 1985-2010

The purpose of the research was to characterize the variability of relative air humidity in the growing season in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz in the years 1985-2010. The study was based on measurements taken from a representative meteorological station located within the Airport Bydgoszcz-Szwederowo. Standardized air humidity measurements were carried out in a thermometer shelter, by Assmann psychrometer at the height of 2 m above the ground, on the plateau, about 3.5 km from the city center. The study investigated the nature and scope of changes in mean relative humidity by calculating selected elements of descriptive statistics. Based on the linear function of Regression analysis we determined direction of changes and specified the ratio with time of analyzed indicator. The average relative air humidity in the Bydgoszcz vicinity, especially in the spring and summer months, was characterized by a large temporal variability, appropriate to moderate and transitional climate in Poland. The variability of the analyzed indicator in multi-year period 1985-2010 was not statistically confirmed. It was found a temporary widening of variation in 5 of the 7 examined cases in period 1998-2010 compared to the previous period 1985-1997. ...