The issue of the functioning land and buildings registration from the conducting perspective

Office work is generally known, however prevailing opinions are more or less flattering and it does not matter if the subject of discussion are the county offices or district municipalities. Both these units and the county centres of surveying and cartographic documentation, were established to keep land and buildings registration, since implementing the administrative country reform in 1999. Thus in this article the selected aspects of office work have been addressed, with particular emphasis on investments held in the land and building register, by the body conducting it. Also the problem is described from the side of applications completeness to update the registry, the formal deficiencies, outdated address in-formation and the documents constituting reasonable basis for these changes. Moreover, the official documents language, on which administrative authorities work, appears to be unclear communicator for persons, not knowing expertise law language. The further issue worth attention is the communication between office and the person and opportunities for improving it, because it goes mainly with traditional way via paper mail. Discussed issues refer to the provisions of the Ad-ministrative Procedure Code, that is the work office base with particular emphasis on those leading the land and buildings registration. These offices work is ...

Land register and legal aspect of ground communities issues

Topics related to creation and operation of land communities are based on acts which was born more than fifty years ago. By archaic provisions of the Act from 1963 did not solve the problematic issues associated with the current land community functioning with present cadastral processes.In this article topics related to functioning of land community, supervision of community property and legal and geodetic activities of the community are de-scribed. Many problems in formal causes no indication of the referral and holding shares in the community land. Another problematic issue is the way to claim rights to participate in the community, due to the absence of land registry to the real estate community. No less important topic is the form associated with the transfer of shares in the community. The Authors have attempted to solve these issues based on the experience gained with the functioning of selected community land. ...

Selected problems of updating lands use at example of roads investments

The subject of this article is an analysis of updating lands use in process of preparation and setting out of roads investments. In order to determine the proper range of land use the terms of road and road right-of-way were compared. With an example of selected roads investments from capital city of Warsaw area, it has been investigated the time consumption of changing existing lad use in cadastre. The complex of factors having impact on possibilities of changing former land use on needs for elaboration of serveying documentation and registering by administrative power running cadastre were detarmined . Documents being basis for making change in land use and in cadastre for "roads", independently from investment fullfilment course in investment within range of roads, have been examined. There were presented two solutions , differing in moment of making change of land use long-lasting process of road construction. On the basis of SWOT analysis one identified strong and weak points of each approved solution. Consequences of out-of-date cadastre data have been determined. Land use updating importance for spatial planning was stressed. Regulation cohering was proposed in order to unify land use verification procedure in pursued investment. ...


Continuous economic development and expansion of urbanised land result in changes in land use. The rules of protection of arable and forest land, as well as reclamation and improvement of the useful value of land are regulated by the act of 3 February 1995 on the protection of arable and forest land with further amendments. The act particularly specifies the rules of changes in the purpose of arable and forest land, and rules of exclusion of arable and forest land from production. The change of purpose and exclusion of land from production are two basic legal instruments which must be considered by all entities planning for example conducting building investments on arable and forest land.The article presents the issue of the exclusion of arable land from production in the context of updates of land and building register. The scale of exclusions of land from production in Poland was determined. Detailed research was conducted in the Zwoleński poviat with agricultural character, located in the southern part of the Mazowieckie province. The analysis of the process of exclusion of arable land from production as well as changes in the structure of arable land use in the Zwoleński poviat in the years 2005-2014 ...