Administrative update of soil classification

Soil classification is closely linked to conducting of land administration by leading aut¬hority, with respect to land surveying act. Register in form of soil classification frame was conducted and updated on the base of regulation from 1956 till 2012. New exe¬¬cutive act has replaced old one and entering changes with the previously established order. This caused a lot of complications for the administrative authorities and persons performing technical activities.In this article the problems related to the functioning of the soil classification were discussed, its running and updating based on the already repealed act from the ad¬mi¬nistrative and legal side and moreover in accordance with the executive act from 12th September 2012. These topics are related to concept of soil classification as a separate register with respect to land register or the aim of functioning and the scope of the tasks associated with conducting soil classification register. Many problems are coming with unclear description of proper person who is appointed to perform outdoor and indoor classification operations. Described topic of soil classification is a very up to date problem in the field of property management. Very dynamic changes in Polish legislation force the need updating older legal provisions. The amendment ...

Spatial differentation of the soil quality in dąbrowski administrative district

The soil quality belongs to one of the most important factors which affects the level of possible to obtain crops in agriculture. Because of that, it is an important element in determining profitability of agricultural production in particular area. Knowledge of soil quality spatial differentiation in the areas of administrative parts or municipalities has an influence on the planning process for the development of agricultural areas. This element also provides important information in the programming process of land consolidation works, which action takes place at the level of provincial government. These data are characterized by a very long period of suitability for use, due to the small amount of changes relating to the soil classification inserted into ground and building registration, which mostly have sporadic event.The article presents the results of the analysis which aims to provide differentiation of the average soil classification in particular administrative parts of Dąbrowski district which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship. The data of the ground and building registration were used as a data source, which were gained for every administrative parts of Dąbrowski district. The results of studies are presented in both tabular and graphical form.     ...