Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Dr hab. inż., Prof. nadzw. Cezary Podsiadło

Róża Kowalewska

Analysis of the use of water by cherry, in different conditions of water and ferti-lizer

A field experiment was conducted in 2003 and 2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik near Stargard, on acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water re-tention useful. We evaluated the use of water for cherry grown under different water and fertilizer. The experiment was randomized block design in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment. The research was conducted on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow. The factor I was watering under-crown: O-control (without irrigation), W-irrigated sites, where soil water potential fell below 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used under-crown in which water was distributed by type of Hadar sprinkler scale spraying for cherry-1m. Second factor was the mineral fertilization NPK 0 - control (without fertilization), 2 NPK - 260 kg NPK. ha-1 (80 +60 +120). Nitrogen fertilizers applied in early spring, before moving the vegetation, while phosphorus and potassium in the autumn according to the agrotechnical. Based on water intensity ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration and photosynthetic rate were ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Koszański

Dr inż. Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Róża Kowalewska

Blueberry high response of 'Spartan' and 'Patriot' to drip irrigation

Field experiment was done in Agriculture Experiment Station Lipki near Szczecin. As objects of studies were 8, 9,10 and 11 years old blueberry plants cul-tivated on the acid brown soil belong to good rye complex. Before planting between the rows of plants 10 cm layer of sawdust obtained from coniferous trees was spread and mixed with the soil. Evaluated growth and yielding of two varieties ‘Spartan' and ‘Patriot' irrigated and not irrigated. Plants were irrigated using dropping lines with emitters collocated every 30 cm with total efficiency of 2,4 l.h-1. Tensiometers show the need of irrigation. Field and plants were irrigated when soil suction power was bigger than -0,01 MPa. Every year blueberry plants were fertilized with 60 kg N.ha-1 and doses of P and K depended on their concen-tration in soil. Total doses of water used for irrigation depended on yearly pre-cipitation equal in 2006y.-300 mm, 2007y.- 40 mm and in 2008y. - 200 mm, 2009y.-127,5 mm Blueberry cv. ‘Spartan' was more productive (10,84 t.ha-1) than ‘Patriot' (9,68 t.ha-1). As effect of supplemental irrigation average crop of ‘Patriot' variety increased by 8,65 t.ha-1 and ‘Spartan' by 8,54 t.ha-1. Weight of 1000 fruits depended on variety, year of cultivation and ...

Dr hab. inż., Prof. nadzw. Cezary Podsiadło

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Dr inż. Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka

Róża Kowalewska

Response of plums CV AMERSIS’ and ‘CACANSKA RANA’ on different moisture conditions and mineral fertilization

Field experiment was carried out in the years 2003–2006 in ES in Lipnik near stargard (Szczecin region) on sandy soil belong to god-rye-complex. The experiment was set up by split-plot method in seven repetitions. Between the trees there was sward and in the rows the herbicidal farrows there kept. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of under crown irrigation and mineral fer-tilization on the yield of plums cv. ‘Amersis’ and ‘Cacańska Rana’. The first fac-tor of the study was supplemental irrigation (0-control without irrigation: W- under crown irrigation). The second factor was different level of mineral fertiliz-ing: 0NPK, 1NPK – 130kg . NPK. ha-1 (40+30+60), 2NPK - 260kg . NPK. ha-1 (80+60+120). Supplemental irrigation was used when the tensiometer have shown that water potential of soil dropped lower than 0,01 MPa. For irrigation the ‘Hadar’ sprinkler were used (r=2m). Depending on rainfall the amount of ir-rigation from 21,0 to 37,9 mm there used. As effect of irrigation the yields in-creased by 19,2%. The highest increased (36,1%) was obtained in 2006 and the lowest (8,2%) in 2005. To evaluation the effects of mineral fertilizers the highest crops obtained from the plots fertilized with 2NPK ...

Dr hab. inż., Prof. nadzw. Cezary Podsiadło

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Dr inż. Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka

Róża Kowalewska

Changes of chemical composition of fruit of cherry cultivated on different water and fertilizer conditions

Field experiments were done in 2002–2004 on sandy soil. Crop productivity of cherry (cv. ‘Kelleris’ i ‘Łutówka’) was tested on different water regime (O – con-trol, W – under-crown- irrigation) and various level of nitrogen doses: 0NPK, 1NPK – 130kg N.ha-1 (40+ 30+60), 2NPK – 260 kg N.ha-1 (80+60+120). The ex-periment was designe by split-plot method in 7 replications. Among the trees was the lawn but in the rows the selective herbicide was used. Irrigation was applied when tensiometer show that potential of soil water was lower than 0,01 MPa. De-pending on rainfall the amount of supplemental irrigation equel 27,5–61,3 mm of water during vegetation period. The paper also presents the results of study on the effect of rainfall and total irrigation rates during vegetation on the content N, P, K,Ca, Mg, sugar, vit. C and dry matter of cherry. The cultivars had similar production capabilities. Irrigation significantly increased the yield, by 1,96 t.ha-1 (36,5%). The highest yield of cherry (6,78 t.ha-1) was obtained from plants, which had been fertilized with 260kg N.ha-1. After three years of the research the content of N, P, Mg, sugar, vitamin C in fruit decreased compare to control plots. Higher mineral fertilization caused ...

Dr hab. inż., Prof. nadzw. Cezary Podsiadło

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Koszański

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Róża Kowalewska

The effect of drip irrigation on yielding of sweet sorghum and corn on a light soil

In 2007-2009, at the Experimental Agricultural Station in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński, a field experiment was performed on acid brown soil of the good wheat complex. This soil in the topsoil contained 8.2 g kg-1 of organic C, had a slightly acid reaction and a low contents of available forms of P (30.1 mg kg-1) and K (45 mg kg -1). During the growing season the ground water level re-mained below 3.0 m.The aim of the studies was to compare the yield potentials of corn and two hybrids of sweet sorghum cultivated in conditions of various humidity of the light soil. On the plots with and without drop irrigation, sweet sorghum (the Sucrosorgo-506 and Rona-1 varieties) and corn (the variety Oldham FAO-250), of which the latter was the species compared. The times and doses of irrigation were determined based on indications of soil tensiometers. To the irrigation a dropping line of a capacity of 2.4 l h-1 of water and emitters spaced 30 cm apart was used. The combined doses of water depended on the timing and amount of rain-falls and were: in 2007 - 40 mm, in 2008 - 150 mm, in 2009 - 110 mm. The plant density ...