Dr Ewa Pałka

Economic aspects of agriculture production with ecological methods in the Świętokrzyskie province

Polish agriculture produces mainly on the basis of the extensive methods, what results in threefold decrease in mineral fertilizer consumption and sevenfold in pesticide consumption in comparison to OECD countries. All the conditions are conducive to keep farms employing the ecological methods in the course of production. Presently, a growing interest in this sort of production is observed, as a result of subsidiaries system implementation. Environmentally friendly agriculture constitutes ecologically, economically and socially system, which does not overburden the environment and is independent from external expenditure. Furthermore, such a system creates conditions favourable and function in a new market reality. This article presents economic aspects and the changes and the threats to the development of the environmentally friendly agriculture in the Świętokrzyskie Province. ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The estimation trial of tourist supply of the agrotourist farms in świętokrzyskie voivodship

Agrotourist is becoming more and more important of multifunctional development of rural areas. The main aim of this paper was to describe the current stage of agrotoutism, which is important function in rural areas it social-economical transformation period in the świętokrzyskie voivodship at present. The development of agrotourism and rural tourism could be an alternative form of activities for small farms, which are not profitable in the świętokrzyskie voivodship at present. Among all forms of tourism, agrotourism is particularly consistent with the principles of sustainable development as it is based on attractive natural environment and landscape. Agrotourism goes very close to agriculture. At the moment it is one of the most popular ways of recreation and relax. The development of this activity brings farmars some incomes and possibilities of getting other profits of social and cultural character. Organised forms of agrotourism in the świętokrzyski voivodship occurred in the 1990s. In świętokrzyski voivodship agrotourism developed best in some regions, where it is concentrated now. The development of agrotourism (especially in the village Śladków Mały – a model example of agrotourism in local scale) was possible as a result of the realization of the financial support from EU funds. Agrotourism development conditions ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The diagnose of agrotourist base in the świętokrzyskie voivodship in aspects of integration processes

The most serious barrier in the development of extra-agricultural activity in rural areas is the poor level of the development of both technical and social infrastructure in the country. Increase in outlays on the development of technical infrastructure in the first half of the 1990s contributed in many regions of Poland to the development of comparatively new tourist service offered by individual farmers in their own farms, called agricultural tourism and rural tourism. The development of tourist services in rural areas in Poland, should be conformable with regional strategies of the development, because, as the example of the European Union countries shows, agricultural tourism and rural tourism not only stimulates the development of regional infrastructure, but at the same time it favours the preservation of old relics of rural architecture and development of economic initiatives in rural areas. Świętokrzyskie voivodship is one of the viovodships in which the rural areas are of great importance. These areas are inhabited by more than half of the population and the issues concerning them are among the most important questions. Very essential are demographic problems, of which especially the worsening of the age structure which is the consequence of the drop of the natural ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The main courses of socio-economic development of protected areas by the example of the chęciny town and commune

The article shows a characteristic of nature-economic conditions in the Chęciny commune. The author attempts to describe the main non-agricultural sectors and their role in farther socio-economic development of the commune. The undertaken analysis proves, that the area in multi-functionality. This paper presents some important actual problems that restain the socio-economic development of the Chęciny town and commune. It has proved that rural areas are strongly diverse as regards both conditions and disproportions in social-economic development. The natural and landscape conditions of this region are propitious to development of some forms of rural enterprises. The possibilities of rural areas multifunctional development are connected with using the geographical environment terms and favourable location and also human work resources. Creating the new places of work out of agriculture is an important factor of agriculture restructuring and modernization. The main aim of this paper was also to describe the current stage and the main factors effecting the social-economical development of Chęciny commune. The development of agrotourism and tourism could be an alternative form of activities for rural areas, not only in Chęciny commune. At present the development of agrotourism and tourism is one of the most popular ways of economical restructurisation. The development ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Spatial differentiation and conditions for non-agriculture activity on the farms of Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

Management transformations which started at the turn of the eighties and the nineties of the 20th century in Poland have thoroughly changed socioeconomic conditions of the development of the country and its regions. The transformation of state controlled management system required adjustment of various socioeconomic and spatial structures to the new rules of market economy. This process, being based on transformation of the previous structures created in the centrallysteered management system and on the development of the new structures, is being observed in many places in Poland, also in rural areas in Świętokrzyskie Voivodship. The space is characterized by great diversity resulting from natural, economic and cultural conditions, and, consequently, individual regions differ by their respective flexibility of adopting new management rules. Changes in the structure of activity on the farms in rural areas are of great importance in the transformation. The agriculture sector, which was dominant in rural areas in the central economy has changed since the nineties of the 20th century. The sources used in this work can be divided into two groups considering their accessibility: the published and unpublished sources. The paper deals with geographical and agricultural aspects of the analysis of spatial differentiation of the non-agriculture ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Conditions and the state of agrotourist development in the Pińczów powiat

The author of this article performs a complex analysis of the tourist development in the Pińczów powiat. This analysis was done on the basis of “The project of the tourist development in the świętokrzyskie voivodship”prepared by the presidential office. The current tendencies in the world-wide tourism have been taken into consideration while discussing this problem. The place and role of tourism both in the state policy and regional policy have been shown in the state and regional documents. The author stresses the natural, historical and cultural potential of the Pińczów powiat. Due to the wealth of historical and cultural artifacts and diversified natural environment, agrotourism should be preferred in the Pińczów powiat owing to a high percentage of the areas protected by law and tendencies in the current tourism. The local and province authorities were obliged to improve and invest in agrotourist infrastructure also using the Europen Union funds. In the period of political transformation Polish agriculture was very neglected. Divided farms in connecting with low quality of soil conducts to serious difficulty in effective farming. This situation seriously determined state agriculture politic. Main items of state to head towards structural changes of country areas are first of all actions ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Non-agricultural activity of farms in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie voivodship

In the period of progressing process of national economy restructuring and dynamic development of private property the particularly important problem is the changes of individual economic entities behaviour. This kind of entities as the agricultural farms requires to take empiric diagnostic tests on which basis the development aims will be assumed, the control instruments and strategy methods leading for realization or assumed aims will be selected. The paper presents the essence, justification and purposefulness of the multifunctional development in rural areas of the świętokrzyskie voivodship. It points out benefits and emphasizes the problem complexity, indispensable means and the change of the rural areas function. The present function of the agricultural materials production has to be replaced by the population initiative and enterprise in service performance and organization, craft production and agrotourism. The article presents an analysis of the development of non-agricultural activities in private farming on the local scale. The analysis was designed to identify the main factors stimulating non-agricultural economic activities. The analysis has indicated that the concentration of non-agricultural activities depend on the size of the spatial system. Empirical research showed that non-agricultural activity in private farming influences the profitability of private farming and the income situation of ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Impact of the geographical environment on agritourism development illustrated by the example of the Świętokrzyskie Province

Management transformations which started at the turn of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century in Poland have thoroughly changed socio-economic conditions of the development of the country and its regions. The transformation of state-controlled management system required adjustment of various socioeconomic and spatial structures to the new rules of market economy. This process, being based on transformation of the previous structures created in the centrallysteered management system and on the development of new structures, is being observed in many places in Poland, also in rural areas in the Świętokrzyskie Province. One of the most popular forms of development of rural areas is agritourism at present. The study attempts to assess the influence of geographical environment on agritourism development potential in the Świętokrzyskie Province. The analysis of elements of natural environment and tourist amenities makes it possible to evaluate how attractive rural areas are from the standpoint of agritourism development. The study gives numerical attractiveness indicators to show how rural areas are diversified in their likelihood of success for agritourism business ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The determinants of non-agricultural activity in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

In the end of the 80s, processes of change to market economy started in Po-land. Market methods which have been introduced have turned out particularly difficult in agricultural activity. In those years, Polish agriculture was one of the most backward systems of national economy. The article is devoted to possibility of development of alternative functions in rural areas of the świętokrzyskie voivodship The last ten-year period brought a strengthening of the agricultural function especially in central and eastern Poland, while the west and parts of the south witnessed an increase in the signifi-cance of non-agricultural functions. The greatest development of non-agricultural economic activity has been observed in city hinterland areas and has first and foremost involved the services sector and trade. The analysis which was made in this article was designed to identify the main social and economic factors stimulating non-agricultural economic activities in the świętokrzyskie voivodship. The analysis has indicated that the concentration of non-agricultural activities depends on the size of the spatial system. Empirical research showed that non-agricultural activity in private farming influences the profitability of private farming and the income situation of communes. Non-agricultural activities carried out in rural areas are thought to be ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The agrotourist product illustrated by the example of rural areas

Transformation of Polish economy (started at the turn of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century) has changed many socio-economic conditions of the development of all regions in Poland. The various processes which were based on transformation of the previous structures created in the centrally-steered management system and on the development of new structures, are observed in many places in Poland. One of the most popular forms of development of rural areas is agrotourism at present times.An analysis of the agrotourist development in Poland is performed in the paper. The current tendencies in the world-wide tourism have been taken into consideration The place and role of tourism both in the state policy and regional pol-icy have been shown in the state and regional documents.In the Świętokrzyskie voivodship a considerable development of agrotourist farms, with that of cooperating institutions, like agrotourist associations, consultative teams and agrotourist chambers is recently observed. The voivodship is very attractive due to its nature, landscape and monuments of culture. Basic natural resources of this region are forests. The agrotourism is a very important function of this area. First agrotourist farms were organized in 1993. Most of them are small and are not profitable, thus most ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The identification and estimation of local conditions of agrotourism development in rural areas

An analysis, identification and assessment of the local conditions of agrotourismdevelopment in rural areas is performed in the paper. The important role oftourism both in the state policy and regional policy have been shown in the stateand regional documents. In most of European countries off-farming activities becomemore and more important as a source of income for farmers' families. Insome regions agrotourism can be regarded as a significant non-agricultural activity.In Poland the data of Agricultural Census indicates that the number of farmswith off-farms activity increased. The agrotourist farms are still more and moreimportant in many parts of Poland, especially in the wi tokrzyskie voivodship.The local and voivodship authorities are obliged to improve and invest in agrotouristbase, also using the European Union funds.This study is the analysis of natural and social-economic elements of geographicalenvironment in the wi tokrzyskie voivodship. The article is a trial ofshowing how rural areas are diversified for agrotourism. ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The directions of development of non-agricultural economic activities in rural areas in Poland

Non-agricultural activities carried out in rural areas are thought to be indispensable for their economic development. They are especially important to those farms that are situated in areas with unfavourable farming conditions. The article presents an analysis of the development of non-agricultural activities in private farming. The analysis was designed to identify the main factors stimulating non-agricultural economic activities. Empirical research sho-wed that non-agricultural activity in private farming influences the profitability of private farming and the income situation of communes. The greatest development of non-agricultural economic activity has been observed in city hinterland areas and has first and foremost involved the services sector and trade. In this research the main possible directions of development of non-agricultural activity were shown. ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The development of tourist sector in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship in background of Poland

Rural areas in Poland constitute a special territory with respect to physico-geographical, economic and social aspects. In order that rural areas and an individual commune may use tourism as a driving force for local social-economic development, in the first place there must be conditions favourable for practising various forms of tourism (bases for start-ing and then intensifying the tourist movement are necessary prerequisites), sec-ondly opportunities must be opened up for creating various enterprises connected with tourism and providing services for tourists, and capable of meeting increased needs of local communities. Conditions (factors) determining rural communes predisposition for under-taking and realisation of development through tourism may be either of external or internal character. Increasing at present tourist demand animated situation in market of tour-ist servieces in Poland. Estimating the tourist sector in the świętokrzyskie voivod-ship in last years, it may be said that this voivodship became very attractive to dif-ferent investments in tourist sector especially in accommodation base. Many different factors had intensive influence into it. These are mainly: creating of Targi Kielce, coming into being many new attractiveness and tourist products and intensive promotion of the świętokrzyskie voivodship also in Poland and abroad.     ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Agrotourist as a new quality for rural areas. The Świętokrzyskie Voivodship case

Since the half of the 1990's, the development of rural areas was directed into a multi-functional form. Apart from main agricultural functions, dominating in the central steering period, different forms of non-agriculture activity started to develop in rural areas. In new conceptions of rural areas development, of important meaning was tourism, including agrotourism. The main aim of this paper is an attempt to discuss the role of tourism in multi-functional development of rural areas, especially in the Świętokrzyskie voi-vodship. In the Świętokrzyskie voivodship, a considerable development of agrotourist farms, with that of cooperating institutions, like agrotourist associations, con-sultative teams and agrotourist chambers is recently observed. The agrotourism is very important function of this area. First agrotourist farms were organized in 1993. Most of them are small and are not profitable, thus most of their owners became part-time farmers. The income outside the agriculture can be for them just the agrotourism. At present the Świętokrzyskie voivodship is visited by many tourists from various part of Poland. Agrotourism is a real chance for the Świętokrzyskie voivodship farmers, to ameliorate their difficult economic situation.     ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Agritourism business entities in Poland in the light of selected theories on eco-nomic activity location

At present theories explaining location of different firms from all economical sectors create special scientific stream in economical geography. Many theories have been put forward to explain the location of various types of economic activities since the 19th century. Some of them concern only to agriculture or industry. Others concern to modern forms of human, economical activity. In the modern approach, the location of a business also includes the results of the procedure of selecting a site at which an economic activity of a certain kind will be conducted. The location theory aims to define the spatial organisation of a company and to find the variables which will make it possible to state the location and to find analytical solutions. Agglomerations, due to high power of attracting and retaining the capital and entrepreneurial-minded staff, provide a good location for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Some theories of industrial location base on the concept of networking, which perceives the enterprise operation as a chain of various activities. Businesses develop while manufacturing goods, then they transfer those goods to successive entities. At present there are not many researches in literature explaining location, including sector of SMEs. Agritourism activity is the example ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Doc. dr Nazar Kudla

Marketable character of agritourism product on the basis of survey on selected groups of Kielce residents

The study aims to analyse the market image of agritourism product and preferences of prospective tourists with respect to leisure time at agritourism farms. The statistical sample was selected from the residents of the city of Kielce. Representatives of four social and professional groups took part in the investigations carried out in 2011. The choice of participants was purposeful as the groups were composed of individuals relatively frequently spending their leisure time at agritourism farms. The investigations indicate that rather than reflecting tourists' personal experience, the image of agritourism product is often created on the basis of prevailing general opinions (e.g. those presented in the media). Though a majority of the interviewees were able to specify their expectations concerning the tourist product, yet it was difficult for them to put forward demands as regards the product character. The investigations seem to confirm the thesis that being interested in agritourism does not necessarily mean taking up an offer of agritourism farms.The development of tourism in many regions of the country relies on creating and promoting brand products. Those are remembered by tourists as unique and capable of generating a lot of benefits. Brand products are meant to make consumers of tourist ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

Patryk Brambert

The synthetic assessment of predispositions of rural areas to developt agrotourism with reference to the Hellwig method, the case of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains region

The general aim of the article is to analyze the predispositions of rural communes to the development of agrotourist in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains Region. The research also concerns the estimation of main predispositions to the development of rural areas in the region. The article shows the different conditions of rural areas development in Świętokrzyskie. It also discusses the distribution of communes in the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region considering differential potential of their development. The aim of this study is also trying to estimate development predispositions in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region. Statistical data supplied by WUS in Kielce were used to conduct the statistical analysis. Some diagnostic features were used in the characterization of the differential potential of development in rural areas. The Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region was chosen as an area of research, because this area has special conditions of development in Poland. This study shows a huge disproportion in the predispositions of development in rural areas in the Świętokrzyskie. At the end, the article provides practical recommendations. The problem of the future of agriculture and rural areas in many regions of Poland has not been solved yet. The presented results of the researches show that the researches relating ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The influence of european union funds on stimulation of rural communities initiatives in less developed areas. A case study of the świętokrzyskie voivodship

This article shows the influence of the European Union funds in stimulating initiatives of the rural communities in the świętokrzyskie voivodship. It also presents ideas and activities of local action groups with a view to implementing the LEADER initiative. This paper highlights their role in the implementation of innovative Programs carried out in the coun¬tryside. The sustainable development of rural areas is not possible without a wide and direct participation of the inhabitants of villages. The human and social capital is thus the foundational of rural development. The ac¬tivities that integrate and stimulate the initiative of rural communities are shown in the paper. They are based on the example of theme villages. In the świętokrzyskie voivodship there is a problem how to increase local community participation in communes or in regional socio-economic life of particular localities. This is the main area of interest on the part of members who are organized in intersectorial cooperation, in local stocks and local development management. The necessary condition for encour¬aging local population involvement in the development of local areas and for better use of their resources is to build social capital in rural areas. At the end, the article provides conclusions and practical recommendations. ...