Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Valuation of using a partition of a village area into equal value elements in a process of optymization of parcels layout

The presented project describes in brief some chosen issues related to using information included in digital maps for the purposes of automation of some elements of land consolidation process. Delibe-rations regarding methods of division of the village area into area elements that can be used for optimization of grounds configuration on the given area were chosen as an example. Description of concept of division into equal value elements was specially emphasised. In order to perform such division, the following ingoing data in a numerical form is necessary: outer boundaries of areas to be divided into area elements, directions of design lines (determining a layout of design plots) for each area and boundaries of existing estimated outlines, ie. areas of equal value defined by participators of land consolidation process. Aforementioned sets, excluding directions of design lines, have to be corrects in topological sense. A consecutive stage is, upon defined ingoing data, creation a set of equal value elements. The set is then used for optimization of deploying plots on a given area from the standpoint of reducing a all-in length of agricultural transport journey. A principle of optimization is based on calculation of results of exchanging equal value elements between respective ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of shortest route between plots and habitations based on road's network graph and dislocation along plots borders

The article presents general principles of the method of calculations distances of ground from habitations based on a numeric map. Filipowice village in Małopolska district was chosen as an example for presentiation of calculation. The village consists of over 12 thousands land plots and about 500 agricultural holdings. The procedures concerning with shortest route from habitations to plots were discussed in more detail. Access from habitation was described in a form of graph including road's network and drives within the complexes. The route of drive from habitation to plots was defined as the shortest path between graph's knots. The process of determining the distance between a household dwelling and plots that form it comprises the following steps: making a list of necessary initial data to be collected from a digital map and a land cadastre; preparing files required to create a graph of driveways between a given parcel and a particular farm holding site; developing the prepared graph of driveways; and, finally, determining the shortest access driveway to the parcel under consideration. Using specific computer software developed, it is possible to make automatic the majority of time- and labour-consuming works indispensable for determining the possible access driveways to parcels, and ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Valuation of the effects of land consolidation on the example of Wojków village

This dissertation presents a method of valuation of the effects of land consolidation executed within the area of Wojków village, Mielec discrict where the greatest importance was assigned to comparing the transportation network of selected group of household dwellings before and after execution of agricultural engineering works. The aforementioned village underwent the process of land consolidation in 2002–2005, which enabled for acquiring date in the form of numerical cadastral map in relation to the status both before and after the land consolidation process. The scope of land consolidation covered the area 612 ha, the number of households was 438 (as for the moment of commencement of the process) and the number of land plots was almost 1400 (during consolidation works this number was reduced to 833 land plots). The land consolidation was executed by Geodesy and Agricultural Land Consolidation Office in Cracow. The subject of presentation is the way of acquiring and preparation of input data for designed calculation procedures. Moreover, rule of procedure for valuation as well as algorithms used for determining the shortest route between a household dwelling and plots that form it were also described. Also presented and debriefed were the results of calculation, which for the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Corrections on optimising land parcel allocation to farms including distances between land parcels and farm homesteads

The aim of optimizing the allocation procedure of parcels to farms is to minimize distances between the lands and the farm buildings. Parcels allocated to farms using an optimized process of allocation are not clearly (unambiguously) determined. The allocation is of a highly random character, and, thus, adequate corrections should be applied. In the paper, three corrections are presented, which make it possible to obtain an optimal solution. The corrections deal with the unnecessary dislocation of parcels within farms, aim at reducing the number of parcels, and eliminate excessive increases in distances between the cultivated lands and the farm buildings. The corrections developed are exemplified by the case of a village of Wojków. In this village, upon the implemented corrections, the farms concerned still possess, to the highest possible extent, all the parcels they had prior to the optimization applied. Moreover, those farms consist of the fewest number of parcels and do not show unnecessary increase in the distances between their homestead areas and their lands. The corrected allotment procedures of parcels to farms could be usefully applied while determining a layout of parcels within farms in the blocks selected for the purpose of consolidating them, and, also, when the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Using computer technologies to analyse changes of transportation network as a result of land consolidation process, based on selected example

This paper refers to the question of valuation of changes to spatial structure of agricultural land that takes place as a result of land consolidation activities. Valuation of effects of land consolidation may be takes from different points of view. Valuation presented in this article is in relation to analysis of the effects of changes to transportation network resulted from land consolidation and influence on the said changes on operating of agricultural households. Presented here are proposed methods enabling for determining the accessibility of land plots to transportation network as well as calculation of changes to lengths of access roads between household dwellings and land plots being part of them. The results of calculation are presented based on selected holding in Lipnica Wielka village in Orawa district, where land consolidation process was completed in 2007. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Evaluation of effect of consolidation works in Brzezie village within the area influenced by the A4 motorway

The paper shows a trial evaluation of effect of consolidation works exe-cuted in Brzezie village, Kłaj commune. Part of the village was allocated as a re-sult of a number of study elaborations followed by a procedure of reconstruction of spatial structure in connection with construction of Kraków – Tarnów section of the A4 motorway. Works concerning execution of land consolidation project started in 2006 ant took two years to complete. Today, all geodesy works related to the project are completed and elaborated project of land consolidation is currently awaiting an approving administrative decision to be issued. The subject of evaluation were data files concerning land plots and farm holdings before and after execution of land consolidation works. No substantial changes of medium size of land plots were noticed. At the same time, a possibility of implementing a correction to an area being subject of a land consolidation pro-cess was demonstrated, which indicates a need for developing a more accurate method determining boundaries of areas, on which land consolidation procedure need to be executed in connection with construction of linear investments. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Optimal allocation of farmlands to farms and linking the allocation with the zones of differences in distances between farm sites and plots

In this paper, basic principles are presented of how to allocate plots to farms with two factors taken into considerations: zones of differences in distances between farm sites and plots, and lines of equal differences in distances, which de-limit them. Both the boundaries of the zones being analyzed and ranges of their areas constitute a significant condition to correctly plan and perform the process of allocating lands to farms. A requirement necessary to correctly allocate plots to two selected farms is that the plots of those two farms are situated within one zone of differences in distance that delimits the plots belonging to the selected farms. A line of equal differences in distances delimiting the plots belonging to those two farms runs across the delimiting zone provided that those plots are most favoura-bly located in relation to the farm sites. The examples shown in this paper refer to two farms located in the village of Filipowice; they exemplify the optimization of layout of the farmlands, and the routes of lines of equal differences in distances between farm sites and plots, as well as area ranges of zones of distances. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

A method of correcting rural farmlands network to increase the participation level in the design complexes

The correction method developed increases the number of farms participatingin the design complexes of plots and refers to an optimization model optimizingthe layout of farmlands as regards the plains of plots. The optimizationmodel applied is based on dividing the design complexes of plots into small elementarystrips. This correction method aims at eliminating too low participationlevels of farms since they make it impossible to section off plots with sufficientlylarge areas. The effectiveness of this correction method increasing the number offarms participating in the design complexes of plots has been confirmed by the exampleof the village of Wojków. With this correction method applied, the majority(more than 90%) of farms smaller than 1 ha could be removed from the complexesof plots. Other low participation levels of farms with small areas are usually a resultof too small areas of both the farms and the design complexes of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Correction of rural farmlands layout decreasing the number of farms with a small participation level in projected complexes

The correction method developed increases the number of farms participat-ing in the design complexes of plots and refers to an optimization model optimiz-ing the layout of farmlands as regards the plains of plots. The optimization model applied is based on dividing the design complexes of plots into small elementary strips. This correction method aims at eliminating too low participation levels of farms since they make it impossible to section off plots with sufficiently large ar-eas. The effectiveness of this correction method increasing the number of farms participating in the design complexes of plots has been confirmed by the example of the village of Wojków. With this correction method applied, it was possible to eliminate from the complexes of plots all the eliminable farms smaller than the area assumed, i.e. smaller than 1 ha. Other few participation levels of farms smaller than 1 ha result from too small areas of the farms or of the design com-plexes of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

The method of determining boundaries of area in Jodłówka village, on which proved negative influence on land spatial structure in connection with construction of motorway

Over the last few years, the scale of consolidation works related to linear investments mainly highways and express roads has significantly increased. In fu-ture such works may also be relevant to construction of new railway routes. Accurate determination of boundaries of the area which should be subject to a land consolidation procedure is a difficult and time consuming task, as it re-quires a huge amount of calculation to be made. At the same time, the effect of this activity is significant for both possibility of obtaining relevant results as well as its cost, which is mainly dependant to a size of the assigned area. A dynamic progress in methods of storing and disclosing the land registra-tion data as well as fast growth of effectiveness of computers allows these days for introducing new methods allowing for fast and very precise determination of areas, for which a negative impacts of the said investment justifies a decision of a land consolidation within this area.This presented article describes a proposition of such method, which uses both land registration data of the considered area in SWDE format as well as a run of a planned linear investment as input data.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Correction of the rural land arrangement which joins shares of farm located within complexes

Correction of the rural land arrangement which joins shares of farm located within complexes is connected with optimization model based on division complexes with elementary strips. The Aim of correction is joining of dispersed farm shares into compact land plots and, afterwards, creating numerical map with new land arrangement. Efficency of the correction was tested and confirmed with data set that represents Wojków village.Introducing of the correction allows for elimination of every farm shares which area is smaller than 1 ha and creating compact land plots in complexes. The result of computational process is a map of rural land arrangement with minimized distance between plots and farm dwellings.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jacek Gniadek

Optimization of the spatial structure of the Filipowice village combined with the change of strip plot deployment

The method used to optimize the rural land system takes into account two basic trends of its improvement: approaching lands to habitats and the size and shape of plots. The basis for creating optimization model is the division of the con-solidation lands complexes into small elementary strips and determining their dis-tances to farm habitats. The final result of the optimization procedure is a com-plete digital map of the new land deployment allowing to summarize the required cadastral documentation. Time-consuming processes of data preparation, model construction and its solutions have been automated by computer programs, which enable practical application of this method. The optimization, carried out for of Filipowice village, prowed that changie of existing land deployment, so that the main direction of the parcel was to be parallel to the axis of the development, can substantially reduce the length and surface of roads. The share of roads in the en-tire village area was reduced by optimizing from 3 to 2%, while the plots were brought 200 closer to farm habitats and the number of plots was reduced fourtr-mes. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Evaluation of the spatial structure of Sękowa village based on data from the land register and analysis of the actual state

Agricultural spatial structure in Poland is highly disadvantageous in the extensive area of the country, which especially concerns Southern and South-Eastern Poland. The far-reaching changes of particular parameters of this struc-ture are mostly the result of land consolidation works carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Act on land consolidation and exchange of land dated 26 March 1982. One of the most important premise qualifying a given area for land consol-idation is excessive land fragmentation, the effect of which is a large number of land plots belonging to individual farms which is usually connected with a slight, average surface of such plot. The data used during the analysis of land fragmentation in a given area is usually obtained via examination of the descriptive part of land and building register survey. The above approach may sometimes result in an incorrect description of the real state of farm spatial structure in a given area, as it was demonstrated in the presented article on the Sękowa village, situated in the Sękowa commune, gorlicki district. In this area one can observe significant discrepancies between the land fragmentation shown in data analysis of land register and the real fragmentation, the scale of which was ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Effect of length of farm plots on their accessibility from farm roads and using this effect while correcting farm roads

This paper refers to the principles of determining the methods of accessing farm plots from farm roads. It is a must to ensure access to each farm plot, and, therefore, there are exclusively two options when planning access roads to plots. Between two neighbouring farm roads, one or two rows of plots can be situated; this situation is described as a one sided or two-sided access. In the paper, it was proved that in the case of short plots of up to ca. 150 m of length, regardless of the plot area, a one-sided access should be planned. As for farm land with arrange-ments comprising longer plots, when planning access roads, a two-sided access to them should be planned. The access planning principles as described in the paper are recommended for the application when correcting farm road networks without any change in the spatial arrangement of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Zones of access to lots with allowance for changes in their lengths and distances between roads

One of the most important aims of the development process of the ground lay-out of a village in the course of scale-integration work is to create favourable functioning conditions in a given rural area . This aim may be achieved by intro-duction of a ground lay-out which the most effectively will reduce the costs con-nected with cultivation of particular lots belonging to farms. Undoubtedly, one of the most important factors determining development possibilities of a new ground lay-out is the rural transport network in a discussed area along with the relevant issue of selection of a way of road access to the lots. Determination of the most economical way of road access to the lots in a particular case is not an evident task because it depends, among others, on the distance between the roads and the lengths of the lots . These factors are evidently related and the effect of their mutual interaction on the optimum access to the lots is a relatively sophisticated issue for calculation reasons. The presented article shows the results of the research on determination of limiting values of such lot features as their lengths and areas as well as surface which should involve a ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Correction of farmland arrangement system to limit excessive distance increments to farmlands occurring during its optimization process

The optimization of a farmland arrangement system connected with the incorporation of required corrections makes it possible to obtain a small (close to the least value), average distance between farmlands and farmstead sites, as well as correct layouts of plots being allotted. The optimization process performed resultsin a specific parcellation of village, usually characterized by a significant diversity of distances to farmlands, and, also, in excessive distance increments in some farmsteads compared to the initial state. The correction developed makes it possible to eliminate excessive distance increments in farmsteads without any significantdistance increments to farmlands; however, it is associated with a certain increase in the fragmentation of plots. A particularly large increase in this fragmentation of plots is in the case of small areas of farmsteads parcelled out within single plots. In the village of Wojków under analysis, the application of the correctionmethod developed caused the number of plots belonging to local farmsteads to increase (i.e. to the farmsteads with sites in this village) by more than 20%. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of shortest route between plots and habitations with the aid network road’s graph and along borders of areas drives

In article was presented the method of calculations distances of ground from habitations on base of numeric map. More in detail was discussed procedures concerning with shortest route from habitations to plots. Approach from habitation has been described for graph including road’s network and drives on field in complexes of areas. The route of drive from habitation to plots was defined as shortest path graph between its knots. Proper disparity of difficulty of drive after ways and after field was accepted. Introduced procedures have been processed at foundation concerning, that relocating proceed after borders of ways and after balks of plots. The graph describing relocate between single area and habitation usually does not surpass two thousand tops. It will not extend time of account excessively and economic application of processed method will enable. Served principles counting of distance and routes of drives allow from habitation for areas of farms on base of information map introduced in the form of numeric automation of majority computational procedure. This enables counting of distance of all rural plots from habitation of farms that can present valuable material for estimate of structure of village and its change. Table of distance of all plots can be ...

Dr inż. Stanisław Bacior

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

The impact of motorway section under construction between the tow-ns of Cikowice and Bochnia on arable land

This paper presents a simplified method of assessing the impact of a motorway under construction on arable lands. The method developed makes it possible to determine all the losses resulting from and connected with the indicated problems of the motor-way impact. A basis for the determination of losses studied is the analysis of variations in land use, soil quality classes, and in the layout of agricultural roads along the axis of the designed motorway. It is assumed a measure of the multilateral impact of motorway on arable lands; this measure is a specific variant of lands value. The specificity of this value variant lies in the fact that while determining it, only the variation in the usefulness to agricultural production is assessed. Therefore, it is a measure to valuate arable land usefulness in the agricultural production. Thus, this assumed measure of the motorway impact is not a market value. The estimated land value will be close to its market value only in typical agricultural regions where the key parameter to mould the land price is production potential of such lands. The presented method of assessing the motorway impact on arable land is exemplified by a section of ‘A-4’ motorway; this ...

Dr inż. Jacek Gniadek

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Filipowice as an example of diversity of the outline of land configuration agri-cultural plots

Surveys of land configuration agricultural plots in Filipowice were carried out on the basis of the data obtained from a numerical map and the computer program. This procedure to a large degree had an influence on both acceleration and cutting of labour intensity of the surveys. All agricultural plots which belong to the farms situated in Filipowice were taken into consideration by the surveys in order to assess both their basic land configuration parameters and cultivation costs. ...

Dr inż. Jacek Gniadek

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Basic stages of land partition development including areal elements separated in case of plots encompassed by consolidation

The following study presents description of the preparatory process which is aimed at optimizing rural land structure in Wojków village, utilizing areal elements separated in case of subdivided parcels encompassed by consolidation. Both the introductory procedures and the specialist computer programs enable to prepare data which, during the further stage of research, will make it possible to build and develop a new optimization model of spatial structure of a chosen village and will let us compare the results in relation to the former optimization method that utilizes division of complex parts into elementary stripes of land. ...