Zeszyt: 2011, vol. 8 / 05

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Kuchar

Dr Sławomir Iwański

Rainfall Simulation for the Prediction of Crop Irrigation in Future Climate

This paper attempts to evaluate rainfall in the context of expected climate changes for the purpose of irrigating plants. For a chosen meteorological station in Central Poland total precipitation was being simulated for conditions current and expected, according to GISS Scenario (GISS Scenario as typical for Poland assumes doubling the CO2 concentration as expected for years 2050-2060). Two 300-year daily rainfall series were compared to analyse periods for crucial irrigating starting in May and ending in September. For the simulated data prob-ability density function of total rainfall were estimated in examined periods and subsequently used for tail area approximation. The results present a slight increase in the average sums of rainfall (up to 5 per cent) in considered periods, as well as much greater height variance (as much as 20 per cent). In the context of irrigation, this means a greater risk of drought and a need for providing water requirements for plants in critical periods.The results suggest a need to use a comprehensive model taking en bloc meteorological variables into account. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Łabędzki

Dr inż. Bogdan Bąk

Predicting meteorological and agricultural drought in the system of drought monitoring in Kujawy and the Upper Notec Valley

The system of drought monitoring has been performed by the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz since 2008. Meteorological drought is evaluated using SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) and agricultural drought - using CDI (Crop Drought Index). CDI is calculated with the linear regression relationships between CDI and SPI. Prediction of meteorological and agricultural drought is made in the 10-day periods, using the forecast of precipitation obtained from WetterOnline.The verifiability of SPI forecast was high (80-100%). The verifiability of CDI depended on crop type and soil water retention - it ranged from 50 to 100%. The differences in drought classes were determined only in several cases.Monitoring and estimation of drought are the base of decision and activi-ties making in agricultural production, water management in the rural areas, irri-gation and estimation of yield losses. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Trends in changes of climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants in the region of Bydgoszcz

The aim of this study was to assess the significance of changes of selected climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants in the years 1981- 2010 in the re-gion of Bydgoszcz, located in the zone with the highest desirability of the invest-ment location in terms of irrigation climatic criteria in Poland. The paper uses re-sults of meteorological measurements, carried out in the standard way, in the Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology 'Mochełek', University of Technology and Life Sciences, located approximately 20 km from Bydgoszcz.The study involved 30-year normal period of 1981-2010. A number of me-teorological elements and indicators of meteorological and agricultural drought were taken into account. The calculations were made for the period from 1 May to 30 June. The study results showed no significant trends of change climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants in the Bydgoszcz region over the years 1981 - 2010. In the period 1996-2010 compared to the previous 15 years (1981-1995) it has been stated a while broadening the time variability of precipitation and evapotranspiration, and also of the climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants, calculated on the basis of them. ...

Prof. dr hab. Janusz Jankowiak

Dr Jerzy Bieńkowski

Managing and utilisation of water resources in agriculture

In the study, it was pointed to a small utilisation of potential agricultural productivity in Poland (on average, around 62%), under the conditions of existing water deficiencies. Results of the study confirm that using new technologies and rational management, plant yields harvested can be higher than average ones in the region (in winter wheat growing by 14,7 dt•ha-1, i.e. by 37,1%) and be close to the potential yields. Higher crops growing intensity results in an improved water use efficiency.In water management aiming at increase of water resources, agricultural retention play an important role (so called "small retention"), which is made up of soil retention and landscape retention. Increasing the water retention by only 1% in the studied "Rów Wyskoć" mikrocatchment, in Wielkopolska region, would decrease the annual water discharge from this catchment by 4% and it would amount to 8.9% of the discharge during the vegetation period (IV-IX). Different agrotechnical measures of increasing soil retention were discussed as well as the effect of cropping pattern and nonagricultural elements on the water retention of the landscape were considered.     ...

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Assessment of spatial and temporal variability of rain-fall in central Poland during the vegetative season of 2010

In climatic conditions of Poland rainfall constitutes the main source of water for vegetation. Total amount of rainfall, its intensity and distribution influence soil moisture which has a major impact on plants' growth and development. Great variability and contrasts of rainfall are one of the main characteristics of Polish climate. The aim of the following investigations was to precisely analyze the spatial changeability of rainfall in Central Poland. Data concerning rainfall were collected during the vegetative season of April - October 2010 in 34 meteorological stations scattered in orchards all over Central Poland (the area between Skierniewice and Góra Kalwaria), and were the basis for the evaluation. Analysis of the data confirms the observation which states that there is a great spatial variability of sum of precipitation, its maximum amount and intensity as well as the longitude of dry and rain spells. Significant differences were observed between the stations located very close to each other - a few kilometers apart. In order to work out e.g. a reliable climatic water balance the rainfall must be measured directly on the investigated object.     ...

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Dr Danuta Krzewińska

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Development of irrigation of orchard plants reflected by survey investigations

Fruit production plays an important role in both national agriculture and economy. In order to keep the present supply markets, which means the actual production level, we have to ensure the high quality of fruit offered to customers. In our climate soil drought is one of the crucial factor significantly controlling the quantity and quality of the fruit crop. Therefore irrigation of orchards and small fruit plantations has become an indispensable element of fruit production. The de-velopment of irrigation itself is controlled by the shortages of water. It is important to optimize the ways of using our moderate water resources in the process of orchard development. It should be related to not only modern and economical irrigation systems but also with the introduction of rational criteria of irrigation to orchard farms. However, new technologies cannot find their way to predominantly small farms and the lack of reliable information makes the whole situations even worse. The information needed should be collected through surveys conducted during national conferences and fairs. The aim of the investigations was to estimate the area of irrigated orchard and plantations, collecting the information about the technological ideas and practical usage of irrigation criteria as well as the ...

Dr hab., prof. nadzw. Adam Szewczuk

Mgr inż. Dariusz Dereń

Dr inż. Ewelina Gudarowska

The estimation of growth of trees planted in ridges with irrigation and soil mulching

The experiment was conducted in Research Station belonging to department of Horticulture at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The growth and the yielding of ‘Jonagored' cv. apple trees was estimated. The trees were planted two methods: traditional and in ridges. Planting in ridges consists in setting trees on the top of the ground, fastening them to the wire stretched along the row and hilling their root with the soil from the space between rows. The trees were trained in three systems of soil cultivation: herbicide fallow, mulching with sawdust and agro textile. Additionally a part of the trees in herbicide fallow was irrigation by using drip irrigation. The research was conducted in years 2005-2008 in the orchard in full period of fruiting. The trees of ‘Jonagored' on M9 rootstock were planted in 3,5 x 0,5 m (5714 trees · ha-1) spacing in spring 2000. The estimation included: vegetative growth on the basis of number and sum of length of one-year-old shoots longer than 20 cm. The influence of these factors on the weight and number of deleted shoots during annual pruning was determined. The results showed that irrigation stimulates the growth of trees planted in high density on ...

Dr inż. Ewelina Gudarowska

Dr hab., prof. nadzw. Adam Szewczuk

The influence of rootstock and water-absorbing geo-composite on the growth and yielding of apple trees

The aim of the research was the estimation of growth and yield of 'Ligol'cv. apple trees depending on rootstock and polymeric sorbent called geo-composite SAP . The experiment was conducted in years 2006-2010 in Research Station be-longing to department of Horticulture at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Two-year-old trees of ‘Ligol' cultivar were planted in the spring 2006 in 3, 5 x 1, 0 m spacing, on three rootstocks: M.9, P 60 and M26. The second factor of the experiment was application of geo-composite SAP in the form of agrożel placed inside geo-textile as strip with the width of 10 and length adjusted to a plot with trees The wet geo-composite, was put on the bottom of holes before the trees planting. The experiment was established according with randomized split-block me-thod, in three replication with tree trees on each plot. The trees were fruiting as early in the year of planting. Fruit yield was from particular tree determined by separate weighing. The weight of one fruit was estimated on the basis of the yield from one tree and number of picked up fruit. Tree vigour assessed taking into ac-count the increase in cross sectional area of the trunk, ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Koszański

Dr inż. Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Róża Kowalewska

Blueberry high response of 'Spartan' and 'Patriot' to drip irrigation

Field experiment was done in Agriculture Experiment Station Lipki near Szczecin. As objects of studies were 8, 9,10 and 11 years old blueberry plants cul-tivated on the acid brown soil belong to good rye complex. Before planting between the rows of plants 10 cm layer of sawdust obtained from coniferous trees was spread and mixed with the soil. Evaluated growth and yielding of two varieties ‘Spartan' and ‘Patriot' irrigated and not irrigated. Plants were irrigated using dropping lines with emitters collocated every 30 cm with total efficiency of 2,4 l.h-1. Tensiometers show the need of irrigation. Field and plants were irrigated when soil suction power was bigger than -0,01 MPa. Every year blueberry plants were fertilized with 60 kg N.ha-1 and doses of P and K depended on their concen-tration in soil. Total doses of water used for irrigation depended on yearly pre-cipitation equal in 2006y.-300 mm, 2007y.- 40 mm and in 2008y. - 200 mm, 2009y.-127,5 mm Blueberry cv. ‘Spartan' was more productive (10,84 t.ha-1) than ‘Patriot' (9,68 t.ha-1). As effect of supplemental irrigation average crop of ‘Patriot' variety increased by 8,65 t.ha-1 and ‘Spartan' by 8,54 t.ha-1. Weight of 1000 fruits depended on variety, year of cultivation and ...

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Effect of water deficit on gas exchange parmeters, growth and yield of two strawbery cultivars grown under greenhouse conditions

The response of two strawberry cultivars (‘Elsanta', ‘Sonata') to drought was examined by evaluating the yield and selected morphological and physiological parameters. Plants were subjected to two different water regimes: optimal irrigation (control), and reduced irrigation (water potential in the growing medium was maintained at a level -30 kPa, stress treatment). Genotypes differed in their response to water deficiency. Cultivar ‘Sonata' presented high rates of net photosynthesis with high value of water use efficiency (a ratio of photosynthetic rate to transpiration rate) under water shortage conditions. Drought stress reduced leaf area in all cultivars, but root development was retarded only in ‘Elsanta'. Under water deficiency conditions reduction of yield was higher for ‘Elsanta'. ‘Sonata' appeared to be more drought resistant which was reflected by both growth and yield parameters.     ...

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik

Impact of quntity and intensity of precipitation on changes in soil water content in an apple orchard

Quantity, intensity and seasonal distribution of precipitation have an indu-bitable impact on soil moisture. Precipitation water could be used by plants only when percolates into soil and is retained as capillary water. In case of excessive amount or intensity of rain, part of water percolates below the root system level or runs off at soil surface. During two years of experiment (2009-2010) quantity and intensity of precipitation were observed and analyzed. Daily and weekly measure-ments of soil water content were done to assess the impact of intensity and quantity of precipitation on soil moisture changes in apple orchard. Total rainfalls for years 2009 and 2010 were higher from the multi-year average. Also, the temporal distribution of precipitation differed within and between the analyzed years, how-ever, the amount of rainfall collected during the vegetative period (May-September) constituted more than 50% of the total yearly precipitation. The results showed low efficiency of small rains. On average, during the vegetative period, minimal precipitation necessary to keep the soil water content at a stable level was 13-14 mm during a week. Efficiency of precipitation depended on the soil surface maintaining system. In case of soil maintained as a chemical fallow the highest efficiency was ...

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Influence of under -crown irrigation and mineral fertilization on selected indicators of sandy soil fertility for use of orchard. I. The bulk density and soil water stocks

A field experiment was conducted in 2003-2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik near Stargard, where they were founded three two-factor experiment. The research was conducted on an acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water retention useful. In each of the experiments were evaluated: the impact of different irrigation and fertilization on bulk density and soil water stocks. All experiments were randomized block design established in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment with cherry, five replications with peach and four replications in the experiment with the plums. Were carried out on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow. Order factor was irrigation under-crown: O-control (without irrigation), W-objects irrigated when soil water potential fell below 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used in which water was distributed by type of Hadar scale spraying for cherry r-1m , peach r-1,5m, and plum r-2m. The dosages of water under the tree stone in different growing seasons ranged from 21.7 to 61.3 mm depending on ...

Dr inż. Anna Jaroszewska

Influence of under –crown irrigation and mineral fertilization on the changes of fertility indicators some soil operated orchard. II. Ph soil and content of selec-ted macroelements

The second part of paper presents effects of supplemental irrigation and mineral fertilization on pH soil and content of selected macroelements. Both used agrotechnical diversified mineral content in the soil, contributing to changes in soil fertility. Applied irrigation allowed the movement of minerals in the soil profile, high mineral fertilization increased their concentration in the investigated soil layers. Both irrigation and fertilization effect on pH changes in the KCL and the content of mineral forms of nitrogen.     ...

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Kaniszewski

Dr Irena Babik

Dr Józef Babik

Effect of irrigation and mulching on yield of celeriac in organic cultivation

In the years 2009 -2010 experiments on the influence of irrigation and mulching on yield of celeriac were carried out on certified organic field of the Re-search Institute of Vegetable Crops, Skierniewice. In the experiments three objects of irrigation: drip, mini-sprinkler and without irrigation and tree objects of mulching: mulching with textile biodegradable fleece, red clover mulching and without mulching were compared. In 2010 additionally textile biodegradable fleece enriched in dry red clover was used. Irrigation was applied on the base of soil moisture measurements by irrometers and it was started when water potential reached -20 kPa. Irrigation had a significant effect on the yield of celeriac. In the first year of experiment yield of irrigated celeriac was about 45% higher that non irrigated one. However no differences were found between two different systems of irrigation. In the second year drip irrigation increased yield of celeriac by 16,1% and mini-sprinkler irrigation by 12,1% in comparison to non irrigated object. Similar yield of celeriac was obtained in treatments with textile biodegradable fleece mulching and control without mulching in the first year of experiment. However red clover mulching increased yield of celeriac by 29% as compared to both fleece mulching and control ...

Dr Jacek Dyśko

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Kaniszewski

Dr Waldemar Kowalczyk

The influence of flood fertigation on the growth of greenhouse tomato transplants grown in organic substrates

Hand watering or sprinkler irrigation is mostly used in transplant produc-tion of tomatoes grown in pots with organic substrates. The flood irrigation on the tables or on the flood floors is applied in the ornamental plant production and more recently and more often in transplants production of the tomato and the cucumber cultivated in cubes of rockwool. The aim of the investigations conducted in 2008-2010 was to determine the influence of the flood fertigation with different concentration of the nutrient solution (the EC = 1,5, EC = 2,5, EC = 3,5, EC = 4,5 mS.cm -1) on the growth and development of the greenhouse tomato transplants cultivated in peat substrate. The transplants were cultivated on heated flood floor. The pots with tomato plants during fertigation were flooded to height of 3-4 cm by period 30 minutes. The kind of fertigation had no significant influence on the growth and development of tomato transplants. The plans obtained from flood fertigation and from hand watering characterized the similar height, thickness of stem, fresh and dry matter and also surface and number of leaves. Tomato transplants fertigated with nutrient solution of EC 2,5 and 3,5 mS cm-1. had best parameters such as the height, ...

Dr inż. Robert Lamparski

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Dr hab. inż. Dariusz Piesik

Effect of microirrigation on occurrence of asparagus beetles in asparagus cultivation on the very light soil

The field experiments were carried out in two consecutive years (2005-2006) at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. The aim of the study was the influence of different systems of irrigation in asparagus hybrids cultivation on the very light soil on the occurrence of asparagus beetles. The experiments were conducted in a randomized block design of a two-factorial system with four replications. The first tested factor was irrigation in three following variants: O - non-irrigated plots (control), K - drip-irrigated plots and M - micro-irrigated plots. The second factor was associated with two asparagus hybrids (called by producer): Ap, Gr and one cultivar ‘Schwetzinger Meisterschuss'. The number of adults and larvae of both asparagus beetles was observed on every single plot area; three times during the vegetation period from July to August (beginning from the first decade of July and continuing every third week). The harvest plot area was 14.5 m2 (23 plants x 35 cm x 180 cm). Generally, the adults and larvae of twelve-spotted asparagus beetles were more numerous than common asparagus beetles on aspa-ragus hybrids plants: Ap, Gr and ‘Schwetzinger Meisterschuss'. Microirrigation applied on asparagus hybrids wasn't related with these two asparagus beetles did not susceptible to. Much the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Needs and irrigation effects on potato in areas of particular deficits in the water

The aim of this study was to determine the average early potato numerical irrigation needs, displaying their large variability in time and linking those needs with the projected increases in tubers yield under the influence of the applied pro-cedure. In the study a new research method was used, based on the results of many years of strict field experiments conducted at various research centers in the areas of particular shortage of water used for agriculture. These areas include light and very light soils located in the central part of Polish lowland, in the rainfall area during the growing season (IV-IX) limited with the isopluvial line 350 mm. The needs of irrigation were calculated for four places (Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Poznań, Warszawa) located within the areas of particular water deficit. Precipitation data from the years 1971-2005 derived from measurements of our own and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management were used in the calculations. It was found that the need for irrigation of the potato as a basic yield-forming factor, on very light soil with a drained subsoil, occurs in areas of water deficits in the 80-86% of the years, depending on the locality. In the 20-40 % of the years the ...

Prof. dr hab. Zenobiusz Dmowski

Mgr inż. Halina Dzieżyc

Dr hab Kazimierz Chmura

Comparison of water needs of sugar beet determined by precipitation total and number of days with rainfall

The data on sugar beet yield were taken from Stations of Cultivar Assess-ment situated in south-west Poland. Using the method of multiple regression with interactions, models of root and leaf yield and sugar content percentage were con-structed, where the independent variables were precipitation total in the periods April-June and July-September or the number of days with rainfall in the stated periods. The optimum for obtaining highest yields of beetroots proved to be the set of factors: rainfall April-June 222 mm (the highest studied) and rainfall July-September 260 mm (a bit higher than average). As regards the number of days with rainfall, the optimum values were 35 days in the period IV-VI (values lower than average) and 50 days in VII-IX (value close to the maximal studied). The yield of roots was lowest with the lowest precipitation totals in both the periods (122 and 152 mm), and also when the highest number of days with rainfall in the spring season (46) was accompanied by low number of days with rainfall in the summer period (33). For the yield of leaves the best set of factors proved to be the maximum precipitation totals studied, both those of the spring and summer period ...

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

The effect of sprinkling irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the yield of winter rape

The paper presents the results of strict field experiments of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization of winter oilseed rape variety "Californium" conducted in years 2007-2010 at the Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Mochełek near Bydgoszcz on sandy soil. In each season of spring vegetation have appeared needs of water supplementation using irrigation, an average of 93 mm were used (pri-marily in May and June), but during the years of research the dose ranged from 55 mm in 2009 to 150 mm in 2008. Two doses of nitrogen fertilizer were used: 125 i 200 kg.ha-1.On average, in the years of the research the rape yielded at the level of 4.41 t.ha-1. Applied the factors resulted in increased yield: irrigation of 1.13 t.ha-1 (29.3%) and nitrogen fertilization, of 0.37 t.ha-1 (8.7%). The largest increase in rape seed yield due to irrigation (1.27 t.ha-1) was obtained in 2008, using the highest dose of water (150 mm). The smallest (55 mm) dose of irrigation water in year 2009 brought the largest (21.6 kg) efficiency of 1 mm of the water. Irrigation resulted in a substantial, compared to fertilization, improvement of yield compo-nents, increasing ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Needs of sprinkler irrigation in production of malting barley depending on the type of soil

The study estimated the needs of emergency irrigation in malting barley and illustrated their high temporal variability. The original test method, based on the results of many years of field experiments was used. Experiments were carried out in the area of particular deficit in the water (region of Bydgoszcz) on two soil types: very light with a drained subsoil and light with a dense subsoil. A total of 17 annual experiments were carried out, in three multi-year cycles, involving 13 growing seasons. There was a significant correlation between grain yield at a non-irrigated plots, and increases in grain yield under the influence of irrigation and the amount of precipitation during the period of increased water needs of barley, including the months May and June. Based on the analysis of these relationships and the total rainfall in May and June in the years 1971-2010, it was found that the great barley irrigation needs, requiring the use of at least 5 doses of irrigation (in total at least 100-120 mm of water) are found in the region of Bydgoszcz on the very light soil in 30% and on the light soil in 12.5% of the years. The use of irrigation in these ...

Dr inż. Grzegorz Lemańczyk

The health status of true millet cv. ‘Jagna’ grown on a very light soil depending on dose of nitrogen fertilization and sprinkler irrigation

The aim of the study conducted in the years 2005-2006 was to determine the influence of sprinkler irrigation and four nitrogen fertilization doses (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N•ha-1) on health status of true millet cv. ‘Jagna' cultivated on a very light soil. Investigations covered estimation of infestation degree with: complex of pathogens on roots and in the case of stem base - Oculimacula spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Fusarium spp. and Bipolaris sorokiniana. On leaves there was observed the intensity of Phyllosticta leaf blight and other necrotic spots. Irrigation caused the significant increase of root rot and stem base infesta-tion with Fusarium spp. and B. sorokiniana. Health status of non-irrigated true millet was dependent mostly on rainfall. Lower intensity of most diseases was noted in the year characterized by lower rainfall amounts during the vegetation period of millet. The higher nitrogen dose resulted in the significant increase of infestation of millet roots and stem base with Oculimacula spp. The pathogenic fungi occurring on infected millet roots were mostly represented by Fusarium spp., especially F. solani, F. oxysporum and F. equiseti. Stem bases showed the occurrence of F. equiseti and B. sorokiniana. Presence of R. cerealis and R. solani in the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Dr hab. inż. , prof. nadzw. Józef Błażewicz

Dr inż. Stanisław Dudek

Dr inż. Renata Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska

Mgr inż. Agnieszka Zembold-Guła

Evaluation of efficiency of sprinkling irri-gation in the brewing barley cultivation technology – preliminary results

A field experiment was conducted during the growing season 2010 on sandy soil in Mochełek near Bydgoszcz. The effects of irrigation and the four variants of nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of grain from brewing barley varieties 'Mauritia' and 'Martha' were inwestigated. Growing season of barley in terms of total rainfall belonged to the wet, however, was marked by an extremely uneven distribution of rainfall in different decades. During the period of tillering and ripening stage of barley rainfall amounted to only 16.3 mm, which resulted in the need for irrigation of plants. A total of five doses of 105 mm of water was used. It was found that yields of barley grain ranged from 3.05 kg.ha-1 to 6.34 kg.ha-1, depending on the variety, irrigation and nitrogen fertilization variant. Regardless of the factors used, higher average yields of 31% was characterized by a variety of 'Martha'. The average increase in grain yield due to application of irrigation was 37.3%. This indicates the high desirability of introducing this treatment to the malting barley production technologies as a factor which increases the amount of grain yield in growing seasons characterized by the occurrence of atmospheric and agricultural dry spells in ...

Dr Jadwiga Treder

The effect of irrigation regime and initial tuber weight on growth and flowering of calla lily ‘Black eyed beauty’ and ‘Treasure’

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effects two irrigation regimes (soil suction -15 and -30 kPa) and different tuber weights on flower quality and tuber yield of Zantedeschia ‘Black Eyed Beauty' and ‘Treasure' grown in green-house during spring-summer season. Before planting tubers were sorted according to their initial weight to four groups: A (35 g), B (70 g), C (100 g) and D (150 g). Plant were grown in 3 or 5 L containers, groups A and B or C and D, respectively. After leaf unfolding plants were irrigated at two soil suction level: - 15 and - 30 kPa, according to "Watermark" sensors placed inside the containers. Irrigation significantly influenced growth and flowering of Zantedeschia. It was shown that irrigation at - 30 kPa delayed flowering time and decreased flower yield, especially in case of ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Flowers had lower fresh weight and were shorter. The cultivar ‘Treasure' gave higher yield than ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Water stress negatively influenced tuber growth of both calla lily cultivars. The index of tuber growth strongly decreased with increasing the initial tuber weight at planting, however it was lower for plants irrigated at - 30 kPa. The results clearly ...

Leszek B. Orlikowski

Mgr Magdalena Ptaszek

Aleksandra Trzewik

Prof. dr hab. Teresa Orlikowska

Dr Beata Meszka

Prof. dr hab. Czesław Sadowski

Water as a source of survival and spread of Phytophthora species

Occurrence of Phytophthora spp. in Polish rivers and pathogenicity of iso-lates toward some plants were studied. Rivers Jasieniec, Pisia and Rawka were surveyed during all the year with one month interval. First 2 rivers are situated in horticultural areas in Warsaw and Łódź districts whereas the third one is running through agricultural fields and forests. Rhododendron leaves were used as the baits for detection of Phytophthora from water. Number of necrotic spots on baiting leaves was a measure of population densities of Phytophthora spp. in rivers. The occurrence of Phytophthora in water was noticed during all year with the lower density in the 3rd quarter of the year. Five Phytophthora species and taxon Salixsoil were identified among isolates recovered from 3 rivers. During all year from 3 surveyed rivers (except from Pisia in the first quarter) P. citricola was recovered as the most often occurring species. Additionally P. cactorum, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi and P. megasperma were detected from rivers. In laboratory trials water isolates of P. cactorum and P. citricola colonized roots, stem parts and leaves of birch with the significantly faster spread of necroses on plant parts inoculated by P. citricola. In greenhouse trial both species caused root ...

Aleksandra Trzewik

Leszek B. Orlikowski

Prof. dr hab. Teresa Orlikowska

Mgr Magdalena Ptaszek

Influence of water sources on frequency of Phytophthora occurrence

Influence of water source on frequency of Phytophthora occurrence was the purpose of this study. Phytophthora spp. was detected in 3 rivers, 2 canals and 2 ponds. Rivers were situated in different part of Poland. Two of them (Jasieniec and Pisia) is following through horticulture areas, whereas Wisła - through area with hardy ornamental nursery stocks. Water canals and ponds are situated nearly or in nursery. Rhododendron leaves baits cv. ‘Nova Zembla' were used for detec-tion Phytophthora in water from March to November. Number of necrotic spots on baiting leaves was the measure of population density of Phytophthora in water. Phytophthora spp. were detected from water from March to November. In canals, the most of necrotic spots on baiting leaves were observed in May and June. In rivers Jasieniec and Rawka and water ponds significantly more necrotic spots on baiting leaves were noticed in March, April, May and in September, October and November. P. cirticola was recovered as the most often occurring species and next P. cryptogea, P. cinnamomi, P. citrophthora, P. taxon Salixsoil.     ...