Zeszyt: 2014, vol. 11 / II / 2 (Jun 2014)

Dr hab. inż. prof. PW Jolanta Kwiatkowska-Malina

Mgr inż. Andrzej Szymon Borkowski

Application of semivariance analysis for estimating So2 concentration in atmospheric air

A characteristic feature of the phenomena occurring in the atmospheric air is the existence of autocorrelation. With tools geostatistics is possible to identify modeling and estimation of the state of contamination of the air. The phenomenon of autocorrelation shows that the results of measurements that are adjacent to each other in time and space are more alike than more distant measurements. The existence of autocorrelation time can be the basis for estimating the value of the measurement location. To study the autocorrelation time gas concentrations and aerosols used semivariance analysis. Knowledge of semivariance parameters allows you to use the best uncompressed linear estimation method which is kriging. The paper presents an example of application semivariance analysis of ambient air quality status for the area of the province. An evaluation of spatial and temporal autocorrelation in the Silesia province based on the basic parameters such as range of impact , and the effect of the threshold nuggets. The analysis results show the semivariance as a function of the linear relationship between distant the points and the degree of their similarity. The existence of spatial autocorrelation provides a basis for modeling and estimation using stochastic methods. ...

Dr inż. Leszek Dawid

Dr inż. Krzysztof Deska

Selected problems of registration and land register of ecological sites

One of the forms of protection of the natural environment, according to the legal act from April 16, 2004, is an ecological site. This form has been used in Poland since 1991.The main reason of creating ecological sites is a necessity to protect small-area objects which are valuable because of their environmental and landscape virtues and which due to their small area and minor importance are not protected by any other form, for example are not reserves (Koreleski 2004, Koreleski 2005, Sammel i in. 2012, Sajnóg, Wójcik 20).This article shows chosen elements present in a process of registering and recording ecological sites. Based on the analysis of works cited and present for many years legal acts and procedures, it has been stated that there can be discrepancies between data of various registers, and especially in registers of forms of protection of the nature and The Land and Building Register (EGiB). These data are incoherent and incomplete.The aim of the paper is to identify and show reasons for such a state and also its possible ramifications. Techniques of a qualitative analysis (of legal acts and regulations excising in the last 20 years) and descriptive analysis have been used in the research.Discrepancies ...

Mgr inż. Justyna Wójcik

Mgr inż. Monika Balawejder

Dr inż. Przemysław Len

Marginal lands, proposals for their management in the consolidating works in the district of brzozów

The purpose of this article is characteristic of marginal land and showing the possibilities of alternative development. Due to the terrain test area was divided into four groups ie areas: mountain, foothill, hilly and plains, in which it was carried out a detailed analysis of the low-grade land valuation. Villages county Brzozow is highly fragmented agrarian excess labor force and low marketable agricultural production. Therefore, the comprehensive land consolidation program of work is an important aspect of rational land use unsuitable for agriculture. ...

Dr inż. Anna Bielska

Mgr inż. Tomasz Oberski

Exclusion of lands from development for their excessive soil moisture content, classified with the use of GIS tools

Designation of lands for development is a vital process. Regrettably, natural conditions are often disregarded in spatial planning. The research focuses on the analysis of soil conditions and relief for the purposes of exclusion of lands from development. It was assumed that lands of excessive soil moisture content and wetlands are often located in depressions. Such lands should be excluded from development or actions should be taken to limit the negative impact of the said factors. It was also investigated, whether such lands are considered in communal studies of conditions and directions of land use. SAGA-GIS and ArcMap software was used in the research, as well as data computed in OCTAVE environment. The research proves that the existing as well as contemplated development plots are sometimes located in areas of poor bearing capacity, excessive soil moisture content, as well as in closed drainage basins. It should be emphasized that the research results unambiguously indicate that analysis of suitability of given terrains for development is not taken into consideration for the purposes of drafting spatial planning documents. Approximately 25% of the investigated development area should be excluded from development. In rural areas such exclusion is particularly feasible due to greater availability ...

Mgr inż. Żanna Król

Charakteristic of plots patchwork in strip type: a case study of the Brzezina villge, Puchaczów commune

In the paper were analysis and evaluation of plots patchwork in strip type in Brzeziny village, Puchaczów commune. Research was performed and was used to descriptive-research method. Studies include the registered parcel of land defined by: surface, elongation, shape, access to it from the building. Getting to know the atatus of the test spatial structure of land allowed for random-stratified selection of plots for detailed analysis so that in proportion to the number of parcels in the area group accounted for at least 10% of its numbers. In total, the research detailed adopted 226 the total number of plots. The greatest defect of the plots studied in detail is their excessive elongation particular region of south-east of the village. The studies prove the existence of many defects in the spatial structure of land in studied plots. This is primarily a consequence of land trading and fair inheritance. Analysis of the structureand ownershipof landletto note thatin the studyof the villageup96.7% of the land belongs toprivateownerswhile77% of its surface isarable land. Approximately 25% of the plotsdo not have accessto a public road. The big problemis theextension ofthe villagetestplots, which adversely affects theprofitability ofthe crop.The only rational way that could rebuild the ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. AGH Edward Preweda

Geodetic kinematic models

The paper presents selected issues on geodetic kinematic models. In previous applications various linear esti-mation procedures are used, they are use to solve a system of equations involving observation issue. The kine-matic model can be formulated itself in various options. The model conception adopted in this work assumes that it does not matter how to perform follow-up, in terms of time or measurement periods. The input data may also be functions of observations, for example, coordinates of the points with the corresponding covariance matrix. Kinematic model if it is to involve civil engineering, should be supplemented by adequate restrictions imposed on the model parameters, ensuring continuity of displacements and deformations. A generalized kinematic model can be used to obtain the parameters of functions describing the movement of individual points or the entire facility, which provide information on the point or vector displacement field. ...

Dr inż. Leszek Dawid

Dr inż. Krzysztof Deska

Comparison and evaluation of completeness of data on ecological site register: a case study of the koszalin voivodeship and city of Koszalin

Ecological sites and their data included in official registers are the subject of the paper. While comparing the total area of ecological sites in The Land and Building Register (EGiB) (the state for January 1, 2012) in zachodniopomorskie voivodeship with the data on various forms of environmental protection included in the same source, one can notice big discrepancies. The first data mentions the area of 4 328 ha, the other ones - 6 424 ha. One of the purposes of the paper is to check whether similar discrepancies occur in Koszalin Province and City of Koszalin.The aim of the research, whose results are presented in the paper, was to show and evaluate discrepancies between various registers on the local level containing quantitative and area data of ecological sites. The main source of information used was the register of Regional Director of Protection of Environment (RDOŚ) and EGiB. The area of Koszalin province and Koszalin itself was the object of the research. The data collected for October 1, 2013 and quantitative and qualitative analysis of documents and area analysis were used.The conducted analyses resulted in pointing out deficiencies and discrepancies in both registers and evaluating numbers and areas of ecological sites ...

Mgr inż. Natalia Sajnóg

Technical infrastructure relation to media transmission and distribution and its area bands

Continuous social and economic development of a country is associated with providing basic needs like electricity, fuel, gas, water, heat etc. Technical infrastructure connected with media transmission and distribution similar to a transport infrastructure has become a fundamental human need, required for public purposes. Taking into consideration its linear character, both the existing infrastructure and the new one, regarding a large number of properties, limiting or preventing execution afforded full rights to these properties. Therefore there is a necessity to define areas connected with transmission and distribution line infrastructure, and all of these, in a light of the youngest limited property right - transmission easement. The purpose of this paper is the division of technical infrastructure connected with media transmission and distribution in view of its occurrence in the real estate space, range and availability for potential customers as well as registration in the geodesy and cartography regulations. In the study have been indicated also the area bands of land associated with the transmission and distribution line infrastructure, depending on its technical parameters and the way of a appearance in the real estate space.     ...

Dr inż. Anna Trembecka

Modes of real property disposal for the construction of technical infrastructure

Investments regarding the implementation of transmission facilities run linearly through a series of parcels of land, occupying a part of these properties - in many cases, they run underground or above it. Their location is determined by economic and social needs. Transmission facilities do not constitute elements of a real property if they are part of a company.One of the conditions for obtaining a permit for the construction of these facilities by the entrepreneur is holding a transmission right to the land which was provided for the designed network.The paper presents an analysis of the forms and methods of obtaining a title to the property for the purpose of the implementation of an investment in the scope of transmission facilities. The conducted research confirmed that today the most commonly used are two basic legal forms allowing the use of other people's property in order to run transmission facilities. One of them is transmission easement, introduced into the Civil Code in 2008. The second way is to limit the use of the real estate through administrative and legal proceedings, which is a special case of expropriation, and thus may relate only to public investments.Surveying and legal documentation, necessary to establish transmission ...

Mgr inż. Wioleta Krupowicz

Analysis of the effects of land consolidation as perceived by the local community

A large part of polish agriculture requires deep structural changes. This is evidenced by the disintegration of farms, bad condition or lack of technical and institutional infrastructure, high unemployment, migration of the rural population to cities, and aging of local communities. In order to counteract this disturbing situation in rural areas, implementation of rural development programmes is necessary, involving the application of effective tools, namely land consolidation. As a result of land consolidation procedures, the development possibilities of Polish village improves every year. For the process to be successful, however, the initiative and positive attitude of land owners is necessary.The article presents an analysis of the effects of land consolidation in one of the villages of the Podkarpackie Province as perceived by the local community. The identification of the opinions, needs, aspirations, attitudes, and interests of the consolidation participants involved the application of a group interview. The group interview revealed both the satisfaction and disappointment of the inhabitants, as well as lack of trust and understanding of the idea of the consolidation procedure. This may result from among others ineffective informational and educational activities propagating the possibilities of development of the village, agricultural farms, and land consolidation benefits for each ...

Dr inż. Anita Kwartnik-Pruc

Dr inż. Anna Trembecka

The issue of transsformation of perpetua usufruct into ownership title : a case study of the city of Krakow

Perpetual usufruct is a right in rem, which is intermediate between the ownership right and limited property rights. Land owned by the State Treasury or local government units may be subject to perpetual usufruct. The very institution of perpetual usufruct has been arousing much controversy lately. The focus is both on the right itself, as well as on the possibility of it being converted into ownership title, and even there are voices postulating the elimination of this right.The issues of transformation of the right of perpetual usufruct into ownership title is currently governed by the regulation of 29 July 2005 on the transformation of the perpetual usufruct right into the ownership title to real estate (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 83). The original content of this act, although covered in just ten articles, was formulated imprecisely, giving rise to extensive case law in this respect. The article examines the successive amendments to the aforementioned Act, pointing to significant changes regarding the subjects and objects of the restructuring proceedings, the authorities conducting the proceedings, as well as appeal bodies and the ways and rules for determining fees for the transformation of the perpetual usufruct into the ownership title. The last ...

Dr inż. Adrianna Kupidura

Public access to landscape in land consolidation processes

The paper concerns the issues related to rural landscape. The problem of recreational development of rural areas was discussed. The range of present and future changes of spatial, social, economic and ownership structure of rural areas will influence the landscape. One of the current tasks will be to find balance between protecting the natural and cultural landscape components, maintaining property rights of farmers and preserving tourists' interest. The paper presents studies of contemporary approaches to landscape understood as a public good. In this context public access to landscape has been presented. Public access to landscape should be considered in spatial management processes of rural areas. The proposition presented in the paper relates to two landscape categories: "inner landscape" and "outer landscape". An outer landscape is understood as a landscape seen by the observer (e.g panoramas, views) while an inner landscape are places where the observer can observe the landscape. Lack of the public access to view spots, view roads and view platforms disturbs landscape accessibility for landscape users. Rural landscape possesses high value for contemporary man. It constitutes a social reality that is very rich, Public access to landscape includes spatial planning and law regulations providing the right of way ...

Dr hab. inż., prof. AGH Piotr Parzych

Mgr inż. Ernest Rymarczyk

Mgr inż. Aleksandra Szabat-Pręcikowska

Administrative update of soil classification

Soil classification is closely linked to conducting of land administration by leading aut¬hority, with respect to land surveying act. Register in form of soil classification frame was conducted and updated on the base of regulation from 1956 till 2012. New exe¬¬cutive act has replaced old one and entering changes with the previously established order. This caused a lot of complications for the administrative authorities and persons performing technical activities.In this article the problems related to the functioning of the soil classification were discussed, its running and updating based on the already repealed act from the ad¬mi¬nistrative and legal side and moreover in accordance with the executive act from 12th September 2012. These topics are related to concept of soil classification as a separate register with respect to land register or the aim of functioning and the scope of the tasks associated with conducting soil classification register. Many problems are coming with unclear description of proper person who is appointed to perform outdoor and indoor classification operations. Described topic of soil classification is a very up to date problem in the field of property management. Very dynamic changes in Polish legislation force the need updating older legal provisions. The amendment ...

Dr inż. Monika Siejka

Dr inż. Marek Ślusarski

Evaluation of district internet geoportals, on selected examples and selected feature

Since the beginning of the 1990's the development of computer technologies has allowed geo-information resources to be presented on-line on the Internet. District geoportals are one of interesting sources of spatial data in Poland . The aim of the study was to check the quality of the districts Internet geoportals operation throughout the country and evaluation of the selected range of accessible spatial data. The study included 32 randomly selected districts for which information resources were evaluated in three categories: clarity, interactivity and accessibility of data. The investigations have revealed that on the case of district portals the richest information is related to interactivity, (Figure 5) then to clarity. ...

Dr inż. Monika Siejka

Dr inż. Marek Ślusarski

Dr inż. Mariusz Zygmunt

Multidimensional cadastre, implementation possibilities in Poland

The article presents the method of switching from 2D cadastre to 3D + time systems using available IT tools, based on the existing official geospatial data registers. For more than twenty years in Poland, the official registers of information about land structures have been modernised. This modernisation includes the securing and protecting the rights to real properties, increasing the effectiveness of databases, increasing the data quality, as well as improving the effectiveness of land planning and management. Advanced CAD technologies enable the development of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and, at a further stage, visualisation of surface objects, such as borders of land parcels or outlines of buildings, in 3D space. Modern relational databases and CAD tools also enable the reconstruction of the state of real property of any point of time. l   ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

The areas identification particularly indicated for the implementation of the land consolidation in the example of Dąbrowski administrative district

Complex land consolidation works are the only instrument which enables in a short time making significant changes in the spatial structure in a large area. Very large needs for those types of work implementation in Poland in connection with the limited pool of funding available for this purpose, indicate the need to develop methods, which in precise way identify areas where implementation of land consolidation works is necessary and where the procedure can give the greatest effects. The presented article introduces the results of the analysis which have to determine the ranking of parts of Dąbrowski administrative district (which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship) which shows the urgency of land consolidation works. For this purpose, the results which have been the subject of previous studies were used. The previous studies were connected with spatial differentiation of every parts of administrative district features like: land fragmentation, area structure of farms, areas without road access, the average land classification and the intensity of field obstacles presence, which make difficult in the new plots layout design process. Proposed synthetic indicator, which contains five features listed above, may have wide application in land consolidation works programming process in the provincial ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Bryś

Dr inż. Zbigniew Siejka

Prof. dr hab. inż. Edward Osada

Innovative method of elimination horizontal refraction in geodetic network in tunnels

The paper presents the problem of systematic influence of homogeneous environment on the results of precise azimuth and coordinates transferring in long geodetic networks for tunnels. A concept of exact solution of geodetic network for minimization of refraction effect as well as a calculation example is presented. The development of robotic total stations allows for effective refraction angles adjustment directly during measuring in tunnels. Innovative, group adjustment of traverse deviations in local geodetic network allows for reliable control of directional angles transferring. Results of the research and predictions of traverse displacement of coordinates in the elongated, local and unilateral tunnel networks are presented.     ...

Dr inż. Zbigniew Siejka

Dr hab. inż. i, prof. WSBiP Waldemar Krupińsk

Analysis of the precision of static satellite measurements made with the TRIMBLE NETR9 receiver

The paper presents the method of testing the precision and accuracy of satellite measurements made with the Trimble NetR9 receiver model with a Zephyr Geodetic Model 2 antenna (TRM55971.00 TZGD), which was additionally equipped with a snow shield. The tests covered the results of static measurements in the form of geocentric coordinates XYZ, calculated with the automatic POZGEO service, operating under the ASG-EUPOS system. The observations were made in measuring sessions of 1h, 2h, and 3h. The statistical tests were conducted to check if the distributions of their errors correspond to normal distribution, which would determine the accuracy of the performed test calculations and measurements, and consequently the usefulness of the tested satellite receiver in geodetic surveys. The correctness tests of the executed measurements and calculations applied three statistical tests: the parametric test, the D' Kolmogorov statistic, and the V and V' Kuiper statistics. The conducted analyses and studies provided conclusions on the correctness of the survey and calculation results and the usefulness of the tested measurement system in the execution of various geodetic operations. ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Spatial differentation of the soil quality in dąbrowski administrative district

The soil quality belongs to one of the most important factors which affects the level of possible to obtain crops in agriculture. Because of that, it is an important element in determining profitability of agricultural production in particular area. Knowledge of soil quality spatial differentiation in the areas of administrative parts or municipalities has an influence on the planning process for the development of agricultural areas. This element also provides important information in the programming process of land consolidation works, which action takes place at the level of provincial government. These data are characterized by a very long period of suitability for use, due to the small amount of changes relating to the soil classification inserted into ground and building registration, which mostly have sporadic event.The article presents the results of the analysis which aims to provide differentiation of the average soil classification in particular administrative parts of Dąbrowski district which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship. The data of the ground and building registration were used as a data source, which were gained for every administrative parts of Dąbrowski district. The results of studies are presented in both tabular and graphical form.     ...

Dr inż. Monika Mika

Dr inż. Monika Siejka

Examination of the digitization of data and use of cadastral maps degree in land and buildings cadaster in the selected district in podkarpackie voivodship

The subject of the elaboration is an analysis of cadastral data in the graphic part of the cadaster register of land and buildings (EGiB) in the Strzyżów district. The study area includes five register units (communes): Strzyżów, Frysztak, Niebylec, Czudec, Cherry. In total, this represents a 63 cadastral precincts. The study includes cadastral maps located in the resources of the District Documentation Centre of Geodesy and Cartography in Strzyżów. The study was performed basing on the classification of cartographic materials made available for work (Markowska, 2013) in the form of (analog, digital, numeric maps) and scale, date and technique of realisation.The main objective of this paper is to examine the degree of utilization of cadastral maps in EGiB in the abovementioned area in the surveying works. In addition, the paper evaluates the level of modernization and digitization resource EGiB, in order to verify the objectives of the LPIS project carried out by ARiMR. An additional aspect of the paper is to compare the results with the data for the voivodship of Malopolska, in the context of the same belonging history of these regions to the lands of the former Austrian annexed territory.     ...