Zeszyt: 2009, vol. 6 / 06

Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Ryszard Rak

Mgr inż. Katarzyna Pietrucha

Influence of water and sewage management onto assessment of touristic's commune attractiveness

The strategy of the sustainable development determines principles and terms of aqueous resources use by the population and the economy. Assumptions of coefficients of sustainable development in refer to water supply system (WSS) were shown. Graphic performance of sustainable development coefficients de-scribing drinking water demand was executed. In the thesis the influence of the water and sewage management on comfort connected with tourist living was pre-sented. To this purpose a three-parametric matrix of touristic's attractiveness and water-sewage management assessment was suggested. Analysis of touristic's attractiveness was introduced on basis of quantity of treated sewages (A), numbers of households having water supply system (B), classes of sanitary equipment of households (C). Each of parameters were attributed by three-level punctual scale (L = 1- low, M = 2 – middle, H = 3 – high). On the basis of statistical data exists a possibility of the parameters categorization A, B and C, and on this basis de-termination the indicator of WATGWS and the assessment of the touristic’s com-mune attractiveness. ...

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Mgr inż. Ewelina Milijanović

Using of San river waters to supply chosen urban agglomerations in municipal water

The paper presents the ways of catching raw water in the investigated in-takes on The San River for supplying of the chosen agglomerations as well as its quality analyses’ results. Moreover it presents results of analy-ses concerning amount of water collected for waterworks’ needs in water intakes in three places: Zasław, Trepcza (for Sanok and Zagórze) and Jarosław. The total amount of the taken water in 2006 for the above mentioned towns - 4,47 m3.s-1 – constitutes the significant (55,9%) part of the low flows of The San River. Water taken for Sanok, Zagórze and Jaro-slaw from S.U.W. is the surface water, regarding the quality, this water belongs to the A3 category, which needs the high performance physical, chemical and bacteriological (disinfection) treatment. The average concentration of total sus-pended solids in 2006 in the raw water was 11,4 mg.dm-3 in the intake in Zasław town, whereas in the Trepcza intake this concentration valued 19,2 mg.dm-3. The average amount of the fecal coliforms in Zasław town was 2222 c.f.u. in 100 ml of raw water, whereas in Trepcza it valued 3275 c.f.u in 100 ml of raw water. The average pollution concentrations in water taken in Jarosław intake in the period ...

Prof. dr hab. Bożenna Czarnecka

Springs of the Roztocze escarpment zone: the diversity of plant cover vs. environment quality

Field studies of springs were conducted in the years 1997−2008. They aimed to present the phytocoenotic and floristic diversity of springs of the Roz-tocze escarpment zone on the background of hydrogeochemistry of effluences, and to evaluate the degree of their naturality or antropogenization in relation to springs’ location (objects in forest vs. non-forest areas, particularly in rural ones), as well as to answer the question whether spring protection as nature monuments is effective. The study springs are accompanied by a specific set of species of vascular plants and bryophytes, representing different groups of krenophytes. Small spring niches are usually overgrown with communities of Cardamine amara-Chrysosplenium alternifolium and Cardamino-Beruletum erecti dominated by few species belonging to obligatory and/or facultative kreno-phytes. Along spring water effluences, patches of Glycerietum plicatae commu-nity are common. The presence of krenophytes indicates a high quality of the en-vironment of the Roztocze escarpment zone. In the large niches of vauclusian springs there also occur phytocoenoses dominated by synusia of tall macroforbs, e.g. Epilobium hirsutum, Mentha longifolia, Scrophularia umbrosa, Urtica dioica, Eupatorium cannabinum, Cirsium oleraceum. In rural areas, under the influence of the antropopressure (trodding, grazing, etc.) there occur nitrophi-lous carpet communities consisting of Poa annua, Lolium perenne, Plantago ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Semi-natural systems of drainage and treatment of stormsewage from the urbanized areas – legal and technical aspects

Living and industrial sewage is claimed to be the only source of the water pollution in urban areas. Therefore the regulation of sewage management – which is building or extension of sewerage systems - is considered to be the suffi-cient protection of the urban water resources. Urbanized areas, especially mu-nicipal – industrial agglomerations become huge sources of air, water, soil, streets, squares, roofs and non-built-up areas pollution. Pollutants washed down from the streets or other impregnated surfaces, during the precipitation or snow-melt, are the serious danger for the soil and water environment. The article reviews the obliging legal regulations concerning the drainage and management of the precipitation water from the urbanized areas. The main attention was paid to possibilities of the retention and infiltration of precipitation water – which is their management in the site where the precipitation originates. Moreover, the examples of created and exploited objects used for retention and infiltration together with the effects of pollutants’ reduction in the treated pre-cipitation water were presented. The basic legal documents concerning the man-agement possibilities and quality standards of precipitation water are the Water Law from 18th July 2001 and The Regulation of the Minister of Environment from 24th July ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr inż. Włodzimierz Miernik

Influence of air temperature on the sewage temperature in the household sewage treatment plants with vertical flow sand filters

The article presents results of analyses concerning the influence of air temperature on the sewage temperature in the household sewage treatment plant. Each of the objective treatment plants (4 of them) consisted of the septic tank and vertical flow sand filter. The research was carried out from March 2003 to May 2006. Air temperature, raw sewage temperature (flowing into the septic tank), primarily treated sewage (after the septic tank) and treated sewage (on the out-flow from the septic tank) temperature was measured. The influence of the sur-rounding temperature on the raw sewage, primarily treated sewage and treated sewage temperature was statistically analyzed. On the basis of the research it was ascertained, that the temperature of the raw, primarily treated and treated sewage is influenced by the air temperature. ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Method of cluster analysis in homogenous catchments identification considering flood indexes and selected physiographic characteristics

One of educating activities aims is characteristic, grouping and classifi-cation of phenomena, objects and behaviors. Division of some group of objects, subjects or devices into subgroups plays very important role in standardization operations. A result of objective analysis of the tested set structure is the possi-bility to determine mutual relations between elements which create the set. This is particularly important in hydrology, especially in modeling of processes that oc-cur in catchments or drainage basins. Relations between catchments characteris-tics and hydrologic models’ parameters are extremely important in estimation of parameters of statistic distributions, evaluation of changes in catchments and prognosis of hydrological phenomena in uncontrolled catchments. The knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydrological characteristics is more and more often used in water management, especially during water management plans creation in the area of catchments or drainage basins. In order to estimate interesting hy-drological characteristics in uncontrolled catchments the method of regional fre-quency analysis is applied, which allows to allocate areas of homogenous type of the analyzed phenomenon. To allocate the homogenous areas methods of two or more variables regression, cluster analysis, kriging or artificial neural networks are applied, too. Grouping methods base on the internal division criterion, which is mathematic ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Jeznach

Current trends in development of microirrigation

Current trends in development of microirrigation were presented in this paper. Irrigation systems are the complicated pattern which needs the active operation including service and the use of facilities. Irrigation technologies se-cure the solution of such the problems of the current world as: rapid increase of population, limitations of natural resources and the environmental degradation. During the last three decades, the irrigation systems played an important role in the increase of the food production. The irrigated area (15% of the arable area in the world) gives the yield of the value about 36% of the total crop production value. It is connected with many social, environmental and technological prob-lems. The use of irrigation is successful when the utilization of water, soil and atmosphere is integrated, the irrigation technology is improved and the influence of irrigation on the environment is controlled as well as the environmental moni-toring is conducted. Crop production needs the increased use of technologies which are precisely adapted to needs of crops. In this case the creation of sus-tainable technological- economical- and ecological configurations can be possi-ble. The future investigations should include the following problems: technology of irrigation (doses, frequency, time of the single water application, emitter ...

Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder

Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski

Dr Danuta Krzewińska

Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać

The latest trends in irrigation technology – Research related to irrigation of fruit crops conducted at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice

Fruit crops have high water requirements. As sweet water is becoming scarce and expensive resource, development and improvement of irrigation tech-nologies, and introduction of new water saving practices (e.g. mulching to limit evaporation losses) is necessary. Relatively little research has been conducted to determine different re-sponses to unfavorable environmental conditions among various cultivars of fruit crops. Thus, studies have been undertaken at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture to examine the influence of environmental stresses (mainly water deficiency) on plant life (growth, physiology and productivity). These researches are subjected to detailed assessment of genotypic differences in drought tolerance of various crop species. The obtained results are important not only for fruit growers, but also for plant breeders, as the enhanced resistance to stresses has become an important criterion in modern breeding programs. Balanced nutrition is essential for the health of plants. Modern practices allow farmers to apply fertilizers with water through drip irrigation systems (fer-tigation). Together with modern methods of nutrition diagnostics, fertigation has become a suitable tool for optimizing fruit crop fertilization. A new approach into sustainable water and nutrient management strategy should be a combination of modern irrigation and soil water monitoring techniques, elements ...

Dr inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Vertical flow sand filters as the second step of the small amount of living sewage treatment

The article presents the thorough description of the vertical flow sand filters. The construction of sand filters was also presented and materials used for building filters were described. In the next part, capacities of sewage treatment in the vertical flow sand filters were presented. Vertical flow sand filters are mainly used as the second step of sewage treatment after septic tanks or after Imhoff tanks, as well as the third step after biological treatment processes when the high quality and stable outflow is required. Sand filters are useful for treatment sew-age from single households and from the group of houses, but they also can be used in bigger sewage treatment plants for the public utility objects. The article ends with the summary and conclusions where it is ascertained that the vertical flow sand filters are very good solution regarding household sewage treatment plants, in the areas where the combined sewerage system can-not be applied. Moreover the efficiency of sewage treatment in these objects is high. ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Cupak

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Contents of oxygen demand in water of fish ponds fertilized with biologically treated municipal sewage

The article contains results of an investigation on contents of oxygen de-mand in fish ponds water fertilized with biologically treated municipal sewage. Additionally, during collection of water samples there were also analyzed water reaction and pond’s water temperature. Researches were carry on in vegetative season in 2006. The object of research was fish pods of Komorowice complex, which are located in North part of Bielsko-Biała. The chosen ponds: Green and Stone are characterized with individual inflow and outflow of water. The chose ponds are characterized with different technical parameters. Green pond is shallow one – its average depth is about 1 m, with area of 4,2 ha, which give water capacity of pond 42 000 m3. In turn Stone pond have smaller area – 3,3 ha, but is almost two times deeper then Green; its average depth is about 1,7 m which also give greater water capacity of pond: 59 200 m3. In paper were qualified changes of oxygen demand, temperature and water reaction in pond’s water. Additionally, were qualified basic statistical parameters of analyzed indi-cators: an average, minimum, maximum value, standard deviation and interval. Analyses made in ponds showed, that in 2006 vegetative season contents of oxygen demand ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Kostuch

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Flowering spectra of selected xerothermic plants of the Miechowska Upland

The Malopolska Upland beside the Lubelska Upland is the region of Poland where the greatest number of xerothermic habitats occur. During the 2007 vegetation period, phenological investigations were conducted on the southern slope of Lisiniec hill in the Miechów town vicinity. The investigations focused on the occurrence spectra of development stages of selected xerothermic plants with particular regard to the flowering stage. The observations covered the following species: Adonis vernalis, Agrimonia eupatoria, Anemone silvestris, Anthemis tinctoria, Aster amellus, Brachypodium pinnatum, Campanula sibirica, Centaurea scabiosa, Centaurea stoebe, Cirsium pannonicum, Coronilla varia, Cypripedium calceolus, Galium verum, Inula ensifolia, Linum flavum, Linum hir-sutum, Medicago falcata, Orchis pallens, Peucedanum oeroselinum, Salvia prat-ensis, Sanguisorba minor and Stachys recta. The state of their development stages was described and compared with the data given in the botanical key “Polish Plants” [Szafer et al. 1967]. On the basis of conducted investigations it was found that flowering of almost all analysed plant species began later and ended earlier than stated by Szafer et al. [1967]. Delay of flowering and acceleration of flowering cessation was most probably caused by strong spring drought and vegetation period not much abundant in rainfall. Further research is necessary for better identification of ...

Dr inż. Bogdan Grzelak

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Żarski

Influence of drip irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on two cultivars corn yielding on very light soil

The influence of drip irrigation and two nitrogen fertilization doses on the height and quality of grain yield of maize cultivars Cedro and Smok was deter-mined in a field experiment carried out in the years 2006-2008 on very light soil at Kruszyn Krajenski, near Bydgoszcz. Results of the experiment have proved that drip irrigation was the basic yield creating factor without which maize cultiva-tion would have been failed while only dependent on the rainfall in June and July. Low yielding of non-irrigated plants caused a high productive effects of the treatment. The average increment of irrigated corn yield was 4,77 t.ha-1(221%) and the efficiency of 1 mm of irrigated water had a mean of 34,9 kg.ha-1. Double dose of nitrogen fertilization used on irrigated plots caused an increase of grain yield of corn (in average of 11%), an increase of the DM grain of corn and pro-tein in grain and decreased the grain moisture content during harvesting. The re-sults of the study and of some previous works have shown, that drip irrigation used instead of sprinkler irrigation cause an increase of individual productive ef-fects and contribute to more efficient water use. ...

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

The variability of flysch carpathian underground waters chemical composition

In the article the variability of concentration of selected chemical proper-ties as well as chemical composition of underground waters intaken by drilled wells on the area of carpathian part of Malopolska province was presented. Men-tioned underground waters occured in the clastic and flysch rocks of Quateriary, Paleogene and Cretaceous period. The chemical properties included the amount of total mineral solids, total hardness and pH reaction of water, whereas chemi-cal composition - the analysis of HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Fe2+, Mn2+ iones concentration. As regards total mineralization the studied waters were described as normal sweet, slightly alkaline and medium hard. Most often they contained higher levels of Fe2+ and Mn2+ iones, sometimes also SO42-, Cl- and Na+. The quantity of statistics variability coefficient of analyzed chemical parameters showed that pH reaction of studied waters was classi-fied as low variable, total mineral solids, total hardness, HCO32-, Ca2+ and Mg2+ (except Quaternary waters), K+ (except Quaternary and Cretaceous waters) as medium variable, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43- i Mn2+ (only in Quaternary waters), Na+ and K+ (only in Cretaceous waters), Fe2+ and Mn2+ as higly variable (variability coefficient > 100). As regards hydrochemical properties analyzed Quaternary waters were ...

Dr inż. Tomasz Stosik

Opportunities for meadow habitat protection exemplified by the Śliwice commune in the Tuchola Pinewoods

This work brings a phytosociological characteristics of meadows located in the Śliwice commune (central part of the Tuchola Pinewood complex). Phyto-coenoses of green lands located there constitute a kind of enclaves between cropped forests and arable lands on infertile, sandy soils. Phytosociologically, they belong mainly to Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, and also to: Phragmitetea, Koel-erio Glaucae-Corynephoretea Canescentis and Scheuzerio-Caricetea. They rep-resent mainly communities characteristic of wet meadows, although their precise classification is difficult because of a high level of flora alteration. Expansion of low-value species, like Holcus lanatus, Antoxanthum odoratum and Deshamsia caespitosa, was observed. Conditions for protection under the 4th Agro-environmental Package (“Protection of endangered bird species and natural habitats”) are fulfilled mainly by rush communities from Filipendulion ulmariae and Calthion palustris alliances. ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Piotrowska-Cyplik

Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Czarnecki

Dr inż Paweł Cyplik

Biodegradacja of wastes from oil industry by composting process

The aim of the study was to investigate biodegradability of fat industry waste, characterized by very high contents of fatty substances (57%) and the re-sulting greasy consistency. The composting process was run under aerobic conditions using the compost heap method in three independent, simultaneously prepared compost heaps. A necessary pre-condition to ensure the effectiveness of the conducted process was to improve physical properties of the above mentioned waste by selecting an appropriate structure-forming material, providing aerobic conditions for the adequate functioning of microorganisms responsible for de-composition of fatty substances. In the conducted investigations it was essential to determine adequate moisture content of compost heaps at the beginning of the process (ranging from 60 to 75%) in order to provide appropriate water activity for the development of microorganisms and initiation of metabolite production by mesophilous bacteria, which when oxidized initiated generation of large amounts of heat, and thus a rapid increase in temperature in heaps already at the third day to 40oC, and next reaching the maximum temperature (60oC) at day 12, and the maintenance of the temperature range of 50–57oC for the next 15 days. De-termined optimal moisture contents and proportions of component materials for compost heaps contributed additionally to ...

Dr inż. Elżbieta Radzka

Dr inż. Grzegorz Koc

Dr inż. Jacek Rak

Dr hab., prof. nzw Barbara Gąsiorowska

Preliminary analysis of precipitation deficiencies in RDS Zawady

The humidity conditions of a certain area depend mainly on the level which precipitation, being a natural water taking, covers its expenditure. It has been noticed series of precipitation deficiencies in Poland for the last years, which often cause heavy droughts. They can be a barrier in the intensification of plant production. In the study it was shown the characteristic of water deficien-cies in RSD Zawady. It was used data from 2002–2008 period coming from an automatic weather station. Particular months, vegetation periods and years were classified according to precipitation category using Kaczorowska’s division. In order to describe deficiencies and surpluses of humidity it was calculated the climatic water balance (P-E). Using the optimal precipitation table by Klatt it was determined surpluses and deficiencies of precipitation for the selected crops. The results of the investigation show that September was a very dry month. Only in last two years it was considered as wet. The highest water deficiencies for the selected cereals were observed in June. The analysis of the deficiencies for the particular months points that the smallest difference between precipitation and area vaporization was in October and the biggest one in April and June. ...

Mgr Michał Roman

Okopska Tourism Organization as an example of cluster initiative within agrotourism

There is 734 agrotouristic farms within podlaskie province area with a strong competition. All of them try to attract the potential customer with the good offer. The more competitionable offer is determined by selection of internal and external factors. One of the method is to create agrotouristic clusters, that can be a method to solve the agrotouristic farms problem. The movement to create okopski's cluster limits low level of conciousness, prudence and distrust of few farm owners.They watch and wait until leaders will gain success. These aspects are related to social capability that consists of trust to other people, organizations and instititions, ability to make conversation, co-operation with other people, mutual problem solving and determination of their future existance in village. Cluster's initiative within the level of agrotourism, as one of the factors to rise the competition can offer welthier and more competitionable agrotouristic offer, comparing to single farm. With the respect to this situation more capital expenditure is needed to upgrade accomodation, transportation, gastronomy, in-formation and sport - recreational base in the village. Some of these funds can be taken from European Union. ...

Dr Marcin Feltynowski

The communications availability as the element of the development of rural gminas of Łódź Metropolitan Area

The article is discussing about the communication availability of rural gminas in metropolitan areas. The survey includes analysis of the communication availability in Łódź Metropolitan Area. The communication availability of these local governments lets them to build the their competitiveness. The article is also presenting the level of socio-economic development of rural gminas of Łódź Met-ropolitan Area. The growth indicator was created with the taxonomical measure of development proposed by Hellwig. This method allows for lining local units up using the presented level of development. The next step is creating rankings of this measure which can be subject of in-depth analysis. According to assumptions of UE programs rural areas should develop as a whole multifunctional area. The infrastructure and multifunctional development affect on attraction of rural areas particularly in metropolitan areas. It refers both the communication availability of the gmina and providing with the appropriate service quality for local community. It must be combined with the widely comprehended technical infrastructure and institutional infrastructure. The method presented in the article, show the rural gminas with highest socio-economic development using the communication availability as one of measures of this aspect. The article is also an attempt at comparing rankings of the ...

Dr inż. Grzegorz Koc

Dr inż. Jacek Rak

Dr inż. Elżbieta Radzka

Dr inż. Jolanta Jankowska

Hydrogels in mushroom (Agricus bisporus) cultivation

One of preparations having an influence on mushrooms water metabolism are hydrogels. They are chemical substances causing an extension of water ca-pacity in the cover with simultaneous decrease of water losses due to evapora-tion. Using sorbents affects reduction in watering frequency and lowering financial costs. The purpose of the study was to determine hydrogels influence on a two-spore mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) water metabolism. The researches were done in 2007–2008 in two growing cycles. For the production it was used pas-teurized bed with planted two-spore mushroom mycelium of Sylwan 737 race. The doses of hydrogels amounted from 0 to 200 g٠m-2. There were two kinds of hy-drogels used in the experiment: Super Absorbent Plus and Agro-Hydro-Gel. In the research it was measured size and the most important parameters of commer-cial crop: dry mass quantity, one fructification mass. As the result of the re-search it was noticed differences in quantity and quality of the crop depending on the used dose and the kind of hydrogel. In both growing cycles the highest crops were gained with hydrogel in dose of 200 g٠m-2, the lowest ones on beds with no hydrogel. Thanks to the hydrogel the structure of the cover improved ...

Dr inż. Robert Lamparski

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Dr hab. inż. Dariusz Piesik

Mgr inż. Berenika Weltrowska-Medzińska

Influence of fertigation and plastic covering in cultivation of winter squash ‘Amazonka’ on the insect occurence

Beneficial and phytophagous insects of winter squash ‘Amazonka’ culti-vated under various fertigation regimes and plastic cover were investigated. The entomological experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2007. The largest group of insects were Homoptera, Heteroptera and Thysanoptera. Number of these in-sects was significantly larger on plants with fertigation conducted once a week. The least of all insects were in combinations with topdressing nitrogen fertiliza-tion and drip irrigation. Homoptera were represented by: Cicadellidae, Delpha-cidae and Aphididae. From Cicadellidae the most abundant was Empoasca pteridis Dahlbom. Macrosteles laevis Ribaut and Eupteryx atropunctata Goeze were significantly less numerous. Beneficial insects appeared as less abundant in comparison to pest insects and were represented by Aelothripidae, Anthocoridae, and Nabidae families. The usage of fertigation and plastic covering in open field cultivation of winter squash ‘Amazonka’, affected on numerous of phytophagous insects such as: Lygus rugulipennis Popp. and Trigonotylus coelestialium Kirk. The two species mentioned above willingly raven on the plants from the black plastic covered plots. The usage of the black plastic covering in open field cultiva-tion of squash, influenced on accumulation of water in the soil, reduced of weed infestation and decreased humidity in plant canopy. ...

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Andrzej Klimek

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Dr inż. Dorota Hilszczańska

Effect of organic fertilization and mulching on the growth of one-year old scots pine seedlings and biological properties of soils in forest nursery under micro-sprinkler irrigation

The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of organic fertiliza-tion and mulching on the growth of one-year old Scots pine seedlings (Pinus syl-vestris L.) and biological properties of soils in forest nursery under conditions of micro-sprinkler irrigation. The experiments were carried out in forest nursery Bi-ałe Błota (Forest Inspectorate Bydgoszcz) the rusty soil. Two experiments were conducted: the first one – in 2005, and the second one – in 2006. Both these trials were established as two factorial experiments in split-plot system, in four replica-tions. The first factor was fertilization applied in the two variants: N1 – treated sewage sludge (⅔) + bark (⅓) and N2 – treated sewage sludge (⅔) + sawdust (⅓). The second factor was mulching with fresh cap-humus from the fresh coniferous forest, used in the two variants: S – mulching with litter and C – without mulch-ing (control). The single plot area was m2. Total number of plots in the experiment was 16 (2 investigated factors x 2 variants for a factor x 4 replications). Organic fertilizer was produced on the base of treated sewage sludge (⅔) and Scots pine bark (⅓) or sawdust (⅓). This fertilizer was applied ...

Dr inż. Mieczysława Pińska

Dr inż. Tadeusz Wojdyła

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Prof. dr hab. Czesław Rzekanowski

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Effect of supplementary irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the quality of early potato cultivars

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of supplementary irrigation and nitrogen fertilization and storage on chosen parameters of chemical composi-tion of early potato cultivars. Field experiment was carried out at Kruszyn Krajeń-ski nar. Bydgoszcz in 2005-2007 on the very light soil. The experiment was estab-lished as the three-factorial trial with three replications. The first order factor were cultivars – ‘Dorota’ and ‘Gracja’, the second order factor was sprinkler ir-rigation applied in two variants: W0- without irrigation (control), W1 - sprinkler irrigation according to indications of tensiometers (the soil water potential higher than -0,03 MPa). The third order factor was differentiated nitrogen fertilization: N0 = 0 kg N∙ ha-1 , N1 = 40 kg N∙ ha-1, N2 = 80 kg N∙ ha-1 , N3 = 120 kg N ∙ha-1. It was found that the dry matter and starch content was significantly differ-entiated for the investigated cultivars, irrigation and nitrogen doses, after harvest and after storage. Irrigation decreased significantly the content of dry matter and starch as well as this factor increased slightly the content of vitamin C, reduc-ing sugars and total sugars. Increasing nitrogen doses (to 80 kg N∙ ha-1) caused the significant increase of ...

Dr inż. Tadeusz Wojdyła

Dr inż. Mieczysława Pińska

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Prof. dr hab. Czesław Rzekanowski

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the amount of losses during the storage of early potato cultivar tubers

The purpose of the study was to determine of influence of irrigation and ni-trogen fertilization on the amount of losses after the storage of early potato culti-vars during 6 months. Investigations were carried out in 2005–2007 in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on the soil included to the weak rye complex of agricultural suitability. The experiment was conducted as 3-factorial trial, with three rep-lications. The first row factor was early potato cultivar: ‘Dorota’, ‘Gracja’. The second row factor was sprinkler irrigation applied in two variants: Wo – without irrigation (control), (kontrola), W1 – sprinkler irrigation according to indications of tensiometers (irrigation was started when the soil water potential achieved -0,03 MPa). The three row factor was differentiated nitrogen fertilization: N0 = 0 kg N•ha -1, N1 = 40 kg N•ha -1, N2 = 80 kg N•ha -1, N3 = 120 kg N•ha -1. The studied cultivars were characterized by differentiated susceptibility to losses total during the storage. cv. ‘Dorota’ was characterized by the higher losses during the long storage. Irrigation during the vegetation period increased in tubers the amount of natural losses, decrements and the losses caused by sprouting. Nitrogen fertilization of the higher doses as well as in control ...

Dr inż. Andrzej Dziamski

Dr inż. Zofia Stypczyńska

The influence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on growth of plants and grain yield of two varieties of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) on a very light soil

The purpose of the study conducted in the years 2005–2006 in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz was determining the influence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on morphological features of root systems as well as overground parts of millet cultivable varietes Gierczyckie and Jagna including the structure of grain yield. The plants were cultivated on a very light soil. The research shown that irri-gation significantly determined various values of morphological features of over- and undeground parts in each tested varitety of millet, where Jagna variety re-acted better on this experiment factor than Gierczyckie variety. In each variety the mass of overground parts of millet as well as the mass of grain increased more in-tensive in relation to the mass of roots and P2 (ratio of the overground-part mass and roots mass). Each variety used in the experiment reacted positive on nitrogen fertilisation, where, with no irrigation, Gierczyckie variety more effectively use higher nitrogen frtilisation doses (80-120 kg•ha-1), whereas Jagna variety lower doses (40-80 kg•ha-1). Irrigation increases the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilisa-tion for Gierczyckie variety, when nitrogen fertilisation dose reach 40-80 kg•ha-1 and for Jagna variety 40 kg•ha-1. ...

Dr inż. Grzegorz Lemańczyk

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Influence of sprinkler irrigation and differentiated nitrogen fertilization on the health status of true millet cv. ‘Gierczyckie’ on a very light soil

The influence of sprinkler irrigation and four nitrogen fertilization doses on the height of true millet cv. ‘Gierczyckie’ was determined in a field experiment carried out in the years 2005–2006 on a very light soil at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. The experiments were run as a two-factorial trial in a split-plot system with three replications. The first row factor – irrigation, was used in the two fol-lowing treatments: without irrigation (control), sprinkler irrigation according to tensiometer indications (-0,03 MPa). The second row factor – differentiated nitro-gen fertilization, was used in the four following variants (doses): 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N•ha-1. Investigations included estimation of infestation degree: roots with complex of pathogens, stem base with Fusarium spp., Oculimacula spp. and Rhizoctonia spp. On leaves was observed the occurrence of: powdery mildew, Phyllosticta leaf blight, and other necrotic spots. Irrigation caused the significant increase of Fusarium foot rot as well as the decrease of sharp eyespot. Health status of non-irrigated true millet was de-pendent mostly on rainfall. Lower intensity of Fusarium foot rot was noted in the year characterized by lower rainfall amounts during the vegetation period of true millet, but in case of sharp eyespot – in the year ...

Dr inż. Tadeusz Wojdyła

Dr inż. Mieczysława Pińska

Dr hab. inż. prof. UTP Stanisław Rolbiecki

Dr inż. Roman Rolbiecki

Effect of microirrigation on the starch and sugar content in tubers of chosen potato cultivars after harvest and storage

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of drip irrigation and microsprinkler irrigation on the content of starch, total sugars (including reducing sugars) in tubers of chosen potato cultivars after harvest and after storage during 6 months. Experiments were carried out in 2001–2003 at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on the soil include to VI – quality class and 7 – complex of agricultural suitability (very weak rye complex). The soil was characterized by the very low silt and clay fraction content in topsoil (7%) and subsoil horizon (3–5%). The value of pH in 1n KCl was slightly acidic, and the abundance of basic macroelements was on the average level. The experiment included three factors: A – irrigation (with-out irrigation – control plots, drip irrigation, micro-sprinkler irrigation), B – cuti-var (‘Barycz’, ‘Mors’, ‘Triada’), C – storage (after harvest – control, after storage during 6 months). Three replications were applied. Drip irrigation was applied using ‘T-Tape’ drip lines (in-line emitters spaced 20 cm apart). The single drip line was located between two neighbouring rows of potatoes. The single emitter’s output amounted on average 0,6 l h-1. Micro-jet irrigation was done with the use of micro-jets ...

Mgr inż. Krzysztof Łuszczyk

Expenditures for irrigation of plantations of commodity crops

Problem of expenditures for irrigation of plantations was presented in the paper. Partition of costs for irrigation of plantation was given, including invest-ment costs, operating costs and technological costs. Advantages resulted from ir-rigation were given. Water requirement for irrigation was discussed. Irrigation systems currently applied on plantations (on example of potato plantation), were presented. Practical problems connected with water intake for irrigation, choice of pumps and transmission line of water were characterized. Discussion of irriga-tion facilities most often chosen for irrigation of potato plantation is also given. Investment costs for hose-reel machine were presented. An example of the irri-gated potato plantation (20 ha) was discussed, giving it’s operating costs of sprin-kler irrigation machine. ...