Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Mgr inż. Krzysztof Urban


Erosion is a natural phenomenon which constantly changes the shape of the Earth's surface, yet it is regarded as a very serious harmful factor by people in view of their economic and investments activities. Ski slopes are a special example of areas with a serious erosion hazard due to a permanent deforestation, considerable longitudinal slopes, engineering works, levelling ski slopes, but also because of abundant surface runoff. The aim of the research was to compare the extent of potential soil erosion in deforested areas intended for ski slopes, with various anti-erosion measures implemented, as well as to discuss the possibility of RUSLE erosion model application under these conditions.The researched objects were ski runs on the eastern slopes of Mount Jaworzyna Krynicka (The Beskid Sądecki Mts.). Potential erosion was computed in the areas of seven ski slope segments in four variants of the area cover and applied anti-erosion measures. Some computational data (the ski slope area, average slope gradients, soil granulometric composition) were obtained from the Forest Digital Map and Digital Terrain Model, whereas numerical indicators used for the model were established on the basis of the subject literature.Under presented conditions, potential erosion losses were greatly diversified. The biggest losses, expressed ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Mgr inż. Michał Rawiak

The use of roads for tourism in the Roztocze National Park and its lagging

The study contains an analysis of the use of roads in the Roztocze National Park and its lagging for tourism purposes. It was carried out using the QGIS (wersje: 2.0.1. ‘Dufour' oraz 2.8.1. ‘Wien'). Map material and data characterizing the area was obtained from the Directorate Park and Forest Districts, where forests form the lagging of the Park. The research covered an area of 46 579 ha. The tourist data was verified based on own vision and travel guides available. Data for the analysis included: more than 531 km of forest roads, more than 227 km of public roads, more than 1621 km of internal roads, more than 320 km of touristic trails (walking, biking, horse riding and educational paths) and 48 of point objects. The first part of the analysis was to determine the common part of the touristic trails of all types with the types of roads highlighted in the documentation. The second part of the analysis was to create around a selected point objects (6 objects for the Park and 6 objects for the lagging) circular zone with a radius of 500 m, then calculates the degree of use of the roads in these areas for tourism ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Dr inż. Józef Plewniak

Current conditions of forest road networks development in the mountains

At the work a topicality of the methodology of designing forest road networks in mountain areas is being analysed. Adapting individual stages of the design and detailed procedures of the current system of functioning of forest districts in Poland is being discussed, also needs of modern forestry and contemporary design possibilities and the form of initial materials. Using analyses in current studies and processing are being underlined with the GIS processing of data included in the LMN standard. The stage of stocktaking and the location of new roads in net is using well new opportunities of these analyses. The inconsistency of procedures in the stage of determining the optimum density of the road network because of the kind and contents of some-currently available-initial data is being pointed. The stage of the economic appraisal of the planned solution also requires updates because of economic facts change, assumed in analysis of estimated arrangements, as well as using inappropriate sizes incurred costs. The method in its current shape is not used in all, and only some procedures are being involved in thematic studies. New arrangements of criteria of making tree stands available and an indexation of at least some functions ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb


Primula farinosa position is the only area in Poland where this plant occurs native. This area has status of Nature 2000. The work contains chosen physical properties of soil in the area of Primula appearing, and also at surrounding area. On this base possibilities, conditions and a scope of performing engineering works and works associated with acquiring wood in the precinct were determined for the station. Presence of clayey soils was identified, with pour ability of the filtration (from 2.95 ÷ 5.60 m•per twenty-four hours). Soil inside the station is marked by a quite large content of organic parts (to c 30%). Outside the station contents of organic parts isn't large (to c 10%). To preserve stability of the hydrological conditions of the station it is crucial to remain the continuity of soil cover layer at this area and at area situated above. Therefore in this area a prudent forest management is proposed, skidding of wood using additional resources minimizing damages of the soil cover layer, reclamation of tracks after skidding of wood, discontinuing engineering work associated with excavations, and proper surface draining of already existing roads. ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Simulation of surface waterflow volume from forest road net in highland

In the study there was presented simulation of the volume counting of the water coming from surface flow which appears on highland forest roads. The basis were actual measures of surface flow from roads done in the Silesian Beskid in 2003-2004 period, and assumption of conditions homogeneity in 100 ha area for which the calculation was made. For different index of road net density (from 10 to 30 m∙ha-1), different precipitations (1,1; 2,1; 5,2; 9,8 mm) and established 3-hour lasting rainfall there was shown the simulated water amount and its pro-portion to precipitation (P) on total area. Results, among others, are as follow: for road net density 10 m∙ha-1 and rainfall 1,1 mm - 376 liters (0,03% P), for road net density 30 m∙ha-1 and rainfall 9,8 mm - 58 077 liters (0,6% P). There was also calculated surface flow volume on based on the data measured in snow melt period (3 hours long period) and the results are as follow: for road net density 10 m∙ha-1 - 75 588 liters, and for road net density 30 m∙ha-1 - 226 765 liters of water. In part of discussion we compared these results with standard water con-sumption by statistic person. ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Intensity of water surface flow from forest slope road

In the study there was presented measurement of superficial flow intensity from four sections of forest slope road. One of the road section was located where the excavation cut the drain of the intraground flow. Unit intensity of runoff from periods of low and high rainfall intensity and period of snow melting are being compared. Presented measurement shows distinctly advantage of the superficial flow from road section where the excavation cut the drain of the intraground flow over the other measured sections. This disproportion accentuates with low precipi-tations and in the period of snow melting - circa 30 times predominance. Compar-ing flows intensity from snow melting period with period with low precipitation disproportion achieves values more than 400 times. Features of road sections without the exudation of water from scarp assertion do not allow to determinate (according to this researches) strong connection of the particular feature with the intensity of water superficial flow from their pavements.     ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Capturing of the intraground flow of water by the forest slope road excavation

This study presents measurement of water flow intensity from pavement of forest slope road, which embankment scarp cut the intraground water drain. Mea-surements were made in periods of different precipitations amounts, in period without the rain and in period of spring snow melting. Received results make easier the estimation of importance of examined problem for drainage basin water circulation and also to upkeep road's functionality. Frequency of measurement taking allows to follow the process dynamic and relates it with the precipitation characteristic. The biggest intensity was noted in spring snow melting period and in time of first day from heavy rain, but under condition of ground water saturation by the earlier precipitation. Received data show ten times bigger flow intensity in spring snow melting period than flow measured with precipitation 9,8mm and two hundred times bigger than this flow measured in period without rain. Parts of mountain-sides with dense grid of streams and springs places should be passed around in process of project and building of forest road network in mountains.     ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Comparision of water storages in soil profiles of forest mountain catchment

This elaboration presents a comparison of ground water reserves in profiles of little forest drainage area in the Silesian Beskid. The main target of researches was the comparison of water storages in ground profiles located near the roads (no more than 30m) and located outside of this road zone. To the analysis there were chosen 10 profiles located in whole drainage area, that were grouped according to criteria as follow: road distance, the nearest stream distance, orientation of height a.s.l., difference between profile and stream ordinates measured slopeways and difference between profile ordinates and the nearest stream. Unit reserves were compared, which means calculated for 1cm thickness layer of the profile. Received average values of unit reserves from created groups of profiles were shown against the background of the profile of road influence area. According to analysis carried out, factor of location of profile regarding the road is not major dominant factor with quantity of ground water storage differentiation. As the significant factor it can be recognized an orientation of the profile height a.s.l.     ...

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb

Right of way deformations of forest slope roads in Bieszczady

We present cross-section deformations of forest slope roads with ground pavement stabilized of the crushed-run stone in Bieszczady. There is back researches (made in 1973-75) carried out in Department of Forest Researches or-der by the State Forests showed. Deformations was group in terms of exposition, soil type in the subgrade, downgrade and transverse crossfall of the roadway and part of the right of the way (cut slope, embankment slope, crown of the road and roadway).     ...

Dr inż. Józef Plewniak

Dr inż. Janusz Gołąb


Development of projects of skid trails in mountainous areas is an important economic action, directing a number of factors from different fields of forestry - silviculture, management, protection of soils, hydrology, engineering, economics, ergonomics, forest utilization, timber transport and safety. Such a project should take into account the conditions in a particular area of transport, namely: the mode of forest management, technological processes harvesting and transportation of wood, terrain, hydrological relations, types of ground, economy and security solutions applied. The specific design solution should also take into consideration: creating optimal conditions for natural forest regeneration, soil protection against water erosion and the formation of forests close to natural.Subject of the elaboration is technical and economic factors formative skid trail network in the mountainous forested areas. The aim is to discuss methodical technical and economic conditions affecting the skid trail network parameters in the design of these networks.The study contains a brief overview of the indications for the design of skid trails in the mountains arising from the knowledge from different disciplines of forestry, contained in novelised by the Administration of the State Forests and research centers of industry manuals and from their own experience the authors of the article. ...