Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

The influence of road cement foundations on soil reaction of the fresh mixed forest

The cements contain, apart from Portland clinker, other non-clinker mineral components, mainly industrial refuse. The source of chemical pollution of the cement binders may originate from materials and substitute fuel (e.g. industrial and domestic refuse).The main goal of the research project was evaluating the influence of cement-ground road foundations on the roadside ecotone zones in the fresh mixed broad-leaved forest. The research focused on five types of cements, which contained different percentage of fly ashes and furnace slag. The process of chemical compounds leaching from cement-ground mixtures was described at two levels i.e. laboratory tests and field investigations. The reaction of both sand eluates and hardened cement-ground mixtures was analyzed to describe the influence of cement-ground mixtures on forming the reaction of ecotone zones soils. Additionally, the reactions of duff and soil samples taken at three depths were described. Trees assimilatory organs, as well as ground cover were also monitored. Samples of soils for chemical and bio-indication investigations were collected from two transects, parallel to the axis of each of the five experimental sections, as well as the experimental one. It was found out on the basis of the carried out experiments that the reaction of the eluates of all ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Forms of chromium occurrence in the area of the cement-ground for-est roads impact

Ground-cement composites are commonly used in public road foundations constructed also in forested areas. Layers of cement stabilized ground are utilized in road construction as improved basement soil or basic foundation. Compacted cementground composite layers are independently utilized as road surfaces, surfaces of fire emergency airports, manoeuvre areas,forest car parks, wood depots and peat-lands surfaces in forest road construction. A relatively low percentage of the binder brings about a fairly high permeability of the utilized cement-ground and makes it more susceptible to flaking and cracking, as well as inflitration by precipitation water. The cements contain, apart from Portland clinker, other non-clinker mineral components, mainly industrial refuse. The source of chemical pollution of the cement binders may originate from materials and substitute fuel (e.g. industrial and domestic refuse). The general objective of the project was to evaluate the influence of cementground composite road foundations on the roadside ecotone zones in the fresh mixed broadleaved forest. The carried out investigationsaimed at recognizing the process of washing out of chemical compounds from foundations depending upon the applied cement and condition of the foundation. Five types of different cements with a different share of non-clinker components (fly-ashes and blast furnace slags) were used for ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Evaluation of traffic noise propagation in afforested areas

Noise is one of the most popular environmental pollution. Long-standing residence in noisy areas can cause discomfort, problems with sleeping, neurosis, etc. Because of moving sources and increasing the number of routs, communicative noise is drudging on the huge areas. The level of noise emitted depends on the number of vehicles, as well as their types, speed and technical condition and also the type of routs pavement. Propagation of acoustic waves in the roadside area is stipulated by sound's source energy as well as characteristics of the emitter. Forest ecotone zones and roadside afforestation constitute a certain ecological filter buffering contaminations generated by traffic. Trees and shrubs growing in the vicinity of routs are able to reflect as well as absorb noise. They can form natural acoustic screen. The paper presents an assessment of the propagation of communicative noise on the forestry areas by analysis of variance. Researchers were carried out in the forest area, urban and park forests. Evaluation of noise propagation was conducted in January and July 2006. The measurements’ intensity of noise was interpreted according to model three-factor linear model as well as two-factor linear model. Measuring points were located in different distances away from the crown ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dioxin monitoring of the forest environment

The condition of the continuous existence of the forest ecosystem is the presence of balance of major processes of metabolisms. Each significant change in the chemical balance in the environment brings about disturbances of homeostasis, quantitative and qualitative succession of the major components of both plant and animal world, resulting in degradation of the forest environment. It is necessary to monitor forest environment to control changes in the environment. The network of forest monitoring is based on the fixed observation spots (SPO) of row I and II. Forest monitoring is a system of forest environment evaluation description and sanitary condition on the basis of continuous or periodical observations and measurements of the selected indicators in the observation spots. An additional duty is to fulfill the obligations undertaken by Poland concerning the frame of the Transborder Long Distance Migration of Pollution Convention, Biodiversity Convention, as well as the Strasburg resolution and Helsinki Paneuropean Conference of Ministers called to discuss Forest Protection in Europe, and EU directive Forest Focus Nr 2152/2003. The process of changes and adjustments of the monitoring to the EU demands began in 2004. The state forest monitoring programme introduced then the principle of two-level differentiating of the density ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Forest’s screening effect on distribution of traffic noise

Noise is one of the most popular environmental pollution. Long-standing residence in noisy areas can cause discomfort, problems with sleeping, neurosis, etc. Because of moving sources and increasing the number of routs, communicative noise is drudging on the huge areas. The level of noise emitted depends on the number of vehicles, as well as their types, speed and technical condition and also the type of routs pavement. Propagation of acoustic waves in the roadside area is stipulated by sound's source energy as well as characteristics of the emitter. Forest ecotone zones and roadside afforestation constitute a certain ecological filter buffering contaminations generated by traffic. Trees and shrubs growing in the vicinity of routs are able to reflect as well as absorb noise. They can form natural acoustic screen. The paper presents an assessment of the propagation of communicative noise on the forestry areas by analysis of variance. Researchers were carried out in the forest area, urban and park forests. Evaluation of noise propagation was conducted in January and July 2006. The measurements’ intensity of noise was interpreted according to model three-factor linear model as well as two-factor linear model. Measuring points were located in different distances away from the crown ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Road transportation impact on the soil environment – trace metals migration range assessed by magnetic survey of soil

Policy of road transportation development in the countries of Central Europe imposes construction of new and modernization of existing roads for still increasing transportation burdens. Road transportation release broad range of chemical pollutants, including trace metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu). High concentration of some chemical elements may destabilize homeostatic balance of the soil environment and may decrease health of forest stands. Negative impact of trace metals depends not only on its concentration but also on a form as well as chemical activity of chemical compounds which include trace metals. Potential negative impact of trace metals on the soil environment can be assessed with utili-zation of magnetic soil survey methods. An easy-to-measure geophysical indicator of magnetic properties of some materials is magnetic susceptibility, which de-scribes the magnetic response of a sample when exposed to a weak increasing magnetic field and is directly linked to concentrations of ferromagnetic minerals. For example, if magnetic susceptibility over soil surface equals 30 to 50x10-5 SI units, it may be assumed that concentration of at least one trace metal goes be-yond threshold natural value for forest ecosystem soils. The aim of the research was assessment of spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility of ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Małgorzata Górna

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Impact of road under heavy transportation loads on physical properties of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needle

Road transportation causes chemical pollution which may affect health of forest stands. The assimilative organs of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) are usu-ally considered as a sensitive indicator of the environment quality, since quality of pine needles is a factor strongly determining tree stand health as a whole. Accu-mulation and biosorption of toxic metal compounds e.g. chromium compounds concentration can often result in deformation of needle or shortening of needle length. Length and weight of needles were assigned as the benchmark factor of re-action to pollution cased by road transportation. Experimental plots were placed in sapling stands growing along state road no. 5 crossing the National Park of Wielkopolska (located in the western part of the Polish Lowland). The needles (one- and two-year specimen) were extracted from transects set in range of 20, 40 and 60 m distance from the road. Morphometric measurements were performed on scanned needles with application of digShape software. Two-factor variance analysis was employed (factor A age of needle and factor B distance from the road). The needles extracted from trees growing on transect located 60 m away from the road returned significantly higher mass and length values than the nee-dles extracted from the transects spreading ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Dr inż. Małgorzata Górna

Dr Ewa Bakinowska

Functionality of animal crossing built over trunk road no.5 in aspect of wild boars (Sus scrofa) migration

Increasing road traffic may destabilise the functioning of these animal populations that require large spaces. Animals that periodically dwell in the vicin-ity of roads may also be unfavourably impacted by the chemical contamination generated by vehicular traffic. Soils, ground cover and water in watering places are particularly susceptible to contamination. In order to enable free migration of wild animals, it is necessary to construct walkways above or under transport routes. To date there have been no attempts to develop appropriate guidelines for the optimisation of engineering parameters of aboveground walkways and ade-quate methods of managing ecoducts.The detailed scope of camera monitoring of the walkway included the fol-lowing:- analysis of the species and age structure of wild boars using the walkway,- analysis of the annual and daily seasonality of migration,- assessment of the impact of physical factors (noise and light) generated by vehicular traffic on the behaviour of wild animals on the walkway,Analyses of the registered film sequences have proven that a correctly de-signed, developed and managed aboveground walkway is accepted by animals and ensures continuity of the migration corridor bisected by a transport route with a considerable intensity of traffic. The walkway was used by both big game and small ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Mgr inż. Łukasz Tyburski

Road incidents with participation of forest animals

On Polish roads the problem of mortality of forest animals is more and more often noticeable. As a result of continuous development and modernization of roads in our country accompanying investments should be held, which aim is to minimize the amount of road incidents with participation of forest animals. The main cause of animals' mortality on roads is i.a. intersecting their migration cor-ridors by the road infrastructure.The aim of this article is to analyze the structure of road incidents with par-ticipation of forest animals.According to data collected concerning 2010 the Police reported 16 963 road incidents with participation of forest animals, including 157 accidents, 16 806 collisions, 6 persons killed and 208 injured. These are the losses seen from the environmental and the economic point of view. As results from the analysis carried out, national and voivodship roads, on which the great part of national and local vehicular traffic takes place, pose the greatest danger to forest animals. The least road incidents with participation of forest animals occur on motorways, which are in most cases fenced. The largest amount of road incidents with participation of forest animals occurred on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It results from the increased vehicu-lar traffic ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Mgr inż. Łukasz Tyburski

Road incidents with forest animals in Poland between 2001–2011

The development of the road infrastructure, migration ways of animals crossing with roads increase the possibility of a road incident with animals. The road incidents with animals are the source of multimillion financial losses and can cause permanent disabilities and even death of the road users. In order to increase safety and decrease the negative impact of road on the natural environment, the research should be conducted and the appropriate safety features decreasing the probability of animals rushing on to roads should be used.The aim of the study was to analyze the road incidents with animals on Polish roads between 2001 - 2011. In the study the road incidents with big animals i.e. with the deer (deer, fallow deer, elk, roe deer) and wild boars were analyzed. In the researched period the tendency of changes for: the number of road incidents with animals, the number of animals, the number of registered vehicles was analyzed. It was calculated, how often it came to a road incident with animals.In the researched period 2001 - 2011 it came to 153,269 road incidents with animals, including 151,882 collisions, 1,387 accidents in which 61 persons died, 1,804 were injured. The increase of road incidents with ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni T. Miler

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

Marcin Podkówka

Functionality of a wildlife crossing for bats constructed over the S-3 expressway

Wildlife crossings are resource-demanding structures constructed to minimalize impacts of human-made barriers (e.g. road and railway corridors) on the natural environment. Therefore monitoring of functionality of these engineering constructions is vital. The aim of monitoring is to control if implemented technical and biological solutions have been accepted by the wildlife. The paper concerns functionality analysis of wildlife overpass crossings constructed in the area of S3 expressway junction with A3 motorway. The research method was direct observation bats flight activity through gateway area at reference sections. It shows that constructed section of S3 motorway disturbed natural bat migration routes. The flights of bats at collision elevation 4 m over road level are 20% of total flight frequency occurring outside gateway sections. Efficiency of bat flight guiding on wildlife crossings depends on many factors e.g. biometric parameters of trees, road surface level declination in comparison with surrounding terrain level at the crossing area, location of clearings in the vicinity of crossings.The wildlife crossing analyzed in the paper is accepted by bats, however its functionality should be improved both by implementing technical modifications - increasing width of gates, decreasing of road surface level in comparison with terrain level and by ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

dr inż. Łukasz Tyburski

Seasonal and daily changes of road collisions involving forest animals

Development of road infrastructure and growing number of vehicles on the roads increase the probability of road collisions with wild animals (fallow deer, stag, moose, roe deer or wild boar). In order to improve the safety and decrease the number of wildlife vehicle collisions, it is justifiable to determine the time intervals in which the probability of road accidents involving animals occurs, including seasonal, monthly and daily changes over the whole year. The research comprised an analysis of the structure of road collisions involving wild animals in the years 2001-2011, including the division into seasons, monthly and daily intervals. The data of the number of road traffic collisions involving animals were obtained through an analysis of the data base of Police Headquarters in Warsaw. The identified structure of seasonal and daily road collisions involving animals revealed that the highest number of accidents happened in autumn (29.36%) and spring (26.60%). Almost 10.88% of the analysed accidents happened in October and c.a. 10.62% in May. In the daily structure, the highest probability of collision was after the sunset. These changes are related to daily and seasonal migration due to animal behaviour and the traffic density. ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Trzciński


State Forests make various road investments in cooperation with local self-governments. Jointly modernized roads facilitate local transport for both parties. The prerequisite is proper selection of technologies and project parameters for the modernized roads. The paper aimed to analyze the minimum horizontal curve radii for various elements of roads (on exits, road junctions and vehicle maneuvering areas) depending on the vehicle combinations for timber transport. The scope of works comprised:• analysis of technical conditions for public roads;• analysis of kinematic relationships for vehicle combinations for timber transport;• determining the types of vehicle combinations for timber transport;• empirical determination of the turning abilities of timber haulage vehicle combinations and fire engines.Potential vehicle combinations used for timber transport were determined on the basis of data collected from the customers. Tests of turning abilities of vehicle combinations used for long and short timber transport and for forest fire fighting used by the State Fire Service units were conducted on a maneuvering area, at the curves with radius R = 11.0 m; 13 and 15 m and steering angle α = 90o.A combination of a truck with a trailer or steered cart revealed the best turning parameters. It was demonstrated that the rounding radius R = 11.0 m ...

Dr hab. inż. Bogusław Kamiński

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Suitability of re-compacted ash-slag-soil composites for construction of road pavement

Forest communication network consists mainly of dirt roads. Acute technical problems with forest roads occur especially for these dirt road which are constructed on cohesive topsoil. Lignite fly-ash may be utilized for successful stabilization of cohesive topsoil dirt roads. Under heavy loads the pavements stabilized with fly-ash often perform unsatisfactorily and as a result failures are noted. The aim of research described in this paper was to develop technical solution for reconstruction of road pavements constructed with admixture of fly-ash and fly-ashslug respectively. Bearing strength variability of fly-ash-soil and fly-ash-slag-soil mixes after failure were considered The mixes crushed then re-compacted with addition of stabilizer as influenced by period and conditions of setting were tested. The stabilizers utilized for the test were both active fly-ash of lignite group IIIC acquired from Konin mining region and coke blast furnace slag. Two kinds of mixtures were tested. These were sandy clay mixed with addition of 14 % lignite fly-ash and the mixture of 10 % lignite fly-ash and 10% furnace slag respectively. The samples were crashed and re-compacted after 14 and 42-day period of curing in optimal and air-dump conditions. After sample curing bulk modules were measured with the utilization of VSS press. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni T. Miler

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr hab. inż. Bogusław Kamiński

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

Marshlands of the forest promotion complex „Lasy Rychtalskie” – present state and perspective of changes

The aim of the paper is to illustrate the results of the long-term research performed on swamp areas of the Forest Promotional Complex (FPC) “Lasy Rychtalskie”. The research project comprehended hydrological, chemical and geotechnical field studies performed on forest swamp areas to assess current state conditions of forest management and forest ecosystems, predict changes and identify the threats to ecosystem stability. The Forest Promotion Complexes are a functional areas in peculiarities about to ecological meaning, educational and social. The own name FPC “Lasy Rychtalskie” is accepted from a situated forests on precinct Rychtal of Forest Inspectorate Syców. This forests of precinct are celebrated from ekotype ordinary pine, about unrepeatable genetic values, confirmed in scientific investigations. The study covered forest swamp areas of the FPC “Lasy Rychtalskie”. To detailed investigations are selected three experimental areas, microcatchments and 6 transects transverse to forest roads situated or in frames above mentioned areas or in their immediate nearness. Chosen microcatchments are situated, that lie in wholes on marshland areas. On experimental areas are installed 51 of wells to measurements of ground water levels and 3 Thomson overflows on rivers. From all of bore-holes were received samples of soils to standard researches in laboratory – ...

Dr hab. inż. Bogusław Kamiński

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Suitability of re-compacted fly-ash-slag-soil0 mixes for construction of road pavement

Forest communication network consists mainly of dirt roads. Technical problems with forest roads transport occur especially for these dirt roads which are constructed on cohesive topsoil. Lignite fly-ash may be utilized for successful stabilization of cohesive topsoil dirt roads. The pavements stabilized with fly-ash often perform unsatisfactorily under heavy loads and failures are noted as a result. The research described in this paper aimed at developing technical solution for reconstruction of road pavements constructed with admixture of fly-ash and fly-ashslug respectively. Bearing strength variability of fly-ash-soil and fly-ash-slag-soil mixes after failure and application of repair method were considered. Crushed then re-compacted with addition of stabilizer soil mixes as influenced by period and conditions of binding were tested. The stabilizers utilized for testing were both active fly-ash of lignite group IIIC and coke blast furnace slag. Two varieties of mixes were tested. These varieties were sandy clay mixed with addition of 14 % lignite fly-ash and the mixture of 10 % lignite fly-ash and 10% furnace slag respectively. The samples were crashed and re-compacted after 14- and 42-day period of curing in optimal and air-dump conditions. After sample curing deformation modules were measured with the utilization of VSS press. The deformation ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni T. Miler

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr hab. inż. Bogusław Kamiński

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

Marshlands of “Lasy Rychtalskie” forest promotion complex - present state and perspective of changes

The aim of the present work is a description of a multi-year complex field research (hydrological, chemical and geotechnical) carried out in the area of the "Lasy Rychtalskie" Forest Promotion Complex "Lasy Rychtalskie". The work focused on characterizing the present state, forecasting future changes, as well as indicating the stability threats which the areas face. Forest promotion complexes are functional areas of a particular ecological, educational and social significance. The Lasy Rychtalskie Complex is situated within the grounds of the Syców Forest Inspectorate and its name is taken from the section called Rychtal. The area of the forests is famous for its Pinus sylvestris L ecotype, as well as unique genetic values, confirmed by scientific research. The field investigations were carried out on the marshlands of the forests in focus. Three experimental plots, microcatchments and 6 transects transverse to the forests roads, situated either within the area of the catchments or in their close neighbourhood, were selected for the detailed research. The selected catchments are situated on the marshlands. 51 groundwater measurement wells, alongside with 3 Thomson overflows situated on watercourses were installed on the experimental plots. Soil samples were collected from all drillings for standard laboratory tests of mechanical, ...

Dr inż. Małgorzata Górna

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Analysis of migration of forest game using crossings built over roads

The adverse effect of roads on the environment is observed both during their construction and use. Increasing areas of farmland and forestland are subjected to transformations disadvantageous for animals. It is connected with the loss of natural habitats, changes in water relations and fragmentation of forest complexes. The possibility of free migration of representatives of a given species is the basis for the sustainable functioning of a population. In order to provide ecological communication of an area divided by a road or railway more and more often crossings for animals are being build over or under this road or line. The aim of the investigations was to determine the acceptance level by migrating game of two overpasses built over communication routes: a road and a railway line. Investigations were conducted on a crossing for animals over trunk road no. 5 in the Wielkopolski National Park and on the two newly constructed crossings over a modernized railway line E 20 at the Rzepin – Kunowice section. The effectiveness of crossings over the railway line was assessed by tracking. The crossing over the road was monitored using a specially designed filming unit. Analyses of the operating crossings for animals over railway line ...

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Agata Poszyler-Adamska

Effect of trace elements on the morphometric parameters of assimilation apparatus in white birch

The aim of the research project was to test the hypothesis that the white birch as hyperaccumulator of selected trace elements can be used in soil remedia-tion, that it acts as bioindicator in environmental studies and can be a useful spe-cies for planting to restrict migration of trace elements to the forest ecosystem with no adverse impact on its development and proper functioning. The research presented in this paper relied on a comparison of the mor-phometric parameters of assimilation apparatus in white birch (Betula pendula Roth.) growing in an isolated geomembranes soil, which has received two doses of trace elements in easily digestible forms. The results showed that the different levels of trace elements have the same impact on the state of assimilation apparatus birch. Given the prevalence of birch in Polish conditions, its good adoption to an environment with a strong human impact and low environmental requirements, this species may be suitable for planting in the form of biogeochemical barriers screening sources emitting trace elements (routes, dumps, landfills, industrial plants, sewage treatment plant).     ...

Mgr inż. Łukasz Tyburski

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Inventorying of animals died on roads as a result of collissions with vehicles

The increasing importance of the transport forces modernization of many road stretches. The changes in the transport are not meaningless for the natural environment - the fauna. In order to determine the exact number of animals dying on roads the study was undertaken, which aims at creating a mobile method of in-ventorying animals which died as a result of road incidents. The proper method will be used among others to conduct the study of the effectiveness of the applied security systems, which aim at decreasing the number of collisions with animals and will enable the outlining the migration corridors. In the study presented there was analyzed the usage of the mobile method with a digital camera installed on a specialist car.The preliminary study showed the influence of many factors on the study ef-fectiveness. These factors were among others weather conditions, the speed of the study vehicle, the time, which passed since the road incident took place etc.It results from the study conducted that the average effectiveness of the mo-bile method amounted to 31.65%. As far as the analysis is concerned, which took into account only the reptiles and the amphibians - the average effectiveness of the study amounted to 27.69%. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni T. Miler

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr hab. inż. Bogusław Kamiński

Dr inż. Anna Krysztofiak-Kaniewska

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

Threats to water relations stability in the forest ombrogenous marshlands

Natural and anthropological climate changes are due to reason why unfavorable water resources are changed. The Forest Promotion Complexes are a functional areas in peculiarities about to ecological meaning, educational and social. The area of the FPC Lasy Rychtalskie have high retention potential. Surface outflow is relatively low ca 4% of annual precipitation and occurs in the winter half-year extending into May. The prognosis of groundwater level changes expressed by groundwater level dynamics was created on the basis of negative annual rainfall trend. The projection was calculated on assumption that significant changes in forest swamp ecosystems would occur provided that average groundwater depth level decrease by 50% of the actual groundwater level depth. The reduction of groundwater level depth as the outcome of this scenario can be expected in 100-year period. Pragmatic action to be taken should prevent from the outflow of the water from the areas. The earlier carried earlier out chemical tests did not reveal any excessive accumulation of chemical pollutants in soils, as well as surface and groundwater. ...

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

mgr inż. Adrian Kasztelan

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

Application of a geotextile and geotextile semi-mattress to reinforce a low-bearing capacity subgrade of a forest technological route on a swampy terrain

Construction of forest roads on swampy terrains poses many problems and is expensive, therefore the Authors compared the method so far used to achieve road passability owing to the application of rubble with a modern method, where the main element is a geotextile with a track reinforcement of additional fibres. In the presented experiment the geotextile was embedded into the surface structure as a flat layer or as a semi mattress and covered with variously grained sand or crushed granite. Four variants of the surface construction obtained in this way with additionally established reference stretch of the rubble surface were tested using a light weight dynamic deflectometer (LWD) before and after rainfall. The obtained results demonstrated an approximate bearing capacity of the road surface in the tested technologies, clearly exceeding bearing capacity of the reference stretch of road. The rainfall caused a decrease in bearing capacity on all tested sections, however, the greatest decrease of bearing capacity was observed on the reference stretch. The tested technologies do not allow to achieve road surface bearing capacity suitable for the heavy vehicles carrying timber, but they may provide the base layer for this type of roads or form an independent surface on ...

Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Trzciński

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

The functioning of forest communication infrastructure

The paper indicates that the total mass of vehicles with timber obtained from the State Forests National Forest Holding shall satisfy the requirements for both forest roads and public were not loaded above standards. In connection with the reconstruction of public roads and actually led the optimization of forest road network cooperation is required between managers of these roads, the planning of common work and the development of road transport logistics of local transport areas. Field studies have shown that the load capacity of local and forestry roads can be raised by using appropriate design solutions and modern road materials (eg. geogrid and woven geotextiles). ...

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

mgr inż. Szymon Łopacki

mgr inż. Adrian Kasztelan

Dr hab. inż. prof. nadzw. Andrzej Czerniak

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Assesment of wetland spatial units for the pourpose of a ecological restoration project. a case study from the Central Pomerania Region

The paper discusses the issue of restoration of wetland areas. Wetland ecosystems are considered as the most endangered. The main scope of research was to develop a program - set of task which employment would trigger reestablishment of the environment conditions similar to natural. The range of research methods included inventorying of vegetation, and flora species, inventorying relief of terrain, measurment of water discharge and water stages, identification of peat layer depth and pond depth. Temporal damming was performed. Archive cartographic material was analyzed. The investigated area included the meadow environment, pond, and four peat bog areas located in forest-rural landscape in Kołtki-Kierzkowo in the central Pomerania region. It was indicated that for all investigated sites water conditions were transformed by anthropogenic activities. The main factor affecting hydrologic conditions was drainage of water by drainage systems constructed in the past for porpoise of improvement of land productivity. The results of temporal damming, analysis of local physiographical conditions showed that program of restoration of hydrologic conditions throughout stopping of surface flow can bring out required environmental effect. Proposed activities of active protection include preparing of damming constructions and stimulation of vegetation succession in direction to restore natural wetlands. ...